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Balázs Garliczky

Job title: Country Manager
Balázs Garliczky gained several years of production experience at an engine production segment of Audi Hungária Motor Kft., then he switched to the in-house consulting of Audi AG HQ, where he gained experience in the lean implementation. His main focus was lean workshops before and after SOP at the engine and vehicle production, and the introduction and implementation of lean tools & methods. Furthermore, he participated in the concept development of Audi´s and the VW-Group´s new lean production system. As Senior Consultant at Staufen, he is responsible for several lean transformation projects and accompanies management teams along with their lean roadmap. Amongst others he worked on process excellence topics like the implementation of one-piece-flow assembly systems, logistic supply processes, consumption-oriented production controlling and factory planning. He introduced Shop Floor Management systems at several companies while he trained and coached executives and managers at different OEM´s of the premium car industry, at the electronics industry, at the process- and metal processing industry. As a Country Manager, he is responsible for the consultant team and the business development of Staufen AG in Hungary.
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