Mr. Tamás Jászay is the Head of Corporate Development of the ELMŰ-ÉMÁSZ Group, part of Innogy.
He graduated as a mechanical engineer and has been working in the energy industry since the mid 1980’s. After the years spent at the Almásfüzítő Alumina Plant and the Institute for Energetics (EGI), from 1990 he worked as personal assistant to the State Secretary for Energy at the Ministry of Industry and Trade and was company secretary of MVM, the Hungarian Electricity Board. Between 1995 and 1998 he was director and member of the Board of the corporate finance boutique Eurocorp International Finance Ltd. He joined RWE to lead the company’s Budapest Representative Office in 1998 and switched to the ELMŰ-ÉMÁSZ Group and RWE Hungária from 2004, as head of strategy.
Between 1998 and 2014 he was a member of the board of directors and supervisory board at various utility companies, including DDGÁZ, FŐGÁZ and the Budapest Waterworks.
He is a founding member and member of the Board of Electors of the Hungarian Energy Association. He is a founder and vice president of the Hungarian Electromobility Association.
Previously attended as speaker on the following Portfolio conference: