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Gen Z Fest 2023

About money. Bravely.

Date: 10th May 2023  

Location: Akvárium Klub


  • How can I turn HUF 100 000 into HUF 1 million?
  • How should I bank?
  • What to invest in and from what?
  • How will I ever own my own property?
  • What makes a CV, a job interview or a salary negotiation successful?
  • Which skills are indispensable in the Hungarian labour market?
  • What makes a good workplace?
  • How much is my profession worth now and in 5 years?
  • How can I find a work-life balance?
  • Abroad - Should I go or should stay?
  • Digital nomads and CoLiving? Is this the future?
  • Kriptó? Metaverzum? Blockchain? NFT? AI? – Mik ezek? Milyen hatásai vannak a Z generáció világára és pénzügyeire?

Our speakers among others

All speakers
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Bódy Gergő
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Cselovszki Róbert
Erste Investment Ltd.
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Fazekas Barbara
Co-founder & CEO
Bobcats Coding
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Gauder Milán
fintech angel investor, Board Member
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Gen Z Fest project leader, photojournalist
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Gurály Sára
Head of Design
Meet Perspectives
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Halász Erika
senior manager
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Janosov Milán
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Jendrolovics Máté
GB Solutions
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Kószó Kamill
Co-Founder, Design Strategist
Meet Perspectives
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Kökény Dávid
Head of Product Development Department
OTP Bank
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OTP Fáy Alapítvány trénere
OTP Fáy Alapítvány
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Polgár Petra
operációs vezető
Randstad Hungary Kft.
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Pósfai Zsuzsanna
lakáspiaci, lakáspolitikai szakértő
Periféria Központ
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Rácz Anna
senior marketing specialist
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Steigervald Krisztián
Generation advisor
SteiGen Consultancy Kft.
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Tóth Máté
TikToker, kreatív és digitális tartalomkészítő
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Turai Barna
Digital Content Creator
political advocate
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Véglesi Júlia
ESG Associate
Richmond Global Sciences
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Zubreczki Dávid
Urbanista blog
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Zsiday Viktor
Portfolio Manager
Hold Alapkezelő Zrt., Citadella Származtatott Befektetési Alap

Why you should come?

Because money is important for everyone. It is important for those who have it, for those who don’t, those who know everything about it, and for those who know nothing. But what about those who are full of questions but never dared or had the chance to ask them? That's exactly who the GEN Z Festival is for, which is the first large-scale conference for young people in Hungary. The target audience is Gen Z; those born between 1996 and 2007 belong here. At the same time, this conference is an exciting event and appearance possibility for all financial sector stakeholders.

The GEN Z conference focuses on three main areas: Finance, career, and real estate.

These areas are evolving before our eyes, and with them the needs of customers are constantly changing. Generation Z is full of energy and creativity. But do they have something to invest in? Do they even have anything to invest? Is it worth it for them to stay in the country? And if so, how will they have their own property one day? The conference will answer these questions, invite dialogue, and show the way.

Join us. Your future, our future.

Download the Portfolio Events mobile app where you can find Portfolio’s professional events in one app, personalised for you. You can access the event’s detailed programme, the list of participants, and your conference ticket, among other things. We even offer a virtual business card exchange. How? The QR code on the badge is your personalised online business card - scan each other's QR codes and you can keep in touch after the conference. Profession, experience, networking. Install with QR-code from desktop >>

We would like to inform you that this conference will not be held online. There is no recording and possibility for subsequent viewing. We are looking forward to seeing you face-to-face!

Who we recommend

  • Gen Z who want to be more confident and aware of their finances:
  • students in higher education
  • young people starting their careers
  • who want to learn more about saving, self-care and investing
  • who want to know how to enter the labour market
  • who want to know what makes a CV, a job interview or a salary negotiation successful?
  • who want to plan a career professionally
  • who are worried about "how will I ever get my own place?"
  • who want to hear personal stories about the pros and cons of working abroad
  • who want to know what the leading companies and experts predict about money, careers and housing
  • who are thinking of starting their own business
  • who want to know how to have a work-life balance
  • who are curious about the needs and questions of Generation Z and want to help future consumers with their services:
  • for banks
  • investment service providers
  • insurance companies
  • financiers
  • middle and senior managers
  • product developers
  • sales professionals
  • HR, PR, marketing professionals
  • lifestyle consultants and coaches
  • property consultants
  • professionals, decision-makers, developers, managers in other financial sector sectors

Our Sponsors


Key sponsor


Official car rental partner

Carbon Offsetting Partner

Media Partner

Accessibility Partner


Organisation, general questions

Nikoletta Dobler
  • Nikoletta Dobler
  • Event Organiser
  • Phone: +36-20-334-8032


Péter Mihály
  • Péter Mihály
  • Senior Sales Manager
  • Phone: +36-70-544-0164
  • Email:
Sándor Takács
  • Sándor Takács
  • Commercial Director
  • Email:


Emma Gombkötő
  • Emma Gombkötő
  • Email:
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