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Property Investment Forum 2016

Date: 22nd November 2016  

Location: Hotel InterContinental Budapest


  • Will the boom in the real estate investment market continue?
  • The housing market turned upside down by the CSOK (Family and Home Support Benefit)
  • 7 minute quick presentations – Introducing new projects
  • Political upheaval in Poland: will Hungary and Romania be the ones to profit?
  • Retail, logistics, hotel, FM, PM: submarkets in detail

Our speakers among others

All speakers
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Dr. Ádány Tamás
Partner & CFO
Realis Development
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Aladics-Szili Tímea
Group Marketing And Communications Director
Futureal Group
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Dr. Árendás Gergely
Managing Director
Property Market
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Attila Bacsa
Senior Sales Manager
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Balla Ákos
Owner, Managing Director
Balla Ingatlan
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Bán Zoltán
Net Média (Portfolio Group)
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Baross Pál FRICS
Senior Strategy Advisor
Greenbors Consulting Kft.
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Bársony Péter
Chief Executive – Hospitality
Eventhotels Vagyonkezelő Zrt.
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Benedikt Károly
Chief Analyst
Duna House
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Dr. Berki J. János
International Office Sales And Asset Management Director
Futureal Development
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Biró Gergely
OTP Real Estate Fund Management
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Bodahelyi András
Logistics Manager (Airport Logistic Park)
CPI Hungary
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Budai Ákos
Property Forum
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Carlson Adél
Project Manager
Tópark Ingatlanfejlesztés
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Csikós Sarolta MRICS
Regional Leasing Director – Office
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Csürös Csanád
Property Forum
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Associate Partner
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Décsi Gábor MRICS
LEO, benchmarking group leader
DOME Facility Services Group, Managing Director
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Patrick Delcol
BNP Paritas Real Estate
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Déri Bea
Director of PR, Marketing & Design
CPI Property Group
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Deutsch Krisztina MRICS
Director of Leasing and Marketing
Etele Plaza
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Eric van Dijk
Meininger Hotels
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Ditróy Gergely
Business Development Director
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Dymschiz Doron
Duna House
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MRICS Michael Edwards MRICS
Head of Capital Markets (Hungary) / Valuation & Advisory (Central Europe)
Cushman & Wakefield
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Dr. Erdős Gábor
Partner, Head of Deloitte Legal
Deloitte Legal Erdős és Társai Ügyvédi Iroda
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Fináczy Dóra
Marketing Manager
FHB Bank
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Finta Sándor
Director of Architecture & Urban Planning
Budapest2024 Nonprofit Zrt.
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Flesch Tamás
Managing Director & Owner
Continental Group Kft.
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Furulyás Ferenc
Managing Director
iO Partners Hungary Kft.
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Fürjes Balázs
Minister of State for Budapest and the Capital’s Metropolitan Area, Prime Minister’s Office
Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister
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Gábosy Balázs
Chief Operating Officer
Nhood Services Hungary Kft.
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Galácz Karolina
Deputy Director
Young and Rubicam Budapest
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Gasser Tibor
Founder, Partner
GAMMA Properties
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Gedai Bori
Real Estate Expert
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Gereben Mátyás MRICS
Country Manager
CPI Hungary
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Gerő János MSc, MRICS
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Görgey András
Managing Director
Drogerie Markt
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Gyalay-Korpos Gyula
Magyar Bevásárlóközpontok Szövetsége
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Mr. Hegedűs Attila MRICS
Partner, Managing Partner
Prophex Europe Consulting
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Horváth Áron
ELTINGA / Lakás Riport
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Joó Domonkos
Senior Asset Manager, Hungary, Slovakia & Czech Republic
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Kákosy Zsolt MBA MRICS
Senior Director, Head of Property Management
Icon Real Estate Management Kft.
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Kandra Lajos
Managing Director
Burken Kft.
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Adrian Karczewicz
Head of Divestments CEE
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Kemenes László MRICS
Managing Director Hungary
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Kérdő Gábor
Country Manager Hungary
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Kerekes István
Country Manager Hungary
GLP Europe
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Kereskényi Péter
Head of Real Estate, Acquisition and Syndicated Finance
Raiffeisen Bank Zrt.
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Nicolas Kipper
General Manager
the Ritz Carlton Budapest
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Kiss Gábor
Managing Director, Metrodom Kivitelező Kft.
IFK, Vice-chairman
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Klotz Krisztián
Development Manager
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Kocsány János
Graphisoft Park
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Kocsis Péter MRICS
Deputy CEO - Strategy, Risk, MIS-Data
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Dr. Kóka Gábor
Deloitte Private
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Kovács Attila MRICS
Managing Partner
Horizon Development
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Kozák Ákos PhD
ügyvezető igazgató
Danubia Forum
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Dr. Lőcsei Tamás
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Mátray Csenge
Marketing Communication and PR Director
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Mazsaroff Kata
Managing Director
Colliers Hungary
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Dr. Mitnyan György
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Dr. Nádasdy Zoltán MRICS
Partner, Head of CEE Real Estate Investments Group
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Nagy Bálint
Senior Editor
Pénzcentrum - HRCentrum
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Nagygyörgy Tibor MRICS
Owner, Biggeorge Holding, CEO, Biggeorge Proprty Nyrt.
Founder, Otthon Centrum
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Németh Orsolya
Marketing Director
Cushman & Wakefield
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Pados Gergely
Managing Director
Cushman & Wakefield
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Lila Pateraki
Chief Investment Officer
Zeus Capital Management
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Pazsitzky Dániel
Marketing Director
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Pintyőke Marcell
Head of Marketing
Indotek Group
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Pósfai Gábor
Managing Director
Decathlon Hungary
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Pőcze Balázs
Creative Director
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Salamon Adorján MRICS
ESTON International
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Sallai Eszter
Marketing Director
Biggeorge Property
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Schmidt József
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Schőmer Norbert MRICS
RICS Hungary
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Soóki-Tóth Gábor
Head of CEE Residential Working Group
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Noah Steinberg FRICS
Chairman & CEO
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Szabó Viktória
Partner - Head of Retail
Cushman & Wakefield
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Péter Számely MRICS
Head of Real Estate Finance CEE
HYPO NOE / RICS Austria Ambassador
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Székely Gábor
Investment Director
AutoWallis Nyrt.
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Szirtes Bernadett
Marketing Director
Duna House Holding Nyrt.
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Dr Takács Ernő
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Tokodi Gábor
FHB Bank
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Tóth Mariann
Leasing Director
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Dr. Törőcsik Mária
Managing Director
Marketing Inspiráció Fogyasztói Magatartás Kutató Intézet Kft.
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Török Árpád MRICS
Chief Executive Officer
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Vécsey Bence MRICS
Director, Head of Investments
Colliers International Hungary
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Vincze Anna
Property Management Director
BNP Paribas Real Estate Hungary
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Vörös Gábor
Managing Director, Head of CEE Real Estate Financing
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Zátonyi Lőrinc
Director, Special Projects
NEO Property Services Zrt.

