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Eric Assimakopoulos

Company: Revetas Capital
Job title: Founding Partner
Eric Assimakopoulos founded Revetas in 2012 and serves as Founding Partner for the Revetas Group. With over 30 years of experience, Eric’s career began in the early 1990s as the founder of the Gnome Group, a company specialized in designing, building, and establishing the technology data centres which have become so prevalent today. After growing the group and building some of the largest data centres in the world even to this day, he partnered with Morgan Stanley Real Estate Funds in the late 1990s and served as the chairman and CEO of Metronexus, a real estate platform investing $300 million in 300,000 sqm of real estate in the US and Europe. In 2002, he founded and launched Bifrost, a real estate investment and asset management platform operating in Central and Eastern Europe. Bifrost would also later work closely with the Belgian Ministry of Finance to acquire high-quality properties which they leased and would include a sale and leaseback of a 47,500 sqm headquarters building from KKR. Bifrost’s continued success also led to the purchasing of properties from large corporations such as Suez Tractebel group while maintaining strategic partnerships with institutional investment funds such as Patron Capital. Bifrost would eventually serve as the precursor to Revetas, an entirely vertically integrated group that leverages the expertise Eric has developed over the past 30 years in real estate development, asset management, and investment. As a group, Revetas is an expert in special situations and distressed real estate, reflecting his and his team’s experience across multiple cycles of the business cycle. Originally from the United States, Eric has been living for over 20 years in France, England and Slovakia.

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