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Portfolio AgroFood 2024



The AGROFOOD 2024 conference will be held at the same venue as our AGROFUTURE 2024 conference on the 22nd of May, and interested attendees can purchase 50% discounted tickets for HUF 56,900 + VAT/person.

You can indicate your intention to participate by entering the code "AGRO PASS" in the comment field on the second page of the online registration form.

Confirmation and a fee request for the AGROFOOD 2024 conference will be sent to you in a separate email within a few days.


By using the code AGRO PASS, you explicitly consent to the Organiser recording your registration for the AgroFood Conference using the data provided during this registration based on the discounted terms outlined above.


  • the Hungarian food industry’s funding possibilities under the European Union Common Agrarian Policy
  • the long-term development strategy of the food industry
  • new food industry development and tender possibilities in the Rural Development Programme
  • the best investment possibilities for food industry sectors
  • short- and long-term financing possibilities and bank loan products for food industry enterprises
  • food safety requirements for food production, official controls
  • the main regulatory changes to the Hungarian Food Book
  • access for labour for food industry enterprises
  • the consequences of extended producer responsibility (EPR) in the food industry
  • public charges and taxation issues in the food industry
  • new trends and products in the packaging material market
  • energy predictions and contracting possibilities for food industry companies
  • food industry companies’ energy efficiency developments
  • the food industry’s integration possibilities in raw material production, producer-processor relations
  • Élelmiszerkereskedelmi követelmények az élelmiszeriparral szemben
  • Legújabb élelmiszerfogyasztási trendek, változó vásárlói igények
  • A regionális és helyi élelmiszer-előállítás hazai lehetőségei
  • food trade requirements for the food industry
  • the newest food consumption trends, changing consumer needs
  • domestic opportunities for regional and local food production
  • increasing risk of imports on the domestic food market
  • domestic and external market access opportunities, export development and financing

Our speakers among others

All speakers
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Arató Gábor
Executive Director
Manupackaging Hungary
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Balázs Ildikó
Director of Corporate Relations
Auchan Hungary
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Balog Zoltán
Executive Director
Márka Üdítőgyártó
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Bán Zoltán
Net Média (Portfolio Csoport)
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Czomba Sándor
State Secretary
Ministry of National Economy
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Csík László
Executive Director
CED Közép-európai Gazdaságfejlesztési Hálózat Nonprofit Kft.
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Demeter Zoltán
Head of Agribusiness Development Department
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Felkai Beáta
Deputy State Secretary
Agricultural Ministry
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Galicz István
Élelmiszeripar Készségtanács
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Giczi Gergely
Deputy General Manager
Agricultural Marketing Centre
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Gyuricza Csaba
Nemzeti Agrárkutatási és Innovációs Központ
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Hazafi László
agriculture journalist
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Hollósi Dávid
President , Board Member
Magyar Bankszövetség agrár munkabizottság
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Hollósy Tibor
Deputy Chief Procurement Officer
Kometa 99
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Huber Balázs
Head Of Department
Hungarian State Treasury
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Kántor Gyöngyi
HR Director
Master Good
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Kiss Attila
Innovation Centre, University of Debrecen
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Kovács Zoltán
Managing Director
Rekontir BPM
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László Judit
International Business Developer
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Láving Gusztáv
SME Investment Director
Focus Ventures
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Leskó Tamás
Deputy Chief Executive Officer
Agrár-Vállalkozási Hitelgarancia Alapítvány
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Losó Viktor
Mirelite Mirsa
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Nagy Miklós
General Secretary
Hungarian Packaging Association
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Nobilis Márton
State Secretary
Agricultural Ministry
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Nógrádi József
Sales & Marketing Director
Trenkwalder Hungary
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Nyikosné Kovács Melinda
Head of Temporary Employment Business
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Papp Gergely
Deputy Director General
Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture
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Giacomo Pedranzini
Executive Director
Kometa 99
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Ruck János
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Runtág Tivadar
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Szécsényi Tamás
National Chamber of Agriculture
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Szilágyi Péter
Head of Risk Underwriting
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Szőke Szilvia
Sales Director
LC Packaging
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Vörös Attila
Managing Director
Felelős Élelmiszergyártók Szövetsége
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Zsarnóci Csaba
Head of Department
OTP Bank

Why you should come?

