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László Krisán

Company: President, ESG Association
Job title: Board member, KAVOSZ Egreen
Since 2003 he is the president of the Commerce Section of VOSZ. Since 2009 he has been a titular associate professor at the Budapest Economic College. In 2012 he was elected member of the presidential committee of MKIK, president of the European Union Board, as well as executive co-president of VOSZ. He is member of the Steering Committee and the Board in the Eurocommerce organization, assembling the commercial associations of 31 countries. He was awarded the Pro Hungarian Economics Prize in 2004 and 2010, and he received the Grand Cross of the Order of Merit of the Hungarian Republic. According to his professional creed, the support given to truly competitive and innovate small and medium enterprises is vital to Hungary, since these companies play an indispensable role regarding the economy of a country, and every effort needs to be made in order to foster the development of the SME sector.

László Krisán will be our speaker at the following event:


Energy Investment Forum 2024 - Powered by MEKH

10th October 2024, Hotel InterContinental Budapest
Although energy prices have fallen significantly in the past two years, there is still considerable pressure both on Hungarian energy policy and the private sector to move towards greener, more energy-efficient and sustainable operations. This keeps a multitude of pressing... More

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