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Hiventures - Portfolio Strategic Corporate Finance 2021

Date: 21st September 2021  

Location: Marriott Hotel, Budapest


  • Now is the time to invest – But how to finance it?
  • How to decide the right ratio of loans and equity?
  • The connection between company value and capital structure
  • How to finance a new transaction?
  • Financing goals and solutions: the role of equity programmes in funding
  • Institutional equity investors as predictable partners
  • This is no longer just an abundance of funding, this is the era of unlimited cheap money: bond issues, central bank schemes, bank loans, EU funding, capital financing
  • The process of successful company sales and acquisitions
  • Change of generations in practice, real-life case studies when succession within the family is not an option: obstacles, risks and managing these during the transition
  • The human aspect of selling a business: how to make parting ways easier?
  • How, and from what sources, to finance the growth and expansion of our business?

Our speakers among others

All speakers
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Bán Zoltán
Net Média (Portfolio Csoport)
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Csiki Gergely
Chief editor
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Csobádi Ákos
Managing Director, Financial Advisory
BDO Hungary
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dr. Hegedüs Balázs
Co-Owner, CEO
Stanc-Pack Ltd.
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Herdon István
President - CEO
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Nicholas J. Kabcenell
Structured Capital Partners
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Katona Bence
President, CEO
Nemzeti Tőkeholding
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Koleszár Péter
Senior ICT advisor
Hungarian Chamber of Industry and Commerce
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Dr. Kovács Márton
Attorney at Law, partner
HBK Partners Ügyvédi Társulás
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Kovaloczy Áron
Managing Director
DLA Piper Business Advisory Kft.
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Dr. Kozmáné Dr. Kiss Julianna
Finance Director
Vajda-Papír Kft.
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Láving Gusztáv
SME Investment Director
Focus Ventures
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Majer Béla
Founder, former majority owner
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Medveczky Péter
Szatmári Konzervgyár Kft.
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Nagy Kálmán
Managing Director
Concorde MB Partners
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Nagy Péter Gábor
Director of Sales, Marketing and Issuers Acquisitions Division
Budapest Stock Exchange
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Pál Kata
Head of International Business Development & Innovation, BIB Zrt.
EKKV.HU Project Lead
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Pető Gábor
Financing and Transactions Director
Forestay Group
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Posch Richárd
MagNet Magyar Közösségi Bank Zrt.
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Sági György
Co-founder & CEO, product architect, network analyst
Bondweaver SA.
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Dr. Sipos-Tompa Levente
Chairman & Chief Executive Officer
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Stanka Gergely
Attorney at Law
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Személyi László
Executive Partner, Future-Now
EKKV.HU Project Owner
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Szendrei-Hernádi Zsolt
Vág-Tech Kft.
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Szoboszlai Gergely
Managing Director
Stanc-Pack Ltd.
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Tari Annamária
Psychoanalytics, Psychotherapist
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Tóth József
Corporate Investment Director
Hiventures Zrt.
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Tóth Péter
Senior Manager
DLA Piper Business Advisory
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Wolf László
Member of the Board, Deputy Chief Executive Officer
OTP Bank Plc., Commercial Banking Division
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Zsámboki Zoltán
Investment Director

Why you should come?

It will be interesting to see how Hungarian-owned businesses will be able to contribute to the recovery of the country's economy after the coronavirus pandemic. Domestic businesses that have learned the main lessons from the crisis are switching to more crisis-resistant operations, drawing up the right funding structures and making sure they have well-founded business plans and development capacities, are now enjoying a competitive edge over their rivals and may find it easier to handle acquisitions, consolidation processes, investments and capital financing.

At the joint conference of Portfolio and Hiventures, interested business owners may learn about the advantages of capital financing as we use actual case studies from Hungary to present the programmes of the equity fund manager , which go beyond solving short-term financing or liquidity problems resulting from the crisis.

Hiventures is planning for the long term and is focusing on the challenges most likely to determine the future of Hungarian-owned businesses. It offers tangible assistance to acquisitions, succession outside the family, market consolidation, financing investments, foreign expansion, or even reorganisation. We will also present domestic businesses where succession within the family is not possible for some reason, but an outside player sees the potential and steps up as a buyer. During the professional presentations and discussions, we will talk not only about numbers, business and building a company, but also about the people and the human factors behind companies and processes, as success may often hinge on these. The speakers invited to our conference have played active roles in several transactions of this type, and their know-how has been proven to assist in the continued successful operation of the businesses involved, which is in the fundamental interest of all market players in the long term. 

