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Financial IT and Disruptive Technologies 2019

Date: 28th May 2019  

Location: Europa Congress Center, Budapest


  • Digital transformation – Will incumbents get going or be left behind for good?
  • Important changes in transactions – Instant payments and PSD2
  • Innovative technologies and agility at banks and insurers
  • Hungarian fintech and insurtech innovations – Investors, fintech gurus and startuppers in one place

Our speakers among others

All speakers
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Alföldi Ferenc
Head of IT
Budapest Bank
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Bálint Viktor
Chief Growth Officer
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Bán Zoltán
Net Média (Portfolio Group)
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Baranyai Dávid
Board Member, Sales and Distribution Director
NN Biztosító
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Barna Balázs
Head of US engineering
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Bartha Lajos
Managing Director
National Bank of Hungary
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Technikal Sales
Inter-Computer-Informatika Zrt.
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Böle Ferenc
IT Project Director
OTP Bank
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Senior Investment Manager
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Dolla Gábor
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Eölyüs Endre
Country Manager for Hungary and Slovenia
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Fáykiss Péter
HOLD Alapkezelő
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Fischer András
Director of Innovation
OTP Bank
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Foltányi Tamás
Erste Bank
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dr. Füredi Júlia
Founder and Product Developer
Sparq tech
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Gaál Norbert
Head of Design
MKB Fintechlab
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Gálik János
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Galló Csaba Márton
Head of Digital Channels and CRM
CIB Bank
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Gion Gábor
Minister of State for Financial Affairs
Ministry of Finance
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Hanák Zoltán
Sales Leader
Liferay Hungary Ltd.
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Harkácsi Gábor
Economic Analyst
Magyar Nemzeti Bank
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Hegedüs Éva
Vice President and CEO
Gránit Bank
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Huszák Dániel
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Ivánkay Péter
Project & Client Engagement Manager
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Juhász László
Managing Director and Senior Partner
Boston Consulting Group
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Kada Zsolt
Executive Director
MBH Bank
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Kerekes Antal
PwC Hungary
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Dr. Kóka János
Chairman of the Board, CEO
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Kovach Anton
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Kovalovszki Tamás
Head of Daily Banking and S&I
K&H Group
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Lengyel Csaba
CEO, Partner, Business Development Director
Vialto Consulting
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Luspay Miklós
Magyar Nemzeti Bank
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Molnár Bálint
Communication Leader
Design Terminal
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Mudri György
CEO and co-founder
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Nagy Ádám Gusztáv
PricewaterhouseCoopers Magyarország Kft.
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Polereczki Andrea
Inter-Computer-Informatika Zrt.
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Strén Gábor
Enterprise Account Executive
Amazon Web Services Hungary
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Szabó Tamás
Managing director
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Szetnics László
Mobil Business Development Manager
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Szoleczki Zoltán
Head of AI and Automation Department
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Sztanó Imre
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Turzó Ádám
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Dr. Urbán Viktor
Insurwiz Kft.
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Vajda András
CEO, Founder
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Vér Béla
Managing Director
ApPello Kft.

Why you should come?

Taking the line of thought we began with our Financial IT and Banking Technology conference one step further, we proudly introduce our industry-leading event, Financial IT and Disruptive Technologies, where we will discuss the digital transition of banks and insurance companies, as well as the main challenges and best practices in the sector, with the participation of key players from both finance and IT.  

Hungarian financial institutions are lagging behind the average in terms of digitalisation according to the National Bank of Hungary, ranking only 25th in Europe, and this shows in the cost efficiency of banks. Developments are sluggish and costly, and the situation is no better at insurance companies, either. Complex legacy core systems and organisational cultures prevent financial institutions from carrying out a comprehensive digital transformation.

Meanwhile, fast-reacting challenger banks and insurers have entered the market looking to nab the revenues of incumbents, while big tech companies may introduce new financial services at any time. PSD2 has also arrived, and the instant payment system will launch this summer, which also represents a major task for banks.  What can banks and insurers do in such a tight spot? How can they preserve their advantage? Will they beat or tame their challengers? Or will they simply shift up a gear and leave them standing?

We will seek answers to these and many other questions at our industry conference, held for the seventh year running, where international speakers, bank and insurance executives and IT opinion leaders will share valuable knowledge with attendees. We offer participants a full day of professional programmes, parallel thematic sections in the afternoon, a reception in the evening, and numerous networking opportunities throughout the day.

