Seventeen years of experience in food supply chain and related policy research, especially the relevance of short food supply chains and qual¬ity schemes in Hungary. Chief Planner of the Short Supply Chain Thematic Subprogramme of the 2014-2020 Hungarian Rural Development Plan between 2013 and 2014. Project and pro¬gramme evaluator of Framework 7 and H2020 calls since 2012. Member of the Traditional Food Group of the Hungarian National Com¬mittee of the European Organisation for Qual¬ity. Member of the Agricultural Markets Task Force (AMTF) in 2016.
Director general of Research Institute of Agricultural Economics between 2015 and 2017
Co-chair of the European Union’s Standing Committee on Agricultural Research (SCAR) Strategic Working Group on Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Sys¬tems in 2017.
Anikó Juhász will be our speaker at the following event:
19th March 2025, Kecskemét, Four Points by Sheraton Kecskemét Hotel és Konferenciaközpont
The Agricultural Conference is one of the most important and influential agricultural professional events of the spring. The event aims to review all the significant changes in funding, regulation, financing, market conditions and profitability and the prospects that will play... More
Previously attended as speaker on the following Portfolio conferences: