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Property Investment Forum 2020

Date: 19th November 2020  

Location: Online


  • How big was the damage to the market? Was this a slump or a collapse?
  • Who is buying and who is financing? Is this the time to move or to slam the brakes? Pans, conditions and expectations
  • Are there new projects coming? Will projects be shelved or can business go on?
  • Future City and urban development – Will the coronavirus place these on new foundations?
  • Are logistics and e-commerce the biggest winners?
  • How is the construction industry faring? Integrating market players are coming!
  • Jellinek Dániel és Scheer Sándor beszélgetés
  • Will the government's rental flat scheme rewrite the residential market?
  • How big a change is coming to the office market? Will we need less space?
  • What will happen to the hotel and retail markets? Is it time to re-evaluate everything?
  • Seven-minute flash presentations

Our speakers among others

All speakers
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Ágházi Gyula
Board Member
Gránit Pólus Csoport
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Azurák Zsolt
Director of Procurement and Logistics
Magyar Telekom
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Bán Zoltán
Net Média (Portfolio Group)
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Banai Ádám PhD, MRICS
Executive director for monetary policy instruments, financial stability and foreign reserve management
Magyar Nemzeti Bank
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Báthory Balázs
Deputy CEO
Market Építő Zrt.
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Dr. Berethalmi Péter
Managing Partner
Nagy és Trócsányi Ügyvédi Iroda
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Biró Gergely
OTP Real Estate Fund Management
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Borbély Gábor
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Botos Bálint
Managing Partner
Forestay RE Fund Management
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Dr. Bujdosó Klára
Group Legal Counsel
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Yovav Carmi
President of the Management Board
GTC Group
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Czifra Balázs MRICS
Director - Sales, Asset Management, Business Development
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Dálnoki Ádám
BauApp Kft.
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Associate Partner
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Ditróy Gergely
Business Development Director
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Sean Doyle
Head of Investment Properties CEE and Capital Markets Poland
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Dymschiz Doron
Duna House
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Erdei Bálint
RedWood Real Estate Holding
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Fábián Gergely
Managing Director
National Bank of Hungary
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Fekete Zoltán
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Dr. Felsmann Tamás
Dessewffy & Dávid and Partners CEE Attorneys
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Fertig Balázs
Group Recruitment Manager
MOL Group
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Fodor Gábor
Business Development Manager
Konica Minolta Magyarország Kft.
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Földi Tibor
Chairman of the board
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Futó Gábor
Founder and Co-Owner
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Futó Péter
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Gegesi Kiss Tamás
Managing Director
Gépész Centrál Kft.
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Gereben Mátyás MRICS
Country Manager
CPI Hungary
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Gerő Péter MRICS, MBA
Real Estate Economist, University professor
Corvinus University of Budapest
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Dr. Gyorgyevics Benedek
Városliget Zrt.
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Győri Gyula
Facility Management Director
CPI Facility Management Kft.
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Dr Hajnal István FRICS
Project Director
Grant Thornton
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Halász-Csatári Gábor
Partner, Head of Industrial Leasing
Cushman & Wakefield
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Hornok Krisztián MRICS
Managing Director, International Transactions and Asset Management
Indotek Group
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Huszlicska Dávid
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Ispánki Nikoletta
Commercial Director
GTC Hungary
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Jelinek Balázs
Deputy CEO – Operations
Városliget Zrt.
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Jellinek Dániel
Partner, CEO
Indotek Group
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Kalaus Valter MRICS
Managing Partner
Newmark VLK Hungary
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Kaltenbacher Tamás
Managing Director
HBM Kft.
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Karsai Tibor
Managing Director
Rustler Kft.
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Mr Kibédi Varga Lóránt MRICS
Managing Director
CBRE Hungary
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Kiss Gábor
Managing Director, Metrodom Kivitelező Kft.
IFK, Vice-chairman
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Mr Kis-Szölgyémi Ferenc
B+N Referencia Zrt.
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Kovács András
Sales Director
Indotek Group
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Kubinsky Robert
HB Reavis Hungary
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Dr. Kui Szilárd
Local Partner
DLA Piper
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Spencer Levy
Chairman of Americas Research and Senior Economic Advisor
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Nicklas Lindberg
Echo Investment
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Madár István
Senior Analyst
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Martin János MRICS
Director of Residential Developments
Wing Zrt.
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Michał Melaniuk
Country Manager of Poland
Cordia Polska / Polnord SA

