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Portfolio-MAGE Automotive Industry 2021

Progress can not stop

Date: 15th June 2021  

Location: Aquaworld Resort Budapest + Terrace


  • Industrial digitalisation and production efficiency – The show must go on! Car industry innovations, development projects and best practices, all first-hand
  • The future remains green: alternative drives, electrification, and new energy efficiency solutions in manufacturing
  • Raw material shortage, high prices, breaking supply chains, logistical difficulties – Hungarian SMEs and suppliers in the re-forming supply chain
  • Back this year: thematic roundtable workshop! Exchange experiences and network in small groups with elective topics

Our speakers among others

All speakers
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Ács István
Business Development Manager
Bosch Rexroth Kft.
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Balán Péter
branch manager
Mitsubishi Electric Europe B.V. Magyarországi Fióktelepe
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Bálind János
Managing Director
Bálind Kft.
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Bán Zoltán
Net Média (Portfolio Group)
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Bányai Tibor
Managing Director
Bányai & Partners Consulting Kft.
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Bobál Gábor
Complex energy solutions engineer expert
E.ON Hungária Group
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Bolyki Ferenc
Perfect Execution Manager
Emerson Automation FCP Kft.
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Csanaki Jenő
Production Manager
Opel Szentgotthárd
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Cservenné Boros Andrea
HR Manager
Flextronics International Kft.
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Dedéné Novotni Anna
Vice President of the Board
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Dr. Dobos Péter
Technical Plant Manager
Starters E-Components Generators Automotive Hungary Kft. (S.E.G.A. Hungary Kft.)
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Marc Eckstein
thyssenkrupp Components Technology Hungary Kft.
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Éliás Péter
Leading manager, Environmental Management
Audi Hungaria Zrt.
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Godány Tamás
Carl Zeiss Industrielle Messtechnik Austria GmbH Magyarországi Fióktelepe
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Hajdárné Molnár Elvira
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Kalmár Balázs
Logistics Director
SMR Automotive Mirror Technology Hungary Bt.
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Kilián Csaba
Association of the Hungarian Automotive Industry (MAGE)
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Kis István
GM, Vice President Operations Hungary
Harman/Becker Automotive Systems
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Kozula Ádám
Head of complex energy solutions
E.ON Hungária Group
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Krisztián Róbert
Deputy CEO
Magyar Suzuki Corp.
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Macsotai Péter
Managing Director
Federal Mogul Hungary Kft - A TENNECO Group Company
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Makkai Csanád
Manufacturing Engineering Director
NI Hungary Kft.
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Mátyus Péter
Business Lead Hungary
P3 Group - Independent Automotive Expert
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Mészáros Gábor
Complex energy solutions team lead
E.ON Hungária Group
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Pető Sándor
Lean trainer, consultant and coach
PS Management Solution Kft.
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Pinczés Balázs
Hungarian HR-Network Association
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Purgel Csaba
VP Operation Hungary
Harman International
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Rigó Zoltán
SUA Manager
Sheldon Invest Kft.
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Rózsa Tamás
Managing Partner
Top Tier Consultants
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Szüle Mária
Head of HR Management
BMW Manufacturing Hungary Kft.
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Thierry László
Managing Director
ElringKlinger Hungary
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Tisza-Kiss László
Plant manager
Dana Hungary Kft.
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Tóth András István
Solution sales director
E.ON Hungária Csoport
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Tóth Zoltán
Head of Solution Sales
E.ON Energiamegoldások Kft.
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Tóth Edina
Personnel Manager
Opel Szentgotthárd Ltd., Stellantis Group
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Varga-Papp Szilvia
KECT/L-HR HR Manager
Knorr-Bremse Fékrendszerek Kft.
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Virág Aladár
Professional Consultant an Sales
4iG Ltd.
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Weisz Szilvia
Manager, Production ramp-up
Audi Hungaria Zrt.
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Zentai Zsolt
Head of Planning Building technology / Plant infrastructure
Audi Hungaria Zrt.

Why you should come?