Why you should come?

November 22: the Hungarian real estate event of the year. Portfolio Property Investment Forum, the most important event of the Hungarian real estate market will be held for the 12th time now. Sector-related professional programs throughout the day, parallel thematic sections in the afternoon, reception in the evening with surprises, awarding ceremony and lots of networking opportunities.

Download the Portfolio Events mobile app where you can find Portfolio’s professional events in one app, personalised for you. You can access the event’s detailed programme, the list of participants, and your conference ticket, among other things. We even offer a virtual business card exchange. How? The QR code on the badge is your personalised online business card - scan each other's QR codes and you can keep in touch after the conference. Profession, experience, networking. Install with QR-code from desktop >>

Who we recommend

  • Developers
  • Financiers
  • Institutional investors
  • Lawyers
  • Agencies
  • Advisors
  • Municipalities
  • Real estate decision makers, professionals and executives
  • Office building owners
  • Representatives of the FM, PM and AM segment

Our Sponsors



Section Sponsor

In association with

In the part of the 600-person Property Investment Forum taking place before lunch, the most important investors, developers, bankers and councilors of Hungary and the region will discuss the current real estate-related issues of Hungary and the Eastern European region in the plenary section. In the afternoon, as usual for the last 3 years, the experts will debate the issues of certain submarkets in the 3 parallel sections.