(To be confirmed)

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Mészáros Margaréta MRICS
Director, RICS Registered Valuer, Head of Valuation
CBRE Hungary
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Luiza Moraru MRICS
Head of Property Management CEE
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Morvai Zsolt
MBH Bank
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Müller Diána
Head of Organizational Development & Talent Acquisition
Telenor Magyarország
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dr. Nádasdy Bence
Group CFO
Indotek Group
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Nagy Márton
Minister for National Economy of Hungary
Government of Hungary
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Nagy Gergely
Corporate Regional Manager
OTP Bank
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Nagy Iván
Development Director
CPI Hungary
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Nemes Rudolf
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Dr Ódor Dániel MRICS
Taylor Wessing
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Pálfalvi Zsuzsa
Director of FM - NEO Property Services
ESG Working Group Leader - LEO
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Pásztor Tamás
Head of Legal and Operation
CPI Hungary
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Pásztor Roxána
Sustainability Project Leader
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Pázmány Balázs FRICS
Chairman of the Board
Erste Alapkezelő Zrt.
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Dr. Perlaki Szabolcs
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Pető Gábor
capital markets director, chairman of the board
Futureal-csoport, Finext Befektetési Alapkezelő Zrt.
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Reicher Péter
Country Manager
Graphisoft SE
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Salamon Adorján MRICS
ESTON International
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Paweł Sapek
SVP, Regional Head CE & Country Manager
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Scheer Sándor
Market Építő Zrt.
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Schmidt József
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Schőmer Norbert MRICS
RICS Hungary
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Dr. Schrancz Mihály
CEO, Founding Partner
Realis Development
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Simonyi Balázs MRICS
Head of Office Advisory
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Somlyai Zoltán
Vice President Hotel Division
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Noah Steinberg FRICS
Chairman & CEO
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Székely Ádám
Managing Director, Owner, Innovinia
IFK, Vice-chairman
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Szentpály Ágnes
Director, Head of Property Management
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Szoboszlay Máté
Partner, Business Development and Investment Director
Faedra Group
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Szulyovszky Gábor
International technical audit director
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Takács Péter
Investment Director
Newmark VLK Hungary
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Dr Takács Ernő
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Takács Márton
Partner, Hotel Advisory and Hotel and Leisure Global Sector Leader
Moore Hungary
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Tardos Gergely
OTP Bank
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Tatár Tibor MRICS
Head of Hungarian residential and office development
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Tuza Rita MRICS
Head of Capital Markets
iO Partners Hungary Kft.
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Hannes Wimmer
Managing Director, Loan Capital Markets
Erste Group Bank AG
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Zátonyi Lőrinc
Director, Special Projects
NEO Property Services Zrt.

Why you should come?

So it has come after all. Not only came but full-on exploded in our faces. Many of us tried to prepare in various ways and to identify the potential signs that the next crisis is about the hit the world, but life proved more creative and made a move that probably nobody expected or was prepared for. How could they have been... But we, the players in Hungary's property market, are strong, and even if many suffered wounds big or small, we will weather this complex crisis together, supporting each other, and we will begin the next decade of success stronger than before, utilising new experiences and knowledge.

There could probably be no more suitable occasion for the first step in rebuilding than a personal meeting of this vibrant market of real estate professionals, this network of personal and professional connections, where we can finally smile and shake hands again, clinking glasses in celebration as we share our views on the most important professional and business issues, engage in discussion and debate, and listen to opinion leaders in the market.

