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Sándor Jobbágy

Company: Concorde Securities Ltd.
Job title: Senior Macroeconomic Analyst
Sandor received his MSc in Finance at the Budapest University of Economics. Between 2000 and 2008 he produced investment strategies as fixed income analyst at DZ Bank CEE Research supporting institutional investors in the regional government bond markets. In the next 12 years he was working as senior macroeconomic analyst at CIB Bank. He received the Consensus Economics Forecast Accuracy Award for his GDP and CPI forecasts in 2013 and 2016. He joined Concorde Securities Ltd. in August 2020 and has been working as senior macroeconomic analyst of the research team since then.

Sándor Jobbágy will be our speaker at the following event:


Budapest Economic Forum 2024

17th October 2024, Hotel InterContinental Budapest
The Budapest Economic Forum, traditionally the most important macroeconomic conference of Portfolio, will be held for the fourteenth time on the 17th of October 2024. At the Budapest Economic Forum, every topic that currently deeply concerns representatives of the economic... More

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