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Tájékozódjon eseményeinkről 6 iparágban: Offline és Online konferenciák
EUYOU – The EU’s Cohesion Policy at a Crossroad
EUYOU – The EU’s Cohesion Policy at a Crossroad

Economy   FREE EVENT

EUYOU – The EU’s Cohesion Policy at a Crossroad

26th February 2025 
The EU’s new seven-year budget will certainly not start under the current system in 2028. Anyone can still have a say in the professional debate and reform plans on the future of support policies that are just beginning. We recommend... More
The Present and Future of Cohesion Policy
The Present and Future of Cohesion Policy

Economy   FREE EVENT

The Present and Future of Cohesion Policy

16th December 2024 
The most important debates of the coming years in the European Union will revolve around the reform of cohesion policy, with preparations already underway. In our webinar, we will review the achievements of regional development policy so far, as well... More
Private Investor Day 2022/2.
Private Investor Day 2022/2.


Private Investor Day 2022/2.

16th November 2022 
Until the beginning of this year, with the progress of vaccination, it seemed like the world economy’s big problem will be increasing inflation and the need to raise interest rates, but in the middle of February, the Russian-Ukrainian war intervened,... More
Digital Trends in Manufacturing
Digital Trends in Manufacturing


Digital Trends in Manufacturing

19th May 2021 
The available workforce in factories is working at peak performance, so their efficiency can not be improved further through traditional HR and process management tools  However, digitalisation and new technologies can still improve the efficiency of human work through the... More
Consumer Credit Risk & Collections 2021 Meetup
As it stands now, the loan repayment moratorium in Hungary is set to end as of 30 June 2021, which could reveal how vulnerable Hungarian households and businesses are to the prolonged financial effects of the coronavirus crisis. Banks may... More
Investment, Wealth and Savings (IWS) 2021
The coronavirus has completely upset the Hungarian savings and investment market, and digitalisation has swiftly conquered places few would have expected before. Online customer service is now an everyday matter, and even those above 60 are feeling increasingly at home... More
2020 will be a critical year for the private healthcare sector for a number of reasons. As we began the year, the question was whether the recent spectacular growth of private healthcare providers could be maintained, and if so, for... More
Global trends in Banking
Global trends in Banking


Global trends in Banking

5th November 2020 
If we take a step back from day-to-day internal banking operations and problems and look around the world, we may realise that the building blocks for the banking of the future are already present today. Based on inspiration from SIBOS,... More
Lending 2020
Lending 2020


Lending 2020

15th September 2020 
2016 was a year of turnaround, 2017 a year of upswing, 2018 brought an actual boom, while 2019 was probably the peak year in Hungary's lending market. It is now clear that 2020 is about the coronavirus and the loan... More