The year-opening event of the real estate market to start the future from a broader perspective! We experience the soaring or sometimes tragic processes, phenomena, challenges, and possibilities of the real estate market on a daily basis. Interest rates, inflation, yields, rental and operating charges, vacancies, home office, energy supply, etc., are all part of our nights and days.
At the beginning of the year, however, we want to allow our market players – besides the essential meetings, exchange of information, and business/friendship networking – to discuss and listen to presentations and conversations about broader topics that indirectly, yet significantly, affect the world of real estate. Key topics include the macro-economic and financing situation, future research, climate change, social change, understanding future generations, global financial and energy market expectations, or the most important issues affecting the future of the global economy and society, that is, our future, the future of our partners, tenants, and employees.
Let’s kick-start this year that promises to be challenging but filled with positive, optimistic expectations with a special real estate market meeting!
Gránit Pólus is the key sponsor of the topics shaping the world and our immediate environment and this event.