80 presenters, 600 attendants and 250 companies: Portfolio Investment Forum is the largest real estate-related conference between Wien and Moscow.

Meet all the important players on the Hungarian real estate market, all in one day!


AC su misura, Accent Hotel Management, Addval Kft., Alukönigstahl Kft., AmRest Kft., Aréna Pláza, Arex FM, ARKON Informatikai Zrt., Arnold Immobilien GmbH, Avestus Hungary Kft., AXA Real Estate Central Europe Kft., B&V Group Zrt., Bánáti + Hartvig Építész Iroda Kft., BAYER-CFE Zrt., BDO Mo. Hotel és Ingatlan Szolg. Kft., Bluehouse Capital, BNP Paribas Real Estate, Budapest Airport Zrt., Budapest Főváros Vagyonk. Központ Zrt., Budapest Party Service / Vakvarjú Éttermek, Budapest Repülőtéri Régió Klaszter, Budapesti Műszaki Egyetem, Budapesti Városarculati Nonprofit Kft., CA Immo, Carion Csoport, CBRE, CE Real Estate Management Kft., Céh Zrt., CELAND Holding Kft., CHSH Dezső és Társai Ügyvédi Iroda, CIB Bank Zrt., CMS Cameron McKenna LLP Magyarországi Fióktelepe, Coffeeshop Company, Colliers International, ConvergenCE, Cordia Magyarország Zrt., CPI Hungary, CPI Property Group, Cushman&Wakefield, Cyeb Energiakereskedő Kft., Cseri és Társai Ügyvédi Iroda, CSH, Deloitte Legal Ügyvédi Iroda, Deloitte Zrt., DeltaRegister Kft., Diófa Alapkezelő Zrt., Diófa Ingatlankezelő Kft., DLA Piper - Horváth és Társai Ügyvédi Iroda, Dome Facility Services Group Kft., DPPM Consulting Kft., DTZ, Duna House, DVM group, EB Hungary Invest Kft., ECE Projektmanagement Budapest Kft., Ecorys Magyarország, ELTINGA Ingatlanpiaci Kutatóközpont, Ernst & Young Tanácsadó Kft., Erős Ügyvédi Iroda / Squire Patton Boggs (US) LLP, ERSTE Alapkezelő Zrt., Erste Bank Hungary Zrt., Erste Group Immorent Kft., Erste Ingatlan Kft., Eston International Zrt., Eurest Kft. - Compass Group, Eurofrukt Kft., Európa Befektetési Alapkezelő Zrt., Faludi Wolf Theiss Ügyvédi Iroda, FHB Bank Zrt., FHB Nyrt., Forestay Development Kft., Főtáv, Franciska és Judit Kft., Future FM Zrt., Futureal, GAMMA Properties Kft., Generali-Ingatlan Kft., Graphisoft Park Services, Grayling, Greeon Zrt., HÁDA-1 Kft., HB Reavis, Hogan Lovells, Horizon Development, Horsens Partners, Horváth és Társai Ügyvédi Iroda, Hypo NOE, IFK, Immochan Magyarország Kft., Immofinanz Hungary, Indotek Zrt., Infogroup Menedzsment Kft., Ingatlantájoló, In-Management, Innosec Holding, Interag Zrt., JIC, JLL, K&H Bank Zrt., Kajtár Takács Hegymegi-Barakonyi Baker & McKenzie Ügyvédi Iroda, Kapolyi Ügyvédi Iroda, KÉSZ FM Kft., KÉSZ Holding, KÉSZ Ingatlan Kft., Kistellar, Korming Bt., KPMG, Kraft & Associates Kft., Kraft FM Kft., LEO, Libri Könyvkereskedelmi Kft., Libri-Shopline Nyrt., LNR Partners Germany GmbH, Lurdy Ház Kft., M2 Capital, Magyar Bevásárlóközpontok Szövetsége, Malom Ingatlahasznosító Kft., Mapsolutions Zrt., MARK Magyar Reorganizációs és Követeléskezelő Zrt., Market Építő Zrt., MasterClean Kft., MÁV Létesítményüzemeltető és Vasútőr Kft., MÁV Zrt., Medimpx irodaház, Mérték Group Zrt., Mogürt Zrt., MyAd, Nemzeti Eszközkezelő Zrt., Next Wave Europe, CEU Business School, Noerr, OTP Bank Nyrt., OTP Ingatlan Zrt., OTP Jelzálogbank Zrt., Otthontérkép, Pacific Kivitelező, Fővállalkozó Kft., Pannon Nívó Zrt., PORREAL Ingatlankezelési Kft., Portico Investments Kft., Process Solutions Kft., Projekt Manager Group Consulting Kft., ProLogis, Property Market Kft., PWC, Raiffeisen Bank, Raiffeisen Bank Zrt., Raiffeisen Evolution, RE project development Kft., Real Management Kft., Reconcept Befektetési és Tanácsadó Kft., Rialtin ’95 Kft., RICS, Robertson Hungary Kft., Rustler Kft., S IMMO APM Hungary Kft., Saladbox Kft., Sberbank Magyarország Zrt., Serviced Office Kft., Skanska Magyarország , SmartFM Ingatlanüzemeltető Kft., Sodexo Magyarország Kft., SPAR Magyarország Kereskedelmi Kft., STRABAG Property and Facility Services Zrt., Szarvas és Vidéke Körzeti Takszöv., Szécsényi és Társai Ügyvédi Társulás, TakarékBank, Taylor Wessing Ügyvédi Iroda, Tesco Global Áruházak Zrt., Tower International Kft., TriGranit, Triumph International Kft., UniCredit Bank Hungary Zrt., UNIQA Real Estate Management GmbH, Uponor Épületgépészeti Kft., Vajda Ügyvédi Iroda, Valuation Partners Mo. Kft., Varex Bau Kft., Városliget Zrt., VINCI Faciltities Magyarország Kft., Vistra Corporate Services, VLK Consulting Kft., Wallis Asset Management Zrt., White Star Real Estate, Wing Zrt., ZDA-Zoboki Építésziroda, Zsidai Group ...

