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Dr Attila Végh

Company: Eurohealth Ltd.
Job title: CEO
20+ years of leadership experience as CEO and Chairman at Europe’s largest hospital groups. His executive career includes CEO of Capio AB, one of Europe’s largest hospital chains with 200+ hospitals and clinics in five countries. He was Group CEO of Penta Hospitals International, Europe’s fastest growing multi-national hospital group with over 80 hospitals and clinics in Central and Eastern Europe. As CEO, he led leading university teaching hospitals and academic medical centres in London, Cambridge and Manchester. Led the largest and most successful turnarounds in UK’s healthcare system. Prior to his CEO roles, he worked in McKinsey’s healthcare practice transforming blue-chip global companies in over 15 countries. He is a trained clinician with experience as a doctor and academic researcher, holding a PhD in Molecular Cancer Research from Sorbonne University (Paris), MSc in Health Management from Imperial College (London), and Medical Doctor trained at Semmelweis University, Humboldt University (Berlin) and University of New York. 

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