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Wealth Management 2008

Date: 27th May 2008  

Location: Hilton Budapest WestEnd


  • A vagyonkezelés kihívásai a változó piacon
  • Modern befektetési struktúrák: termékfejlesztés a 21. században
  • "A gyártól a fogyasztóig" - a disztribúció szerepe
  • Private Banking
  • Professzionális vagyonkezelési technikák

Our speakers among others

All speakers
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Bálint Attila
Raiffeisen Private Banking
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Baranyai Zoltán
értékesítési vezető
ING Alapkezelő
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Benczédi Balázs
Diófa Alapkezelő
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Bereczki Zoltán
BNP Paribas Alapkezelő
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Bilibók Botond
Hold Alapkezelő
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Bozsik Balázs
Head of ESG Performance Coordination
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Dr. Dietz Miklós CFA
Senior Partner
McKinsey & Company
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Dr. Paul Doralt
Dorda Brugger Jordis
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Michelle Dunne
Credit Suisse
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Gecser Ottó
BROKERNET Investment Holding Zrt
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Gorogh Peter
Redistribution Manager - Fund Services
Standard & Poor's
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Hamecz István
OTP Alapkezelő
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Heim Péter
AEGON Magyarország Befektetési Alapkezelő Zrt.
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Sorin Ionescu
Deutsche Bank
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Katona Ildikó
iPrivate Banking Zrt.
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Konkoly Miklós
Generali Alapkezelő
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Günther Mandl
Head of division asset management CEE
Erste Sparinvest
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Andrea McEwen
Country Head CEE
Raiffeisen Capital Management
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Nagy Zoltán
IE Alapkezelő
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Sudár Gábor
OTP Bank Nyrt. Compliance Főosztály
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Szalai Sándor
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Varga Szabolcs
Bank Gutmann
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Vízkeleti Sándor
President of BAMOSZ
Amundi Alapkezelő Zrt.
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Dr. Dominique Wohnlich
Director, Credit Suisse Asset Management
Credit Suisse, Zurich, Switzerland
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Zobor Zsuzsa
K&H Alapkezelő

Why you should come?

The most dynamically developing part of the global wealth management market is wealth management services. This industry globally realizes salient growth and powerful profits in even the most rigorous market environment. In Hungary, thanks to the remarkable market potential, the acquisition of new clients is the key issue, although the quality of services is sensibly closer to the mostly accepted western European level.

Video of the Wealth Management 2008 Conference:

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Our Sponsors


The most dynamically developing part of the global wealth management market is wealth management services. This industry globally realizes salient growth and powerful profits in even the most rigorous market environment. In Hungary, thanks to the remarkable market potential, the acquisition of new clients is the key issue, although the quality of services is sensibly closer to the mostly accepted western European level.

Video of the Wealth Management 2008 Conference:

This services could not exist without the asset management know how behind it, or a strong market knowledge. That is why we at Portfolio.hu try to give you a broaden perspective of modern wealth managements newest developments, and the trustees answers to the ever changing markets challenges.

Hot topics:

 Wealth managements challenges on the ever changing markets
 Modern investment structures: product development in the 21st century
 “From the blue prints to the customer" - the role of distribution
 Private banking
 Professional wealth management techniques

Target audience:

Our conference can give useful knowledge to
1. Private banks, private portfolio managing financial corporations
2. Fund managers
3. Independent financial advisors
4. Pension funds and other institutional investors
5. Institutions participating in investment products distribution

The Portfolio.hu conferences are highly renowned for their great opportunities of networking and building business relationships, merely not just giving new professional knowledge. Our aim is not to have a one time occasion event, but creating a yearly international interactive forum about the changes of the market.

Additional Information:

Program - András SOMI, analyst, tel.: 428-9062, e-mail: somi@portfolio.hu
Sponsorship - Balázs AGÓCS, sales director, tel.: 327-4088, e-mail: agocs@portfolio.hu


GALLERY | 37 pictures
Portfolio.hu Wealth Management 2008 Conference, May 27, 2008


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