09:00 - 09:30
Opening speech - SKA Rating: Case studies
Speaker: Elina Grigoriou, Chair of the RICS SKA Rating Technical Committee, Grigoriou Interiors
09:30 - 10:20
Panel discussion: Project Management in practice - Fit-out, design, energy efficiency
Conversation participants:
10:20 - 11:10
Panel discussion: Challenge of the decade in PM - Sunday shopping ban in practice
Moderator: Gábor Soóki-Tóth, Head of the Planning & Development Professional Group, RICS CEE
Conversation participants:
11:10 - 11:30
Coffee Break
11:30 - 11:55
Energy suplly in practice for property owners
Speaker: András István Tóth, Ügyvezető igazgató helyettes, E.ON Energiakereskedelmi Kft.
11:55 - 12:40
Facility Management roundtable - Energy efficiency, cost reduction
Conversation participants:
12:40 - 12:45
Closing remarks
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