The event will be rounded off by a thematic workshop where experts will share their knowledge with participants in an interactive manner. Our goal is to grow together. Join us! 

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Under Section 6/C, Paragraph (3) of Government Decree 484/2020 (10 November) on the second phase of pandemic defence measures during the state of emergency, our events may only be attended by people immune to the coronavirus

Net Média Zrt. as the organiser has an obligation to verify the immunity of all participants, which they may prove either by an immunity certificate as per Section 2/A of the decree, or the equivalent application-based certificate as per Government Decree  60/2021 (12 February). Both require personal ID as well. Please bring the above documents to the event, as otherwise Net Média Zrt. as organiser has the right and obligation to deny and prevent entry to the event even with a valid ticket, as per Section 6/C Paragraph (5) of the decree.

For more details, click on the Information tab. 

Who we recommend

  • Owners of Hungarian-owned businesses
  • Executives and owners of companies preparing for development
  • Businesses involved in consolidation
  • CFOs
  • Equity investors
  • Consultants and lawyers

Our Sponsors


Bronze Sponsor

Official car rental partner

Carbon Offsetting Partner

Exclusive coffee specialities sponsored by

The sponsor of maximum health and safety


ARDIAN ARX EQUITY AegisLegal Ügyvédi Iroda Alfa Proxima-X Kft. Alois Dallmayr Arthur Bergman Építőipari Holding Zrt BDO Magyarország Pénzügyi Tanácsadó Zrt. BPSS Ügyvédi Iroda Bloomberg Bondweaver Hálózatelemző Kft. Bravomed Kft Budapesti Értéktőzsde Zrt. - Értékesítési, Marketing és Kibocsátói Akvizíciók Igazgatóság BÉT CHonfidence Concorde MB Partners Kft. DBH Group DLA Piper Business Advisory Kft. DOME FSG Decor Floor Kft Delta Technologies Nyrt. Dr. Pintér Attila Ügyvédi Iroda EBRD EKKV.HU szakmai vezető Eron Systems Zrt. Erste Bank Hungary Zrt. Eurohealth FUNDING-PRO Kft. Filamania kft Focus Ventures Zrt. HB Reavis Hungary Kft. HBK Partners Ügyvédi Társulás HD Agency Kft. HIDACE Group Kft. Hata Advisory Kft. Hellybox Kft. Hess & Partners Kft Hiventures Kockázati Tőkealap-kezelő Zrt. Invescom Corporate Finance JMarek-Consult Justice Security Kft. KPMG Tanácsadó Kft. Kmf Zrt Kovács Márton Ügyvédi Iroda / HBK Partners Kraft FM Üzemeltetési és Szolgáltató Kft. Lapker Zrt. Lölő Kft. MFB Magyar Fejlesztési Bank Zártkörűen Működő Részvénytársaság MKB Bank Nyrt. MKK Magyar Követeléskezelő Zártkörűen Működő Részvénytársaság MOORE Hungary MVM ESCO Zrt. MagNet Magyar Közösségi Bank Zrt. Magyar Fejlesztési Bank Magyar Kereskedelmi és Iparkamara, Modern Vállalkozások Programja Mithras Investment Holding Zrt. MÁV Zrt. Nagy Dóra Adriána Ügyvédi Iroda Net Média Zrt. (Portfolio) OTP Bank, Kereskedelmi Banki Divízió Palatinca-Szőlő Kft. Portfolio RC Tanácsadó Zrt. RSM Hungary Zrt. RowanHill Global SMARTFRONT Kft STANC-PACK Kft. Scolar Kft. Startup Campus Inkubator Zrt. Structured Capital Partners Sun Valley ZRt Szatmári Konzervgyár Kft. Századvég Takarékbank Zrt. Tisza Híd Zrt. Vajda-Papír Kft. Valor Capital Kockázati Tőkealap-kezelő Zrt. Vascular Venture Kft. Vega-Holding Kft. Venturelab Kft Viarent Kft Vág-Tech Kft. Wise Advisory Group XANGA csoport


GALLERY | 35 pictures
Hiventures - Portfolio Strategic Corporate Finance 2021


Organisation, general questions

Zita Tusák
  • Zita Tusák
  • Event Organizer
  • Phone: +36-20-334-8455
  • Email:


Zoltán Schultz
  • Zoltán Schultz
  • key account sales partner
  • Phone: +36 20 319 9024
  • Email:


Kata Tóth
  • Kata Tóth
  • Conference Project Leader
  • Phone: +36 20 386 0751
  • Email:
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