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Smart Logistics 2019

Date: 21st May 2019  

Location: Radisson Blu Béke Hotel


  • Industry 4.0 in logistics – What novelties should the market prepare for?
  • Networked autonomous vehicles – The advance of digital fleet solutions
  • Artificial intelligence and cloud services in freight forwarding
  • Mobile robots in the packaging industry; parcel shipping and automation
  • Expanding warehouse capacity: automated high bays and parcel distribution systems
  • Changing customer habits: focusing on online purchases
  • Key trends in e-commerce: food industry, electronics, cosmetics and fashion
  • Challenges in warehousing, packaging and shipping – what can incumbents and new entrants offer?

Our speakers among others

All speakers
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Árvay Tivadar
communicatiosn manager
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Balogh Levente
President, Owner
Szentkirályi Ásványvíz Kft.
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Bán Zoltán
Net Média (Portfolio Group)
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Barla-Szabóné Illés Nóra
Country Logistics manager
Coca-Cola HBC Magyarország Kft.
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Barna Zsolt
Waberer’s Group
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Bíró Koppány Ajtony
General secretary
Hungarian Logistics Service Centers Association
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Csorba László
Logistics Director
Magyar Posta Zrt.
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Domokos Olivér
Active Solution Kft.
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Fáczán Gergely
Sales Manager
Volvo Trucks Hungary
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Farkas Gergely
GLS Hungary Csomaglogisztikai Kft.
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Fülep József
Director of Sales
Trans-Sped Kft.
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Homolya Péter
Chairman, CEO
Golden-Pack Hungary Kft.
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Hosszú Csilla
Sprinter Futárszolgálat Kft., Pick Pack Pont
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Kardos Péter
SSI Schäfer Systems International Kft.
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Karmos Gábor
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Kossuth József
Cargo Manager
Budapest Airport Zrt.
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Kurucz Péter
Retailer Services Director
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Laczkó Márk
Managing Director
Logistical Data Solutions
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Lippai Rita
Development Director
Biggeorge Property
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Dr. Nagy Judit
Corvinus University of Budapest
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Pósfai Csaba
Director of pasta factory
Gyermelyi Zrt.
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Jaromír Řánek
Business Development Director
Alza.cz a.s.
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Colin Snead
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Szakács Norbert
Warehouse manager
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Szomolányi Márk
Digital and E-commerce Director
Auchan Magyarország Kft.
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Szontágné Hajnal Zsuzsanna
Sales Manager EL
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Szőnyi Zoltán
sales manager
Green Packaging Kft.
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Szucsányi-Borza Sebestyén
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Varga János
Supply Chain Director
Vajda-Papír Kft.

Why you should come?

Logistics is probably the economic sector that can profit the most from Industry 4.0 solutions. Advances in digitalisation, blockchain, big data and cloud services allow for improved efficiency and cost savings, and a number of companies active in Hungary's logistics sector are leading the way in adopting these innovations.  Meanwhile, the sector must also meet new regulations and specifications, and certain measures could represent a severe competitive disadvantage for Hungarian businesses.

Logistics companies seek to follow ongoing technological and development innovations in their  warehousing, packaging and shipping processes as well, which also presents new challenges to logistics hubs and industrial parks. The aim is to offer their customers custom-tailored logistics bases that match changing market demand.

Hungarian shipping logistics companies must comply with numerous local and European rules and regulations, while also keeping up with changing requirements from customers. Does the future belong to networked autonomous vehicles? How can artificial intelligence and cloud services make freight forwarding simpler, and how do shipping companies cope with an increasingly tense labour environment?

Areas like parcel logistics and warehousing also see one new technological solution emerge after the other. As for packaging, new sustainable and customisable technologies are gaining ground, while there is an increasing emphasis on automation.  With the advance of online sales and e-commerce, warehousing must also keep up, which is why many providers are looking into robotisation, parcel distribution systems and augmented reality.

Portfolio's Smart Logistics conference, a gap-filling event in the Hungarian market, will review global and Hungarian trends in the logistics market and discuss government plans regarding the sector, development opportunities for industrial parks, challenges in shipping, innovations in packaging and warehousing, and the rise of e-commerce.

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Who we recommend

  • Logisztikai cégek
  • raktárbázis fejlesztők,
  • ügynökségek
  • tanácsadó cégek
  • üzemeltető cégek,
  • kereskedők, tulajdonosok, ügyvédi irodák

Our Sponsors

Bronze Sponsor

In association with

Media Partner


Ace Service Kft., Active Solution Kft., Allpacka.com, Alza, Auchan Magyarország Kft., Bosch Rexroth Kft., Budapest Airport Zrt., Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem, Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetem, Külkereskedelmi Kar, Coca-Cola HBC Magyarország Kft., Continental Hungaria Kft., Csekő Translog Kft., DAJUDA Zrt., DHL Freight Magyarország Kft., Dreher Sörgyárak Zrt., East-West Intermodális Logisztikai Szolgáltató Zrt., EMAG, EPDB Nyomtatási Központ Zrt., Épker2000 Kft., Eurasia Logistics Kft., Fuvar.hu, Geodis Hungary Logistics Kft., GLS Hungary Csomaglogisztikai Kft., Golden-Pack Hungary Kft., Gondrand Kft., Goodman, Green Packaging Kft., Gyermelyi Vállalatcsoport, Hibridlevél Kft., Hilltop Logisztikai Kft., Hock R Kft., Hrt Spedition Kft., IData Kft., IKR Agrár Kft., Indián-Sped Kft., KPMG Legal Tóásó Ügyvédi Iroda, Liegl&Dachser, LifeT!LT Food Kft., Logistical Data Solutions, Magyar Közúti Fuvarozók Egyesülete, Magyar Lapterjesztő Zrt., Magyar Posta Zrt., Magyar Telekom, Magyarországi Logisztikai Szolgáltató Központok Szövetsége, Mandersloot Transport Hungária Kft., Marso Kft., MCS Vágóhíd Zrt., MediaLog Zrt., NEFAB Hungary Kft., Nielsen, NIPÜF Nemzeti Ipari Park Üzemeltető és Fejlesztő Zrt., Penny Market Kft., Pick Szeged Zrt., Pilis-Logistic Kft., Prologis, Randstad Hungary Kft., SHI Scalable Kft., SMART SOLUTIONS Papírtechnológia Kft., Sprinter Futárszolgálat Kft., Pick Pack Pont, SSI SCHÄFER, Szentkirályi Ásványvíz Kft., Trans-Sped Kft., TRANS-SPED-PAPIRUSZ Kft., Vajda-Papír Kft., VELUX Magyarország Kft., Vodafone, Volvo Trucks Hungary, Waberer’s Cégcsoport , WebEye Magyarország Kft., Webeye Telematics Zrt., White Star Real Estate, Wing Zrt...


GALLERY | 40 pictures
Smart Logistics 2019


Organisation, general questions

Lili Mádai
  • Lili Mádai
  • event organizer
  • Phone: +36 1 327 4088
Gábor Ócsai
  • Gábor Ócsai
  • rendezvényszervező
  • Phone: +36 1 472 2095


Ádám Macskássy
  • Ádám Macskássy
  • Email:


Ágnes Árgyelán
  • Ágnes Árgyelán
  • Analyst
  • Phone: +36-70-391-1588
  • Email:
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