Portfolio Agrofood 2024 Conference is Portfolio Group’s new event of national importance for food industry businesses and agricultural producers, service providers, and food retailers associated with the industry. The conference looks at the food industry’s market, support, financing and regulation situation in detail, with a particular focus on development and investment possibilities for increasing the industry’s efficiency. The event aims to provide specific farming and business information for the successful operation of food industry businesses and contribute to strengthening their production and market positions and implementing the developments needed. The conference will also touch upon the opportunities for farmers and food businesses to integrate production, as well as the food industry's relationships with commercial suppliers and the expectations of the commercial sector towards the industry. It will analyse the short- and long-term access to credit for food businesses, their investment requirements for energy efficiency improvements, robotisation and digitalisation trends, and their labour and packaging market opportunities. The event will review the situation of food businesses in foreign and domestic markets, possible ways to increase product sales and tools for export development and financing. In addition, it will present the newest food consumption trends, the ever-changing consumer needs towards food, and the best company and community marketing opportunities for market presence.

Download the Portfolio Events mobile app where you can find Portfolio’s professional events in one app, personalised for you. You can access the event’s detailed programme, the list of participants, and your conference ticket, among other things. We even offer a virtual business card exchange. How? The QR code on the badge is your personalised online business card - scan each other's QR codes and you can keep in touch after the conference. Profession, experience, networking. Install with QR-code from desktop >>

We would like to inform you that this conference will not be held online. There is no recording and possibility for subsequent viewing. We are looking forward to seeing you face-to-face!

Who we recommend

  • licensed farmers, family farmers, entrepreneurs,
  • agricultural joint ventures,
  • food companies,
  • commercial and food retail businesses,
  • energy service providers,
  • banks, financial organisations and insurers,
  • packaging producers and distributors,
  • agricultural professional organisations and interest groups,
  • and for those who want to expand their network of contacts, they are looking for business networking opportunities.

