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Balázs Jelinek

Company: Városliget Zrt.
Job title: Deputy CEO – Operations
Balázs Jelinek is the deputy-CEO of Városliget Zrt. the company responsible for the development of the Liget Budapest Project. He has been responsible for the asset management, facility management, procurement, and legal team for 4 years. Being part of the c-suite, he has gained significant experience in direct­ing a 1.5-billion-dollar-budget company with 200+ employees, understanding the very diverse interests of the project owners, making crucial strategic decisions un­der significant pressure and working as a leader of a complex team. Balázs studied in Hungary and Liechtenstein and has two master’s degree in the fields of architecture and engineering, and sustainable design; he was a licensed LEED Accredited Professional for 5 years. He is the author of a book and several articles mostly on the innovative solutions used during the development and operation of Liget Budapest the largest cultural district development in the western world. He also frequently presents the project and represents Liget Buda­pest in expos like MIPIM, Expo Real Munich and other national and international conferences and exhibitions. Before he joined the team of Liget Budapest, Balázs was involved as an engineer­ing consultant in large scale private developments like office and retail projects in Budapest, a mixed used project in Ljubljana called Emonika City Center, the LEGO manufacturing plant in Hungary, and a 20+ thousand seat soccer stadium. Balázs started to work on the Liget Budapest project as a consultant in 2013, few months later to be brought on board the new company (i.e. Városliget Zrt.) as­signed for the development by the Government. Out of the 150+ employees he has been working on the project the second longest. He was the leading member of the team to kickstart the Liget Budapest in 2014. He directed the contracting of the designers and the design processes of the museum buildings as a project di­rector. He was responsible for the coordination of the design processes throughout the numerous elements of the project and was also assigned with the compilation of the AM and FM strategy of the whole project. Balázs is involved in several organizations active in the real estate industry. He is a passionate supporter of smart city solutions and a leading presenter in proptech forums.

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