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Portfolio Lending 2014 Conference

Date: 20th May 2014  

Location: Hotel Hilton Budapest (Budai Vár)


  • Quitters and those pulling for the lead - The transformation of the Hungarian banking sector
  • The future of the Hungarian bank sector
  • The courts have made the decision - What will the new foreign currency debt package include?
  • Growth Loan Program - Experiences and Lessons Learned
  • Mortgage lending with and without government participation
  • Supply and demand - To whom, how and why do the Hungarian banks lend?

Our speakers among others

All speakers
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Balássy László
MKB Bank
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Bán Zoltán
Net Média (Portfolio Group)
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Barabás Gyula
speaker image
Becsei András
Deputy CEO, Vice President
OTP Bank, Hungarian Banking Association
speaker image
Bencze Tamás
Head of Department
Ministry for National Economy
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Bencsik László
OTP Bank
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Bódizs Kornél
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Csillag Tamás
Nemzeti Eszközkezelő Zrt.
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Dr. Dietz Miklós CFA
Senior Partner
McKinsey & Company
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Fülöp András
Senior Partner
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Harmati László
Deputy CEO
Erste Bank
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Horváth Attila
Regional CFO
Provident Pénzügyi Zrt.
speaker image
Ihász Csilla
igazgatóság tagja, Lakossági és Kisvállalati Divízió vezetője
UniCredit Bank
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Kementzey Ferenc
Raiffeisen Bank
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Kozma András
RiskCover Hungary Zrt.
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Morafcsik László
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Nagy Márton
Minister for National Economy of Hungary
Government of Hungary
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Nátrán Roland
Eximbank, MEHIB
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Palkó István
Senior Analyst
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Dr. Simák Pál
CIB Bank
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Soltész Gergő
Ostorosbor Pincészet Zrt.
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Szentirmay Péter
Magyar Credit Management Szövetség
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Szép Péter
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Tokodi Gábor
FHB Bank
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Toman Róbert
lakossági hitelezésért felelős vezető
Raiffeisen Bank
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Urbán Zoltán
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Vojnits Tamás
az igazgatóság elnöke
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Vonnák Balázs
Hungarian National Bank

Why you should come?

The Hungarian banking sector has not experienced a period as exciting as nowadays in a long time. The domestic loan processes are fundamentally determined by national factors, such as the tax burden considered extremely high compared to other European countries affecting the credit supply; the Growth Loan Program inspiring corporate lending or the government actions related to mortgage lending. Meanwhile, the structural transformation of the bank sector has begun; as the sword of Damocles, a new foreign currency loan package hangs over the banks and the engines of normal market lending continue to stall.

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Who we recommend

  • Middle and Senior managers of financial institution,
  • Participants of the credit intermediation market,
  • Representatives of regulatory authorities,
  • Bank employees,
  • Advisors,
  • Lawyers,
  • Investors,
  • Investment funds,
  • Professionals of state and supervisory organizations,
  • Representatives of professional organizations.

Our Sponsors



Thus, the Lending in Hungary 2014 Conference of Portfolio.hu is being organized for the eighth time in a market environment changing daily. This prestigious event represents constancy amidst the changes: the most important participants of the Hungarian banking sector, the executives of the intermediate market and financial corporations exchange opinions about the options and challenges facing the Hungarian residential and corporate lending. Like other conferences of Portfolio.hu, this event provides an excellent opportunity to develop partnerships or deepen existing customer relationships, in addition to the professional discourse.


• Miklós Dietz CFA, Dr. Partner, McKinsey & Company
• Márton Nagy, Executive Director, Hungarian National Bank (MNB)
• Tamás Vojnits, Chairman of the Board, Takarékbank
• Gábor Tokodi, Deputy-CEO, FHB Bank Zrt.
• László Harmati, Deputy-CEO, Erste Bank
• Tamás Csillag, CEO, Nemzeti Eszközkezelő Zrt.
• Pál Simák, Chairman - CEO, CIB Bank
• Ferenc Kementzey, Deputy-CEO, Raiffeisen Bank
• László Bencsik, Deputy-CEO, OTP Bank
• Gergő Soltész, CEO, FHB Bank
• Balázs Vonnák, Director, National Bank of Hungary
• László Morafcsik, Director, Member of the Board, Fundamenta-Lakáskassza
• András Kozma, Chairman-CEO, Commerzbank
• Róbert Toman, Retail Financing Director, Raiffeisen Bank
• László Balássy, Deputy CEO, MKB Bank
• Csilla Ihász, Member of the Board, UniCredit Bank
• Gyula Barabás, Chairman, Széchenyi Hitelszövetség
• Zoltán Urbán, CEO, Garantiqa


• Quitters and those pulling for the lead - The transformation of the Hungarian banking sector
• The future of the Hungarian bank sector
• The courts have made the decision - What will the new foreign currency debt package include?
• Growth Loan Program - Experiences and Lessons Learned
• Mortgage lending with and without government participation
• Supply and demand - To whom, how and why do the Hungarian banks lend?