DATE: NOVEMBER 22, 2016, 9am-5pm conference, Portfolio Property Awards & Cocktail Reception till 10pm

LOCATION: Hotel InterContinental, Budapest, Hungary

1052 Budapest, Apáczai Csere János utca 12-14.
Hotel Information, Map & Location

Parking: individually paid

COST: EUR 285 + VAT or HUF 89,000 + VAT / person

Fee includes conference documentation, full lunch and coffee breaks. The conference is bilingual with English-Hungarian simultaneous interpretation.


- 10% discount is available for 2 registrations,
- 10% discount for RICS members,
- 25% ON 3 OR MORE.
Discounts cannot be combined.




Portfolio Conferences are organized by NET Media Inc, member of Central European Media and Publishing Group. Portfolio Conferences cover 7 different industries and attract more than 8000 participants annually. Portfolio Conferences a leading event hub of the CEE real estate industry as well. We organize real estate focused conferences, business breakfasts and workshops in Belgrade, Budapest and Vienna, which are characterised by high-level networking opportunity and unique professional content.

Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) is the official event partner for Portfolio.hu Property Investment Forum in Budapest, CEE Property Forum in Vienna, SEE Property Forum in Belgrade, and RICS-Portfolio Valuation Conference.

RICS is the world’s leading qualification when it comes to professional standards in land, property and construction.
We are an independent professional body, committed to setting and upholding the highest standards of excellence and integrity - providing impartial, authoritative advice on key issues affecting businesses and society. RICS is a regulator of both its individual members and firms enabling it to maintain the highest standards and providing the basis for unparalleled client confidence in the sector.


GALLERY | 95 pictures
Portfolio Property Investment Forum 2016



Csanád Csűrös
  • Csanád Csűrös
  • Business Development Director
  • Phone: 428-9098
  • Email:
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