10th jointly organised Portfolio-MAGE Automotive Industry Conference

Many are hoping that in 2021, the world may be able to take a deep breath after the biggest global crisis in recent decades. Following the coronavirus shock, the automotive industry has performed better than expected as businesses have not forgone their investments and are hiring, trying to improve their competitiveness and their R&D capabilities alike. 

Manufacturers of alternative drive vehicles are in the best position, with large order volumes that are expected to at least double over the next decade. New technologies, the shift towards electric and autonomous cars, as well as adopting the achievements of the Industry 4.0 revolution and deploying theses in manufacturing have gained a momentum never seen before. The re-thinking of supply chains, logistics processes, and energy efficiency solutions offer great opportunities to Central and Eastern Europe in the coming period.

The tools are therefore given, and progress can not stop. Major players from Hungary's car industry will again show the way in person at the 10th jointly organised Portfolio-MAGE Automotive Industry Conference. Meet us there!

Download the Portfolio Events mobile app where you can find Portfolio’s professional events in one app, personalised for you. You can access the event’s detailed programme, the list of participants, and your conference ticket, among other things. We even offer a virtual business card exchange. How? The QR code on the badge is your personalised online business card - scan each other's QR codes and you can keep in touch after the conference. Profession, experience, networking. Install with QR-code from desktop >>


Under Section 6/C, Paragraph (3) of Government Decree 484/2020 (10 November) on the second phase of pandemic defence measures during the state of emergency, our events may only be attended by people immune to the coronavirus

Net Média Zrt. as the organiser has an obligation to verify the immunity of all participants, which they may prove either by an immunity certificate as per Section 2/A of the decree, or the equivalent application-based certificate as per Government Decree  60/2021 (12 February). Both require personal ID as well. Please bring the above documents to the event, as otherwise Net Média Zrt. as organiser has the right and obligation to deny and prevent entry to the event even with a valid ticket, as per Section 6/C Paragraph (5) of the decree.

For more details, click on the Information tab. 

Who we recommend

  • Executives and experts of vehicle makers (OEM), system integrators (TIER1), technology suppliers (TIER2) and raw material suppliers (TIER3) from the production, sales, logistics, engineering, R&D&I, procurement, supply chain development, quality management and HR areas
  • Logistics companies
  • Technology companies, fintech and insurtech companies, IT and IT security companies, startups
  • Representatives of banks, financial institutions and the financing side in general
  • Law offices and consultants
  • Car industry organisations, clusters, regulatory authorities
  • Energy suppliers

Our Sponsors


Gold Sponsor

Silver Sponsor

Bronze Sponsor

Official car rental partner

Exclusive coffee specialities sponsored by

Media Partner

The sponsor of maximum health and safety

IMPORTANT NOTE: We care about our guests and care about safety!

Of course, we must keep in mind that we are living in the shadow of the coronavirus and will continue to do so not just this autumn but probably for the next year or two. As such, the Portfolio team is preparing not just a professional programme but also well-considered safety measures devised with the cooperation of experts.

We will take care of

  • Konica Minolta IoT heat cameras at entrance to guarantee the highest safety and health of participants
  • contactless, safe entry;
  • suitable seating;
  • online presentations by foreign speakers;
  • a potential cap on the number of visitors;
  • and other event management and safety solutions.

In addition, on-site services such as safe catering will be provided by the ultra-premium event locations we have been working with for years. Being part of recognised five-star franchises, these locations take extra care to ensure the safety of their guests as well as ours.

