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Gyula Petőh

Company: K&H Bank Zrt.
Job title: Head of Retail Credit Collection Department
He started his career in banking in 1992 as head of the Receivables and Collections Unit under the Legal and Secretarial Department of Dunabank LLC and continued as a Deputy Head of the Department for the Management of Qualified Stocks. From 1996 he was Head of the Risk Management and Loan Collection Department of the Retail Division of ING Bank LLC and from 1998 Head of the Banking Security Division. Since 1999 he is Head of Retail Credit Collection Department at K&H Bank LLC. He oversees the retail soft collection, restructuring and hard collection areas. During his career he has gained a wide range of experience in the below areas:
  • the development and implementation of collection management strategy,
  • change management, complex design and operation of organisational restructuring and crisis situations,
  • workflow and process improvements
  • how to manage and build down retail non-performing mortgage and consumer finance loans in a cost effective and efficient way
  • development of a professional team which operates based on effectiveness, cooperation, responsibility and knowledge sharing.

Gyula Petőh will be our speaker at the following event:


Trends in Receivables Management 2024

18th September 2024, Radisson Blu Béke Hotel
Reuniting the Debt Collection Industry Again! The joint half-day conference on receivables management by Portfolio and EOS is a significant domestic professional event now in its 9th year. This September, leading experts will provide practical financial, legal, and technological advice to... More

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