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Zoltán Monostori

Company: Magyar Nemzeti Bank
Job title: Head of Prudential Modelling
Zoltan Monostori heads the Prudential Modelling Department of the Magyar Nemzeti Bank, the Central Bank of Hungary (MNB). He is responsible for the capital and liquidity risk assessment, business model analysis, stress testing of the Hungarian credit institutions, and the on- and off-site supervision of financial enterprises (including receivables management enterprises). Previously, he has worked at the financial market analysis department of the MNB, Penn State University and the risk department of Morgan Stanley in different expert and management roles. He holds a Ph.D. degree, as well as CFA and FRM designations.

Zoltán Monostori will be our speaker at the following event:


Trends in Receivables Management 2024

18th September 2024, Radisson Blu Béke Hotel
Reuniting the Debt Collection Industry Again! The joint half-day conference on receivables management by Portfolio and EOS is a significant domestic professional event now in its 9th year. This September, leading experts will provide practical financial, legal, and technological advice to... More

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