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Tájékozódjon eseményeinkről 6 iparágban: Offline és Online konferenciák

Digital Trends in Manufacturing

Date: 19th May 2021  

Location: ONLINE


  • The effect of the pandemic on the digitalisation of manufacturing – Can we go forward to escape the crisis?
  • Increasing efficiency though digitalisation – The role of augmented reality, AI and cyber-physical systems in manufacturing
  • Digital paradigm shift in the organisation – Motivation, digital culture and training
  • Agile transformation at manufacturers

Our speakers among others

All speakers
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Dr. Keszte Róbert
Head of Operations
Continental Architecture & Networking Business Area
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Szabó Gábor
Digital Architect
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Turzó Ádám

Why you should come?

The available workforce in factories is working at peak performance, so their efficiency can not be improved further through traditional HR and process management tools  However, digitalisation and new technologies can still improve the efficiency of human work through the use of augmented reality, collaborative robots and manipulators that can multiply human strength.
The use of cyber-physical systems is spreading in modern factories. This means manufacturing takes place in parallel in virtual space and the real world, allowing the tracking and real-time controlling of all the small details of production. In cyberspace, the operation of equipment can be viewed and modelled in real time, the quality of manufactured products can be monitored, maintenance can be planned ahead and unscheduled stoppages can be avoided.
The use of new technologies and digital tools in the organisation requires training and motivation. How should this process be managed? How does agile transformation change the day-to-day operations of manufacturers? How advanced is digitalisation in Hungary's manufacturing industry in international comparison? All of the above will be discussed by executives from Hungary's leading manufacturers along the lines of the main messages of Hannover Messe, an Industry 4.0 conference held in the German birthplace of the Industry 4.0 trend, with the professional support of Microsoft.
Thanks to our sponsors, participation at the event is free of charge but is tied to registration! 



Who we recommend

  • Manufacturers
  • IT managers
  • SMEs
  • consultants

Our Sponsors

Title Sponsor


Organisation, general questions

Andrea Barabás
  • Andrea Barabás
  • event organizer
  • Phone: +36 1 646 4383


Judit Lippai
  • Judit Lippai
  • Key account sales partner
  • Phone: 06/30 311 87 02
  • Email:


Ádám Turzó
  • Ádám Turzó
  • Phone: 06/1-472-2093 / 42
  • Email:
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