The event, which attracted a record number of more than 1,000 visitors from the industry last year, will again offer a full day of professional programmes on topics including investments, developments, financing, macroeconomic processes, technological innovations, tenants' expectations, facility management, retail, hotel, e-commerce and logistics, the housing market, alternative products, or marketing and HR. Do not miss out on the event of the year!

Download the Portfolio Events mobile app where you can find Portfolio’s professional events in one app, personalised for you. You can access the event’s detailed programme, the list of participants, and your conference ticket, among other things. We even offer a virtual business card exchange. How? The QR code on the badge is your personalised online business card - scan each other's QR codes and you can keep in touch after the conference. Profession, experience, networking. Install with QR-code from desktop >>

Who we recommend

  • Developers
  • Financers and banks
  • Institutional and private investors
  • Owners of office buildings and other property
  • Consultants
  • Lawyers
  • Representatives of the FM, PM and AM segments
  • Local government officials
  • Property market decision-makers, professionals and executives

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Designer of our awards

ABUD Kft. Access4You International Kft. ACCOR Hotels (Futureal Management Kft. ) AddVal Kft. Adventum International Ltd Agorex Kft. ALUKÖNIGSTAHL Kft. Andrékó Kinstellar Ügyvédi Iroda Antal Raktárak Kft. Appeninn Holding Nyrt. Aquila Development Hungary Kft. Arnold Investments Kft. ASB Hungary Kft. Atenor Hungary Kft. ATZ Partners Kft. Aureia Avestus Real Estate Hungary Kft. B&V GROUP Zrt. B+N Referencia Zrt. BDO Magyarország Hotel és Ingatlan Szolgáltató Kft. Bernecker Kft. BIF Nyrt. Biggeorge Alapkezelő Biggeorge Property Blue Business Interior Kft. Blue River Holding Kft. Bluehouse Capital BME Építészmérnöki Kar BNP Paribas Real Estate Magyarország Tanácsadó és Ingatlankezelő Zrt. British Embassy Budapest Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem Budapesti Ingatlan Nyrt. Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem Építőmérnöki Kar BWT Hungária Kft. CA Immo Hungary Kft. Capricorn Partners Capstone Befektetési Alapkezelő Zártkörűen Működő Részvénytársaság CBRE CBRE Global Workplace Solutions Kft. CBS Property Zrt. CCE Hungary Kft. CE LAND Holding Kft. CE LAND Management Kft. CÉH zRt. Cerha Hempel Dezső és Társai Ügyvédi Iroda CHRY Invest Menedzsment Kft. Climate Strategy & Partners CMS Magyarországi Fióktelepe Colliers International Colliers Real Estate Management Services (REMS) Coninvest Konyhatechnológia Kft. Considero Investments Continental Group Kft. Cordia Magyarország Zrt. Corvus Capital Kft. CPI Facility Management Kft. CPI Hungary Kft. CPI Property Group Cretum Development Zrt. Cretum Management Kft. CTP Management Hungary Kft. Cushman & Wakefield Kft. Daikin Hungary Kft. Daniella Kft. Déco Apartman Kft. Decor Floor Kft. Defactoreal