Job title: Data protection officer, regional lead privacy counsel
József is a data protection expert and a technology enthusiast, leading the regional privacy operations for Central Europe within the Tesco Group. With extensive experience supporting the FMCG sector and advising companies across multiple jurisdictions at a reputable international law firm, he possesses a profound understanding of the continuously evolving regulatory environment and compliance requirements, as well as the trends and challenges related to the digital era and data protection. József is dedicated to developing bespoke data protection practices and ensuring robust, yet practical and sustainable data protection measures. His expertise includes privacy by design and dark pattern analysis, with a current focus on digital transformation.
dr. József Ferenczi-Béky will be our speaker at the following event:
Today, businesses can no longer avoid compliance with external and internal regulations— but is this merely a mandatory administrative task, or can it be a strategic advantage?
We might not even realise how many areas compliance influences in a company’s... More