4iG   4iG Ltd   4iG Nyrt   4ig   A&P Kft   AGC Glass Hungary Kft   AGC Glass Hungary Ltd   ALL CARGO EXPRES KFT   AUDI HUNGARIA Zrt   Amerikai Nagykövetség   Antalis Hungary Kft   Association of the Hungarian Automotive Industry (MAGE)   Audi Hungaria Zrt   Avis Autókölcsönző   BMW Manufacturing Hungary Kft   BOMO BAU Kft   BPW-Hungária Kft   Because Agency Kft   Bosch Rexroth / RE:FACT   Bosch Rexroth Kft   Bálind Kft   Bányai & Partners Consulting Kft   CCL Design   Carl Zeiss IMTA GmbH Magyarországi Fióktelepe   Carl Zeiss Industrielle Messtechnik Austria GmbH Magyarországi Fióktelepe   Cascade Engineering Europe Kft   Continental   Continental Automotive Hungary Kft   Continental Automotive Hungary Veszprém   DBH InnoHub Kft   Dana Hungary Kft   Deloitte Zrt   E.ON   E.ON Energiamegoldások Kft   E.ON Energiamegoldások Kft,   E.ON Hungária Csoport   E.ON Hungária Group   E.ON Hungária Zrt   EON   ElringKlinger Hungary   ElringKlinger Hungary Kft   Emberfejlesztés Kft   Emerson Automation FCP Kft   Falcon-Vision ZRt   Federal Mogul Hungary Kft   Federal Mogul Hungary Kft - A TENNECO Group Company   Flextronics International Kft   General Plastics Kft   General-Plastics Kft   Grant Thornton Corporate Finance Kft   HAJDU Autotechnika Ipari Zrt   HAJDU Group   HIPA Nemzeti Befektetési Ügynökség Nonprofit Zrt   Harman Becker Gépkocsirendszer Gyártó Kft   Harman International   Harman/Becker Automotive Systems   Hungarian HR-Network Association   Hungexpo Zrt   IEC-Pack Kft   IFUA Horváth & Partners Kft   IFUA Horváth&Partners Kft   Image-Science Kft   Indián-Sped Kft   Innovációs és Technológiai Minisztérium   Jankovits Engineering Kft   Knorr-Bremse Fékrendszerek Kft   LLC Ungwire   Le Bélier Magyarország Zrt   MLBKT   Magyar Gépjárműipari Egyesület - MAGE   Magyar Suzuki Corp   Magyar Suzuki Zrt   Materialise NV   Mitsubishi Electric   Mitsubishi Electric Europe B.V. Magyarországi Fióktelepe   Mitsubishi Electric Magyarországi fióktelepe   NEFAB Packaging Hungary Kft   NHK Spring Hungary Kft   NI Hungary Kft   Net Média (Portfolio Group)   OnRobot Hungary Kft   Opel Szentgotthárd   Opel Szentgotthárd Ltd., Stellantis Group   P3 Group - Independent Automotive Expert   PEMÜ Műanyagipari Zrt   PEMÜ Plc   PS Management Solution Kft   Portfolio   Profigram System Zrt   Realworld Systems Hungary Kft   Realworld systems Hungary Kft   Renishaw Hungary Kft   SHINWA Magyarország Kft   SMR Automotive Mirror Technology Hungary Bt   STAUFEN.AG   Salesianer Miettex Magyarországi Kft   Sheldon Invest Kft   Smart Grid Kft   Solutions Metál Kft   Starters E-Components Generators Automotive Hungary Kft. (S.E.G.A. Hungary Kft.)   Staufen.AG   Stratis Kft   Szinergia Kft   Széchenyi Alapok Zrt   T&T Quality Kft   TRIGO C.E.E. Kft   TRIGO Precíziós Méréstechnika Kft   TRIGO Quality Support Kft   Tisza Cipő Group   Titán '94 Kft   Top Tier Consultants   UniCredit Bank Hungary Zrt   VLK Cresa Kft   Videoton Autóelektronika Kft   Vitesco Technologies Hungary Kft   ZEISS   ZalaZONE Ipari Park Zrt   evopro systems engineering Kft   thyssenkrupp Components Technology Hungary Kft


GALLERY | 31 pictures
Portfolio-MAGE Automotive Industry 2021


Organisation, general questions

Gábor Ócsai
  • Gábor Ócsai
  • rendezvényszervező
  • Phone: +36 1 472 2095


Zoltán Schultz
  • Zoltán Schultz
  • key account sales partner
  • Phone: +36 20 319 9024
  • Email:


Kata Tóth
  • Kata Tóth
  • Conference Project Leader
  • Phone: +36 20 386 0751
  • Email:
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