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FM & Hybrid Office 2021

Focusing on sustainability and flexibility

Date: 8th June 2021  

Location: Marriott Hotel + Terrace


  • The office market of the future
  • Changing tenant needs
  • Innovative facility management
  • Co-working, serviced offices and other flexible solutions
  • Changing spaces and their use
  • Sustainability and greening at all costs
  • Behind the lease: changing legal, financial and service frameworks
  • Digitalisation and proptech
  • Liveable city solutions

Our speakers among others

All speakers
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Azurák Zsolt
Director of Procurement and Logistics
Magyar Telekom
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Beleznay Éva
Senior sustainability consultant
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Borbély Gábor
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Budai Henrietta
Sustainability Manager
CPI Hungary
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Buday-Malik Adrienn
Deputy-CEO of Innovation
ÉMI Nonprofit Kft.
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Czinege Zoltán
Alfaped Kft.
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Dömötör Mónika
Office Leasing Manager
Gránit Pólus
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Dúll Andrea DSc PhD habil
Institute Director Professor, Associate Professor
Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem, Faculty of Education and Psychology
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Ercsey Tamás
CEO - Head of Business development and Sales
energo hungary Kft.
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Gereben Mátyás MRICS
Country Manager
CPI Hungary
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Győri Gyula
Facility Management Director
CPI Facility Management Kft.
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Ispánki Nikoletta
Commercial Director
GTC Hungary
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Jelinek Balázs
Deputy CEO – Operations
Városliget Zrt.
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Kalaus Valter MRICS
Managing Partner
Newmark VLK Hungary
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Mr Kis-Szölgyémi Ferenc
B+N Referencia Zrt.
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Klementz Kata
Loffice co-founder
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Kovács András
Sales Director
Indotek Group
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Kuczogi László
Managing Director, K-Ép Studió
Member of LEO
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Massányi Tibor
Managing Partner
DVM Group
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Mazsaroff Kata
Managing Director
Colliers Hungary
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Novotny Dénes
Senior Manager - E-mobility
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Orbán László
Managing Director
CWS-boco Hungary Kft.
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Dr. Ősz Ágnes
Research Associate
B+N Referencia Zrt.
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Petényi István
evosoft Hungary Kft.
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Dr. Reith András PhD
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Remete Tibor
Strategy and Creative Director
Super Channel
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Rézsó István
Head of Business Development
Cushman & Wakefield
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Salamon Adorján MRICS
ESTON International
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Schmidt József
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Szemerey Samu
Lead Expert, Urban Services
Lechner Tudásközpont
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Szilvási Pál
Vice President
Ingatlanfejlesztői Kerekasztal Egyesület (IFK)
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Turcsikné Gáspár Georgina
Head of Human Resources
Lufthansa Systems Hungária
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Ürögi Tamás
Senior Project Manager and Certified Management Consultant
IFUA Horváth & Partners Kft.
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Vágó László
CEO, NEO Property Services Zrt.
Chairman, LEO

Why you should come?

2021 is the first year of a new era. Our world has not only received a financial blow that can be remedied through various fiscal and monetary measures within reasonable time – this time, the foundations have been shaken, and pillars believed to be indestructible have been brought down. We are also seeing a spectacular structural transformation in the property market, with the occasional crisis thrown in. Just two years ago, the market and the world in general saw the upcoming huge changes and developments in digitalisation and technological advance, as well as in sustainability and environmental awareness, which were increasingly becoming a burden on society. Today, while all the above remain important, the focus is elsewhere. Real estate professionals are no longer scratching their heads over low vacancy rates or construction capacities; they are now concerned about the masses of people who may never wish to return to offices. But where will this lead? What will be the balanced solution?

Topics we will cover include the office market, facility and property management, sustainability, the struggle between old and new buildings, the extreme changes in tenants' requirements, sublease, planning, proptech, digitalisation, and liveable cities – in short, our future. This future will be written by domestic property professionals, including all those who help find solutions to these burning issues. 

Why you should attend
We need to meet, whether in person, which this vibrant profession based on networking has understandably been missing, or just online. We need to meet so that our common market can be built further by the professional insight of participants, and to offer an opportunity to learn new approaches or solutions from each other. The 2021 edition of our FM & Hybrid Office conference will aim to interpret past and present in an effort to paint a picture of the future in the most important segments of the property market. 

Join us in coming up with solutions to the operation and management of the office and property market of the future! Nobody else will do it for us! 

Download the Portfolio Events mobile app where you can find Portfolio’s professional events in one app, personalised for you. You can access the event’s detailed programme, the list of participants, and your conference ticket, among other things. We even offer a virtual business card exchange. How? The QR code on the badge is your personalised online business card - scan each other's QR codes and you can keep in touch after the conference. Profession, experience, networking. Install with QR-code from desktop >>


Under Section 6/C, Paragraph (3) of Government Decree 484/2020 (10 November) on the second phase of pandemic defence measures during the state of emergency, our events may only be attended by people immune to the coronavirus

Net Média Zrt. as the organiser has an obligation to verify the immunity of all participants, which they may prove either by an immunity certificate as per Section 2/A of the decree, or the equivalent application-based certificate as per Government Decree  60/2021 (12 February). Both require personal ID as well. Please bring the above documents to the event, as otherwise Net Média Zrt. as organiser has the right and obligation to deny and prevent entry to the event even with a valid ticket, as per Section 6/C Paragraph (5) of the decree.

For more details, click on the Information tab. 

Who we recommend

  • Representatives of the FM / PM / AM segment,
  • consultants,
  • developers,
  • owners,
  • architects and engineers,
  • investors,
  • financers,
  • proptech firms,
  • property valuers,
  • lawyers,
  • urban planners.

Our Sponsors

Super Gold+ Sponsor

Sustainability partner

Silver Sponsor

Bronze Sponsor

Official car rental partner

In association with

Exclusive coffee specialities sponsored by

Media Partner

The sponsor of maximum health and safety

Accessibility Partner

IMPORTANT NOTE: We care about our guests and care about safety!

Of course, we must keep in mind that we are living in the shadow of the coronavirus and will continue to do so not just this autumn but probably for the next year or two. As such, the Portfolio team is preparing not just a professional programme but also well-considered safety measures devised with the cooperation of experts.

We will take care of

  • Konica Minolta IoT heat cameras at entrance to guarantee the highest safety and health of participants
  • contactless, safe entry;
  • suitable seating;
  • online presentations by foreign speakers;
  • a potential cap on the number of visitors;
  • and other event management and safety solutions.

In addition, on-site services such as safe catering will be provided by the ultra-premium event locations we have been working with for years. Being part of recognised five-star franchises, these locations take extra care to ensure the safety of their guests as well as ours.


GALLERY | 32 pictures
FM & Hybrid Office 2021


Organisation, general questions

Fruzsina Koncsek
  • Fruzsina Koncsek
  • rendezvényszervező
  • Phone: +36 1 327 4086


Bacsa Attila
  • Bacsa Attila


Gergely Ditróy
  • Gergely Ditróy
  • üzletfejlesztési igazgató
  • Email:
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