DATE: May 20, 2014

PLACE: Hilton Budapest, Buda Castle (1014 Budapest, Hess András tér 1-3. HUNGARY)
Hotel Information, Map & Location

COST: HUF 84,900 + VAT / person or EUR 279 + VAT

Fee includes: conference documentation, full lunch and coffee breaks.
The conference is bilingual with English-Hungarian simultaneous interpretation.


- 10% discount is available for 2 registrations,
- 20% on 3 or more.


Agrár-Vállalkozási Hitelgarancia Alapítvány, AIG Europe Ltd Magyarországi Fióktelepe, Allianz Hungária Zrt., Alsónémedi és Vidéke Takarékszövetkezet, AXA Bank Europe SA Magyarországi Fióktelepe, BankRáció Kft., BISZ Zrt., BNP Paribas Magyarországi Fióktelepe, Bóly és Vidéke Takarékszövetkezet, Brink's C.L. Hungaria Zrt., Brokernet Zrt., Budapest Bank Zrt., Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem, Campus Projekt, Cardif Biztosító Zrt., Carion Ingatlanfinanszírozási Centrum Zrt., CIB Bank, Concorde, CO-OP HITEL Zrt., CRIF Zrt., Deloitte Üzletviteli és Vezetési Tanácsadó Zrt., ELTINGA Ingatlanpiaci Kutatóközpont, Erste Bank Hungary Zrt., Eximbank, MEHIB, Fabogár Kft., Faludi Wolf Theiss Ügyvédi Iroda, FHB Bank Zrt., FHB Életjáradék Zrt., FHB Ingatlan Zrt., FHB Jelzálogbank Nyrt., FHB Kereskedelmi Bank, Fundamenta-Lakáskassza Zrt., Garantiqa Hitelgarancia Zrt., Gazdasági Versenyhivatal, GRÁNIT Bank Zrt., Hetényi Ügyvédi Iroda, IFUA Horváth&Partners Kft., ING Bank NV Magyarországi Fióktelep, InHold Pénzügyi Zrt., K&H Bank Zrt., KPMG Tanácsadó Kft., Magyar Export-Import Bank Zrt., Magyar Követeléskezelők és Üzleti Információt Szolgáltatók Szövetsége, Magyar Lízingszövetség, Magyar Nemzeti Bank, Magyar Vállalkozásfinanszírozási Zrt., Magyar Záloghitel Zrt., Magyarországi Volksbank Zrt., MAKISZ, MKB Bank Zrt., Morley Allen & Overy Iroda, Nemzetgazdasági Minisztérium, Netrisk.hu Zrt., Országos Takarékszövetkezeti Intézményvédelmi Alap (OTIVA), OTP Bank Nyrt., OTP Ingatlanpont Kft., OTP Jelzálogbank, Otthon Centrum Hitel Center, Otthon Centrum Zrt., Pénzcentrum, Pénzügyi Szervezetek Állami Felügyelete, Portfolio Financial, Provident Pénzügyi Zrt., PWC, Qualysoft Informatikai Zrt., Raiffeisen Bank Zrt., Rialtin 95 Kft., Ridge Road Kft., The Boston Consulting Group Kft., UCB Ingatlanhitel Zrt., UniCredit Bank Hungary Zrt., Víztec Zrt., Wallis Asset Management Zrt. ...

Our conference is expected not only to provide an opportunity to expand the participants’ knowledge base, but also to create an excellent forum for high-level networking and the forging of new professional relations. Our goal is more than just to organise another cut an dry event; we strive to make this conference a regular, interactive and international forum that keeps its finger on the pulse of the market.

The Portfolio.hu conferences are highly renowned for their great opportunities of networking and building business relationships, merely not just giving new professional knowledge. Our aim is not to have a one time occasion event, but creating a yearly international interactive forum about the changes of the market.


GALLERY | 24 pictures
Portfolio Hitelezés 2014

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István Palkó
  • István Palkó
  • Senior Analyst
  • Phone: 06/1 428 90 65
  • Email:
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