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Csaba Bálint

Company: Romanian National Bank
Job title: Member of the Board
Csaba Bálint, CFA is a Board member of the National Bank of Romania (NBR). Before joining NBR in 2019, he spent 12 years at a CEE region universal bank in various positions. Initially, he worked in the field of risk management, where his main responsibilities included macroeconomic stress testing and credit scorecard developments. From 2014 to 2019, he worked as a macroeconomic analyst covering Romania. His research was recognized by international economic survey organizations, such as London-based Consensus Economics (Forecast Accuracy Award – 2018) and FocusEconomics (#1 Best Overall Forecaster – 2018, #2 Best Overall Forecaster – 2016) headquartered in Barcelona. He graduated Doctoral School of Finance and Banking (DOFIN) at the Bucharest University of Economic Studies in 2011 and passed the Level III exam of the CFA Program in 2016. He also lectures at Babeș-Bolyai University (UBB) and Partium Christian University (PKE), as well as is a member of Romanian Economic Monitor (RoEM) a research lab of UBB. 

Csaba Bálint will be our speaker at the following event:


Budapest Economic Forum 2024

17th October 2024, Hotel InterContinental Budapest
The Budapest Economic Forum, traditionally the most important macroeconomic conference of Portfolio, will be held for the fourteenth time on the 17th of October 2024. At the Budapest Economic Forum, every topic that currently deeply concerns representatives of the economic... More

Previously attended as speaker on the following Portfolio conference:

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