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Retail Day 2024 - Powered by Pénzcentrum

Where to go from here, Hungarian retail?

Date: 11th April 2024  

Location: Radisson Blu Béke Hotel


  • The most important decision-makers of the retail sector on the present and future of the profession.
  • Regulation of wholesale and retail markets.
  • Why does the state do what it does?
  • Advantages of the ideal omnichannel commerce.
  • Meeting customer needs and behaviour in an era of dynamic change.
  • Challenges and possibilities to ensure the continuity of supply chains.
  • AI in retail: A comprehensive picture with practical examples on the digital transformation of the sector.
  • Retail-Tech: The role of digitalisation, automation, and ESG in retail.

Our speakers among others

All speakers
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Bán Zoltán
Net Média (Portfolio Group)
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Bánhegyi Zsófia
Chief Commercial Officer
Szerencsejáték Zrt.
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Bőgel György
Professor of Management
CEU Business School
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Fekete Csongor
Managing Director
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Gen Z Fest project leader, photojournalist
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Heiszler Gabriella
President - CEO
SPAR Hungary Kft.
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Heuthaler Orsolya
Brand and communication strategist
VML Hungary
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Hevesi Nóra
Head of Communications and Campaigns
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Kazatsay Eszter
Head of Corporate Communications
PENNY Magyarország
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Dr. Kozák Tamás
Secretary General
National Trade Association
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Kui János
Marketing Resolution Kft.
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László Miklós
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Lucenko Viktória
Auchan Hungary
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Ludvig Orsolya Stefanie
Director of Marketing and Communication
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Luspay Miklós
Magyar Nemzeti Bank
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Madár István
Senior Analyst
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Neubauer Katalin
Secretary General
Magyar Nemzeti Kereskedelmi Szövetség
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Orosz Márton
Director of Content Development
Portfolio Csoport and Portfolio Podcast Lab
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Papp Máté
Head of Marketplace & Content
Pepita Group Zrt.
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Popovics Adrienn
Marketing Director
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Sommer Ádám
Marketing and E-commerce Director
Praktiker Kft.
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Szász Péter
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Szimeiszter Sándor
Country Director in Hungary, Austria and Greece
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Varga Anita
Marketing Lead
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Várkonyi Balázs
Founder of Extreme Digital
CEO of Vatera and Jófogás

Why you should come?

The "peacetime" in retail is over. Changes in consumer demand are driven by many circumstances in addition to the macroeconomic situation. Whether it is the classic offline players or online retailers who are taking an ever-growing bite of the market pie or a mix of both, everyone is looking for a model to win consumers.

This is why we believe it is vital that, in addition to the indispensable meeting, exchange of information and networking, actors in the retail sector hear lectures and discussions on the broader issues that affect the sector only indirectly, but which are all the more important, in addition to the most essential focal issues.

Such highlighted areas are the long-standing labour shortages in the sector, government interventions interfering with healthy mechanisms, and supply disruptions in the global economy. Naturally, the potential of machine support and automation will also be discussed, as well as how to maximise profits with the help of artificial intelligence.

Do not miss the most important retail event of the year, as the meeting, in line with Portfolio's tradition, creates an opportunity to exchange experiences and discuss the most significant challenges of the sector!

Download the Portfolio Events mobile app where you can find Portfolio’s professional events in one app, personalised for you. You can access the event’s detailed programme, the list of participants, and your conference ticket, among other things. We even offer a virtual business card exchange. How? The QR code on the badge is your personalised online business card - scan each other's QR codes and you can keep in touch after the conference. Profession, experience, networking. Install with QR-code from desktop >>

Who we recommend

  • wholesalers and retailers
  • consultant companies
  • shopping centre operators
  • middle and senior managers in supermarket chains
  • all players in the FMCG sector
  • leaders of e-commerce companies and web shops
  • fashion industry sellers
  • brand representatives
  • retail property operators and developers
  • communication and marketing agencies

Our Sponsors


Gold Sponsor

Silver Sponsor

Bronze Sponsor

In association with

Accessibility Partner

Adesso Orange Kft., Adevinta CMH Kft., Amrest Kft., Applause Consulting Kft., Auchan Magyarország Kft., Avokado Group Kft., BOXY Logisztikai Zrt., CBRE Kft., CEWE Magyarország Kft., CPI Hungary Kft., Chep Magyarország Kft., Citibank Europe plc. Fióktelepe, Colliers, Diebold Nixdorf Kft., Diverzum, Dodo Hungary Kft., EB Hungary Invest Kft., ECE Budapest Kft., EMOS HU Kft., ERA Group, ESTON International Kft., EY, Ecommerce Hungary Egyesület, Ernst & Young Tanácsadó Kft., Erste Alapkezelő Zrt., Foxpost, GKID Research and Consulting, GS1 Magyarország Nonprofit Zrt., Giggle Kft., Grandum Ingatlankezelő Kft., Grandvision Hungary Kft., Gránit Alapkezelő Zrt., HD Cord Kft., Hell Enegry, Hajdu Balázs Ügyvédi Iroda, Henkel Magyarország Kft., Herbiovit Kft., HolistiCrm, Indotek Group, JIT Talent, Jófogás, JYSK Kft., Jacobs Douwe Egberts HU Zrt., Keltexmed Kft.,Kende Retail Operation Kft., Konecta Magyarország, Libri-Bookline, Lidl Magyarország, LmLand Kft., MAGYAR PISZKE PAPÍR Kft., MASPED Logisztika Kft., MBH Bank Nyrt., Magyar Bevásárlóközpontok Szövetsége, Magyar Nemzeti Bank, Magyar Nemzeti Kereskedelmi Szövetség, Marketing Resolution Kft., Mastercard, Moccabit Kft., MorphoCom Kft., Munch Europe Kft., Nagy-Kovács Ügyvédi Iroda, Nhood Services Hungary Kft., OTP Bank Nyrt., Offerista Group Hungary Kft., Országos Kereskedelmi Szövetség (OKSZ), PENNY Magyarország, POS Services Kft., Pepita Group Zrt., Perform Consulting Kft., Polikov Kft., Praktiker Kft., Progressive, Property Market Kft., Pécsi Tudományegyetem, RETAILIGENCE, ROS Ungarn Management Kft., RTL Magyarország, Raiffeisen Bank Zrt., Realit Zrt., Republic Group, Reuters, Rossmann, S&K Solutions Kft., SCH-ps Kft., SPAR Magyarország Kereskedelmi Kft., SPIE AGIS Fire & Security Kft., SSI-SCHÄFER, Siómente Kereskedőház Kft., Skála-Metró Zrt., Szerencsejáték Zrt., THOST Projektmanagement GmbH, Territory Influence, Tesco Globál Áruházak Zrt., Trestre Invest Kft., Unicredit Bank Hungary Zrt., VML Hungary, Vatera, Vimpex Drink Kft., Wanzl Magyarország Kft., Westend Üzemeltető Kft., Wing Zrt., Xperion Kft., ZG, Élelmiszervállalkozók Versenyképességéért Egyesület


GALLERY | 31 pictures
Retail Day 2024 - Powered by Pénzcentrum

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Organisation, general questions

Noémi Steckel
  • Noémi Steckel
  • Phone: +36-20-522-7119


Sándor Takács
  • Sándor Takács
  • Commercial Director
  • Email:


Emma Gombkötő
  • Emma Gombkötő
  • Email:
Nagy Bálint
  • Nagy Bálint
  • Lapigazgató, vezető szerkesztő
  • Phone: 06-1/472-2093 / 33
  • Email:
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