Download the Portfolio Events mobile app where you can find Portfolio’s professional events in one app, personalised for you. You can access the event’s detailed programme, the list of participants, and your conference ticket, among other things. We even offer a virtual business card exchange. How? The QR code on the badge is your personalised online business card - scan each other's QR codes and you can keep in touch after the conference. Profession, experience, networking. Install with QR-code from desktop >>

Who we recommend

  • IT companies
  • Banks, insurance companies
  • Brokerages, fund managers
  • Fintech, insuretech companies

Our Sponsors

Gold Sponsor

Silver Sponsor

Bronze Sponsor

In association with


4iG Nyrt., ACI Worldwide, Aegon Magyarország Általános Biztosító Zrt., Aggreg8, ApPello Kft., Atradius CyC Mo-i Fióktelepe, Attrecto Zrt., Bank360, BCS Business Consulting Services Kft., Befizetés.hu, BISZ Zrt., Bitport.hu, Blackbelt Holding Zrt., BlackRock, BnL Growth Partners, Bon Port, Boston Consulting Group, Budapest Bank Zrt., Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem, BuywithBid Kft., Capsys Informatikai Kft., Capture, Cellum Zrt., CIB Bank, Codecool Kft., Coop Hungary Zrt., Dell Magyarország Kft., DELL Technologies, Deloitte, Design Terminal, Diákhitel Központ Zrt., Ergománia UX, Erste Bank Hungary Zrt., Eszterházy Károly Egyetem, EVK Szakkollégium, Exclusive Change Kft., Finalyse - Kockázatkezelési Tanácsadás, Finastra Hungary, Fundamenta Lakáskassza Zrt., FX Software Zrt., Garantiqa Hitelgarancia Zrt., Generali Biztosító Zrt., Giro, Good Change Kft., Gránit Bank Zrt., Helix Vezetési és Informatikai Tanácsadó Kft., Hiflylabs Zrt., Hitachi Vantara, Hiventures Zrt., Iconchain, ID&Trust/GoodID, Inforádió, Ingram Micro Magyarország Kft., Insurwiz Kft., Inter-Computer-Informatika Zrt., Istvánovics Ügyvédi Iroda, ITMarketing Group, K&H Bank Zrt., KESANZO Kft., KPMG Legal Tóásó Ügyvédi Iroda, KPMG Tanácsadó Kft., Lakatos, Köves és Társai Ügyvédi Iroda, Liferay Hungary Ltd., Lippert, Loxon Solutions Zrt., M1, Magyar Nemzeti Bank, Magyar Tudományos Akadémia, Makkos Szolgáltató Bt., Marsh Kft., Mastercard Europe, Microsoft Magyarország, Mikro World Payments Kft., Mindspire Consulting Zrt., MKB Bank Zrt., MKB Fintechlab, MOL GBS Magyarország Kft., Mol Nyrt., Monolith Rendszerház Informatikai Kft., Morgan Stanley Magyarország Elemző Kft., MTB - Magyar Takarékszövetkezeti Bank Zrt., MTI, Népszava, Netlock Kft., NN Biztosító Zrt., Omikron Magyarország Kft., Omni Consulting Kft., Omnit Solutions Kft., Online Zrt., Oracle Hungary Kft., OTP Bank Nyrt., OTP LAB, Partner HUB Zrt., Pénzügyminisztérium, Pénzügyekért Felelős Államtitkárság, Pont Systems Zrt., PricewaterhouseCoopers Magyarország Kft., Property Forum, Provident Pénzügyi Zrt., Qualysoft Informatikai Zrt., Raiffeisen Bank, Roche Diagnostics GmbH, RowanHill Digital Tanácsadó Kft., Sberbank Magyarország Zrt., ShiwaForce.com, SK Trend Kft., SKKA, Smart Specialist Kft., Sparq, SpeSys Kft., Starschema Kft., Takarék Kereskedelmi Bank Zrt., Takarékinfo Központi Adatfeldolgozó Zrt., Technokrata.hu, Trans-Europe Zrt., TransferWise, T-Systems Magyarország, UBS, UniCredit Bank Hungary Zrt., United Consult K2 Kft., United Consult Kft., Vialto Celonis, Vialto Consulting Kft., Világgazdaság, Virgo Systems Kft., W.UP, Wapax Kft., Webtown-Informatika Kft., .....


GALLERY | 46 pictures
Financial IT and Disruptive Technologies 2019


Organisation, general questions

Krisztina Kovács-Kopp
  • Krisztina Kovács-Kopp
Gábor Ócsai
  • Gábor Ócsai
  • rendezvényszervező
  • Phone: +36 1 472 2095


Judit Lippai
  • Judit Lippai
  • Key account sales partner
  • Phone: 06/30 311 87 02
  • Email:


Ádám Turzó
  • Ádám Turzó
  • Phone: 06/1-472-2093 / 42
  • Email:
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