IMPORTANT NOTE: We care about our guests and care about safety!
Of course, we must keep in mind that we are living in the shadow of the coronavirus and will continue to do so not just this autumn but probably for the next year or two. As such, the Portfolio team is preparing not just a professional programme but also well-considered safety measures devised with the cooperation of experts.
We will take care of
- contactless, safe entry;
- suitable seating;
- online presentations by foreign speakers;
- a potential cap on the number of visitors;
- and other event management and safety solutions.
In addition, on-site services such as safe catering will be provided by the ultra-premium event locations we have been working with for years. Being part of recognised five-star franchises, these locations take extra care to ensure the safety of their guests as well as ours.
ACD Kft, Active Partner 22 Kft., Aurora Homes and Events Kft., Boston Technologies Kft., Botos Ügyvédi Iroda, Budapest Bank Zrt., Codic Hungary Kft., ConReal Szolgáltató Kft., Cordia Magyarország Zrt., Cordia Management Szolgáltató Kft., DECART Hungária Kft., Diligent Capital Properties Kft., Dr. Andris Ildikó Végrehajtói Irodája, Duna House, ELTINGA / Lakás Riport, Fagyöngy Lakópark Kft., FHB Ingatlan Zrt., Focus-Home Kft., Futureal Management Szolgáltató Kft., Generate Prosystem Kft., Imoville Kft., Ingatlan Sziget Ingatlaniroda, Innospot, Jalsovszky Ügyvédi Iroda, Kamingroup Kft., KPMG Tanácsadó Kft., Krattinger&Krattinger, Magyar Nemzeti Bank, Mantra Development, Mapsolutions Zrt., Market Építő Zrt., Metrodom Kivitelező Kft., Nemzetgazdasági Minisztérium, Opinion Builders Kft., OTP Csoport, OTP Ingatlan Zrt., OTP Jelzálogbank / OTP Ingatlanpont, Otthon Centrum, Poparch Kft., PRA, Proper-t Kft., PTG Hungary Kft., Real Hungary Zrt., Takarék Csoport, Takarékbank Zrt., Taylor Wessing, Telek-Új Házépítő Kft., UniCredit Bank Hungary Zrt., Volumetric Magyarország Kft., White Star Real Estate, Whitefield Mng Kft., Wienerberger Zrt., WING Zrt...