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HVCA - Portfolio Investment Conference 2022

Date: 7th October 2022  

Location: Marriott Hotel, Budapest


  • COVID, war, sanctions; the economic impacts of all them on the economy
  • Challenges of Hungarian Start-up Investing
  • The challenges and rewards of cross border, co-investment
  • Life after exit of the financial investors
  • Workforce recruitment, retention, and motivation

Our speakers among others

All speakers
speaker image
Mary Alcantara
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Bálint Viktor
Chief Growth Officer
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Jiri Benes
Managing Partner
Genesis Growth
speaker image
Dr. Budai Judit
Szecskay Ügyvédi Iroda

Why you should come?

The annual investment conference of the Hungarian Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (HVCA) is being held this year for the 23d time. It provides a forum for prominent participants, investors, executive and business decision-makers of the venture capital and private equity sector in Central and Eastern Europe for the exchange and discussion of experiences and professional networking.

The still ongoing world pandemic has a big effect on our lives and plans as does the ongoing war conflicts and associated economic sanctions.

We start the conference by analysing the short-term effects of the global economic environment on the Hungarian economy and the venture capital industry.
In the long term we will assess how the domestic situation of financing early-stage investments can be improved from the point of view of international – but especially the point of view of overseas angel investors.

How Hungarian unicorn companies come into being and how they have developed. What kind of challenges are faced when a portfolio company starting from Hungary wishes to attract geographically diversified investors in different investment rounds in financing the expansion of the portfolio company?

We will look into the life of the companies after financial investor exit.

And finally, attention will be paid to labor market competition for retaining labor that also reaches the venture and private equity industries. The challenges of the home office will also be on the table.

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Who we recommend

  • Venture and private equity investors
  • Corporate finance and company finance professionals
  • Businesses involved in consolidation
  • CFOs
  • Equity investors
  • Consultants and lawyers
  • Investment funds,
  • Professionals of state and supervisory organizations,
  • Entrepreneurs and companies
  • és azoknak, akik szeretnék bővíteni kapcsolati hálójukat, keresik az üzleti networking lehetőségeket

Our Sponsors


Bronze Sponsor

Carbon Offsetting Partner

In association with

Sponsor of the wine selection


3TS Capital Partners, Absolvo Consulting Kft., Agrárminisztérium, Állami Tőkealapokért Felelős Főosztály (GFM), Allen & Overy Kádár Ügyvédi Iroda, Aon Magyarország Kft., ARX Equity Partners, BAMOSZ, Banzai Cloud, Bird & Bird (International) LLP, BlackBelt Technology Kft., Budapesti fesztiválzenekar, Chi Fu FT European Fund Management Zrt., Clairfield International Kft., Codecool, CSABAcast Könnyűfémöntöde Kft., Day One Capital Zrt, DBH Investment Zrt., Ernst & Young Tanácsadó Kft., Euroventures Advisory Kft., Eutecus, Fam Lambda Kft., FINATECH Capital Befektetési Alapkezelő Zrt., FoglaljOrvost.hu, Forgó, Damjanovic és Társai Ügyvédi Iroda, GB & Partners, Genesis Growth, Green Brother, Green Fox Academy Kft., Growceanu Angel Investment, Hiventures Zrt., Hodler Alapkezelő Zrt., I4P-Informatikai Kft., IEurope Kft., Impact Advisory Zrt., Imre Borsanyi CPA PA, Integral Ventures Kft., Investeers, a.s., IVSZ, KBKB Alapkezelő Zrt., Kocián Šolc Balaštík, advokátní kancelář, s.r.o., KPMG Tanácsadó Kft., KRTK KTI, Kulturális és Innovációs Minisztérium, Lakatos, Köves és Társai Ügyvédi Iroda, Lead Ventures Zrt., Magyar Telekom Nyrt., MFB Invest Zrt., Miniszterelnöki Kabinetiroda, Molten VC, Move&Walk, OTB Ventures, OTP Bank, Patrimony Edge Kft., PBG FMC Zrt., PortfoLion Capital Partners, PortfoLion Zrt., Raiffeisen Bank International, Rockaway Capital, Rockaway Ventures, RTL, Sharity Zrt., SLOVCA, Solus Capital Zrt., ST Legal | Solti-Tóth Ügyvédi Iroda, Starschema, Szallas.hu, Széchényi Alapok, Szecskay Attorneys at Law, Szecskay Ügyvédi Iroda, TandemLEAP, Társadalmi Hasznosságú Befektetők Egyesülete, UNIQA Ventures, Vascular Venture Kft., Venture Capital Summit, Videoton Holding Zrt., XANGA Ventures Magántőkealap-kezelő Zrt., X-Ventures Alpha Zrt.


GALLERY | 30 pictures
HVCA - Portfolio Investment Conference 2022


Organisation, general questions

Zsombor Bozsik
  • Zsombor Bozsik
  • Event organizer
  • Phone: +361 327 4086
  • rendezveny@portfolio.hu


Sándor Takács
  • Sándor Takács
  • Commercial Director
  • Email: takacs@portfolio.hu


Kata Tóth
  • Kata Tóth
  • Conference Project Leader
  • Phone: +36 20 386 0751
  • Email: toth@portfolio.hu
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