Kft. Deloitte Legal Erdős és Társai Ügyvédi Iroda Deloitte Zrt. Dentons Réczicza Ügyvédi Iroda DHP- Duna House Group Dialogue Creatives Diligent Capital Properties Kft. Diófa Alapkezelő Zrt. Diófa Ingatlankezelő Kft. DLA Piper Posztl Nemescsói Györfi-Tóth és Társai Ügyvédi Iroda Dome Facility Services Group Kft. Dominárium Ltd. Dominium Invest Dr. Kókány Csaba Ügyvédi Iroda Drees & Sommer Hungária Kft. DTZ Debanham T.L Magyarországi Fióktelepe Duna House Holding Nyrt. DVM group EB HUNGARY INVEST Kft. ECRS Magyarország Kft. Eltinga ÉMI Nonprofit Kft. Enedidi Kft. ENGIE Magyarország Kft. Equilor Alapkezelő Zrt. Erando Kft. Ernst & Young Tanácsadó Kft. Erste Alapkezelő Zrt. Erste Bank Hungary Zrt. Erste Group Bank AG Esatto Estinga Kft. Eston International Zrt. Etele Plaza Futureal Eurographics Kft. EXIM (Eximbank Zrt MEHIB Zrt.) Fakultás FM Zrt. First facility Ingatlankezelő Kft. First Title CEE Fitout Zrt. Floor by Blue Kft. Forestay Development Kft. Forestay Group Forestay Project Management Kft. Forestay Properties Kft. FŐTÁV Zrt. Freelancer Friedmann Properties Futureal Management Kft. Futureal-csoport Gahu Investment Kft. GAMMA Properties Kft. GeoConcept Gépész Centrál Kft. Gienger Hungária Kft. Goodman Hungary Kft. Gránit Pólus Management Zrt. Grant Thornton Valuation Kft. Graphisoft SE Grifton Property Kft. GTC Real Estate Development Hungary Zrt. Háda-1 Kft. Hays Hungary HB Reavis Hungary Kft. HBM Kft. HBM Soletanche Bachy Hegymegi-Barakonyi és Társa Baker & McKenzie Ügyvédi Iroda Horizon Development Kft. Horizont Reklám Kft. HSRE Holding Kft. HuGBC (Magyar Környezettudatos Építés Egyesülete) IDOM Házépítő Kft. IDPM Consultant Kft. I-HÍD Kft. Immofinanz Services Hungary Kft. Imones Kft. Imperial beruházási holding Kft. Indotek Group Infogroup Management Kft. INFORG Zrt. Ingatlan.com Zrt. In-Management Kft. Innovációs és Technológiai Minisztérium Interag Zrt. Intrum Justitia Zrt. Investis Holding Vagyonkezelő Kft. ITeam Holding Zrt. ITM J T Ross (Pty) Ltd. Jalsovszky Ügyvédi Iroda Jones Lang Lasalle Kft. K&H Bank Zrt. Kapolyi Ügyvédi Iroda Kermann Műszaki Fejlesztő és Tanácsadó Kft. KÉSZ Development Kész Ingatlan Kft. Kiemelt Kormányzati Beruházások Központja Nonprofit Zrt. Knight Frank Költözzbe.hu Kft. KÖZTI Zrt. KPMG Legal Tóásó Ügyvédi Iroda KPMG Tanácsadó Kft. KR Group Tax Hungary Kft. KRAFT FM Kft. KVK Ingatlanok Kft. Lagardere Sports Hungary Lakatos Köves és Társai Ügyvédi iroda LDR-RE Tanácsadó Kft. Lengyel Allen & Overy Ügyvédi Iroda LEO LG Electronics Magyar Kft. Lodge & Partners LLC Logicor Management Hungary Kft. Lohn Ügyvédi Iroda Lurdy Ház Kft. M-12/B Kft. M7 Real Estate Hungary Kft. Magyar Bevásárlóközpontok Szövetsége Magyar Környezettudatos Építés Egyesülete (HuGBC) Magyar Nemzeti Bank Magyar Takarékszövetkezeti Bank Zrt. Magyar Telekom Nyrt. Malom Ingatlanhasznosító Kft. Mapalsa Kft. Mapletree Mapsolutions Zrt. Market Építő Zrt. MasterClean Kft. Matarits Simala & Partners Mayweather-Miller Communications MEHIB Zrt. Mellow Mood Hotels Group Mester-Építő Kft. Metrodom Kivitelező Kft. MFB