Our Sponsors

Main professional partner

Gold Sponsor

Silver Sponsor

Silver/Expert Sponsor

Bronze Sponsor

Official car rental partner

Carbon Offsetting Partner

Main Media Partner

Media Partner

Accessibility Partner

AB Consulting Group (SAP Partner)   ALX Magyar-Török Ker. Központ Kft (HEPA TÜRKIYE)   Agribusiness Club   Agribusiness club   Agribussiness Club   Agricultural Marketing Centre   Agricultural Ministry   Agrideal   Agrár-Vállalkozási Hitelgarancia Alapítvány   Agrármarketing Centrum Kft   Agrárminisztérium   Alternconsult Kft   Amsa Higiénia Kft   Assist-Trend Kft   Auchan Hungary   Auchan Magyarország Kft   Bonafarm Zrt   Béla Zoltán e.v   CAD+Inform Kft   CED Közép-európai Gazdaságfejlesztési Hálózat Nonprofit Kft   Capriovus Kft   Cibus Hungaricus Alapítvány   Citibank   Coface   Coface Fióktelepe   Coface Hungary Services Kft   Coface Magyarország   Délalföldi Kertészek Szövetkezete   EPMS Zrt   ERA Group   EXIM Magyarország   EY - Ernst&Young Tanácsadó Kft   Első Pesti Malom és Sütőipari Zrt   Erste Bank Hungary Zrt   Eximbank Zrt   Feigel és Társa Bt   Felelős Élelmiszergyártók Szövetsége   Felelős Élelmiszergyártók Szövetsége / FÉSZ/   Focus Ventures   Friss Kertész Kft   Funkcio kft Darnó-Hús   GALLICOOP ZRT   GALLICOOP Zrt   GS1 Magyarország Nonprofit Zrt   Gallicoop   Galéria Invest Kft   Gege Hungary   Groupama Biztosító Zrt   Gráf Béláné ev   HEPA Magyar Exportfejlesztési Ügynökség Nonprofit Zrt   HOLD Alapkezelo Zrt   Hambár Kft   Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture   Hungarian Packaging Association   Hungarian State Treasury   Hungerit Zrt   Hungrana Kft   Hódkertész Kft   Hús Depó Kft   Húsipari Dolgozók Szakszervezete   Innovation Centre, University of Debrecen   Intersnack Magyarország Kft   Júlia Malom Kft   K&H   K&H Bank Zrt   K&H Csoport   KPMG Tanácsadó Kft   Kall Ingredients Kft   Kersia Hungária Kft   Kometa 99   Kometa 99 Zrt   Kométa   LC Packaging   LC Packaging TPI Kft   MATE   MBH Bank   MBH Bank Nyrt   MOHU MOL   MTVA   Magyar Agrár- és Élettudományi Egyetem   Magyar Bankszövetség agrár munkabizottság   Magyar Gabonaszövetség   Magyar Húsiparosok Szövetsége   Magyar Innovációs Szövetség   Magyar Mezőgazdaság Kft   Magyar Tornaszövetség   Magyar Távirati Iroda (MTI)   Makrom Kft - ZILDA TEJÜZEM   Manupackaging Hungary   Manupackaging Magyarország Kft   Master Good   Mertcontrol Hungary Kft   Ministry of National Economy   Mirelite Mirsa   Márka Üdítőgyártó   Nagykun 2000 Mg. Zrt   National Chamber of Agriculture   Nemzeti Agrárkutatási és Innovációs Központ   Net Média (Portfolio Csoport)   OPEX Solutions Kft   OTP Bank   OTP Bank Nyrt   OTP Bank Zrt   OTP Hungaro-Projekt Kft   PANDAN Kft   PRÉMIUM KERT KFT   PV Napenergia Kft   Pannon-Work   Pannon-Work Zrt   Paprika Manufaktúra Kft   Penograin Kft   Portfolio   Portfolio/Agrárszektor   Prohuman Payroll Services   Próbakő Kft   REKONTIR Cégcsoport   Random Sweet Kft   Rekontir   Rekontir BPM   Rekontir BPM Kft   Rekontir Csoport   Rekontir cégcsoport   SGS Hungária Kft   SGS Hungária kft   Sinte Trade Kft   Smart Greenhouse Control Kft   Staff House Zrt   Studium Group 2020 Kft   Sydnex kft   TOMA TENDER KFT   Tej Szakmaközi Szervezet és Terméktanács   Tenderauditor Kft   Trenkwalder Hungary   Trenkwalder Recruitment Kft   Triagro Nemzetközi Mezőgazdasági Kft   TÉT Platform   UAB GODERUS   UBM Trade Zrt   UniCredit Bank   UniCredit Bank Hungary Zrt   ZILDA TEJÜZEM   eFeF Élelmiszeripari és Kereskedelmi Kft   eFeF Élelmiszeripari és Kereskedelmi Kft   exportfejlesztes.hu   kistermelő   Élelmiszeripar Készségtanács   ÚJ Mezőgazdasági Magazin   Új Mezőgazdasági Magazin


GALLERY | 37 pictures
AgroFood 2024


Organisation, general questions

Zsanett Zsoldos
  • Zsanett Zsoldos
  • Phone: +36 20 522 7398
  • Email:
Dominika Doszpoth
  • Dominika Doszpoth
  • event organiser
  • Phone: +36 20 221 0231
  • Email:


Tünde Veégh
  • Tünde Veégh
  • Email:
Sándor Takács
  • Sándor Takács
  • Commercial Director
  • Email:


László Hazafi
  • László Hazafi
  • Email:
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