Ingatlanfejlesztő Zrt. MFB Zrt. MILL Partner Ingatlanhasznosító Kft. MINERVA Befektetési Alapkezelő Zrt. Miniszterelnökség MKB Bank Nyrt. MKK Magyar Követeléskezelő Zrt. MMC MT Consulting Kft. Multinvest SRL Müpa Üzemeltető Kft. MVM Zrt. Nagy-Kovács Ügyvédi Iroda Nemzeti Eszközkezelő Zrt. NEO Property Services Zrt. Nepi Rockcastle Hungary Kft. Noerr & Társai Iroda Oberbank AG Magyarországi Fióktelep OC Investment Solutions Office Art & Design Kft. Office Line Kft. Office Service OFFISEVEN OOT Technologies Kft. Operator-Estate Kft. Opinion Builders Kft. OPL Optima Befektetési Zrt. OTP Bank Nyrt. OTP Csoport OTP Ingatlan Befektetési Alapkezelő Zrt. OTP Jelzálogbank Zrt. Otthon Centrum Solutions Kft. Pallér Csarnok Kft. Parisi Udvar Partos & Noblet Hogan Lovells Pesti Házak Zrt. PIRCAD Kft. PolCon Kft. Portico Investments Kft. Proform Zrt. ProInterier Kft. Prologis Property Market Ingatlanfejlesztő Kft. PwC Magyarország Kft. R2 Cartagon Kft. Raiffeisen Bank Zrt. Raiffeisen Befektetési Alapkezelő Zrt. Raxiona Kft. RayNet Kft. Realiscon Kft. REALIT Zrt. Record Ajtó Kft. Red Lemon Media Red Real Management Kft. RedWood Real Estate Holding Re-Energy Kft. Reggant Consulting Kft. Resolute Asset Management Rialtin Balaton Kft. RICS Rivers Holding Kft. Robertson Hungary Kft. Roland Divatház Zrt. Rossmann Magyarország Kft. Rustler Kft. S IMMO APM Hungary Kft. Sberbank Magyarország Zrt. Schoenherr Hetényi Ügyvédi Iroda Secure Legal Title London SES Magyarország Kft. Shaw contract SmartFM Ingatlanüzemeltető Kft. Sopron Bank Burgenland Zrt. Spányi Partners Zrt. SPAR Magyarország Kereskedelmi Kft. Sparking powered by rollet Sprinter Futárszolgálat Kft. Pick Pack Pont Stay in Hungary Kft. Strabag Real Estate Kft. Studio A4 Iroda Kft. Super Channel Kft. Svábhegyi Villa Kft. Szécsényi és Társai Ügyvédi Társulás Takarék Csoport Takarékbank Zrt. Takarék Ingatlan Zrt. Taylor Wessing Tendkons Kft. Thermo Control Kft. TKCE Kft. TOMLIN Kft. Tópart Üzemeltetési Kft. Tower-International Kft. Triarco Kft. TriGranit Trimo Magyarország Kereskedelmi Képviselet TSPC Kft. U.S. Department of State Új-Ház Centrum Budapest Zrt. UniCredit Bank Hungary Zrt. UNIQA Real Estate Management GmbH Unissu Universidad de Navarra Uponor Épületgépészeti Kft. Upright Masters Kft. V&T Mérnök Tanácsadó Kft. Városliget Zrt. VGP Service Kft. Viador Átrium Stúdió Kft. Viega Kft. VLK Cresa Vörösvár Invest Kft. VS-Faktor Zrt. Wallis Asset Management Zrt. Weerts Real Estate Park Kft. Westend Üzemeltető Kft. White Star Real Estate Wienerberger Téglaipari zRt. Wing Zrt. Wolf Theiss Faludi Erős Ügyvédi Iroda Xperion Kft. Zerafa Advocates


GALLERY | 39 pictures
Property Investment Forum 2020 -online konferencia


Organisation, general questions

Nikoletta Dobler
  • Nikoletta Dobler
  • Event Organiser
  • Phone: +36-20-334-8032
Andrea Barabás
  • Andrea Barabás
  • event organizer
  • Phone: +36 1 646 4383


Bacsa Attila
  • Bacsa Attila


Gergely Ditróy
  • Gergely Ditróy
  • üzletfejlesztési igazgató
  • Email:
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