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Portfolio Insurance 2025

Date: 4th March 2025  

Location: Marriott Hotel, Budapest


  • The Government's and the Hungarian National Bank's Strategic and Regulatory Plans for the Hungarian Insurance Market
  • Ethical Life Insurance 2.0: Preparation, Transition, and Expected Impacts
  • Here Comes the Second Home Insurance Campaign: Plans and Lessons Learned
  • Government Bond Payments: A Blessing or a Curse for the Insurance Market?
  • What Will Happen with Car Insurance?
  • AI-Based, Technological, and Product Innovations in Hungarian Insurers
  • Brokerage and Sales Challenges in 2025
  • Insurance Leaders Roundtable

Our speakers among others

All speakers
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Ádám Csongor
Deputy CEO responsible for Citizen and Enterprise Digital Services
IdomSoft Zrt.
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Baittrok Borbála
Research Director
21 Research Center
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Bán Zoltán
Net Média (Portfolio Group)
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Bárány Máté
Account Executive EE&MEA
Ping Identity
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Besnyő Márton
Chief Executive Officer
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Stefan Bleyhl
Managing Director & Senior Partner
Boston Consulting Group
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Buró Attila
Business Development Manager
Gránit Insurance
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Czene Árpád
Board Member
NN Biztosító
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Czikora Emese
Head of Bancassurance and Building Society
OTP Bank
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Erdős Mihály
Vice-president and Chairman-CEO
MABISZ and Generali Biztosító
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Ertl Pál
Quantis Holding
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Dr. Fedák István
CIG Pannónia
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Ferenczi Ádám
Insurwiz Technology
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Forrás Dávid
Executive Producer
Portfolio Podcast Lab
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Horváth Gergely
Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and Deputy CEO
Generali Biztosító
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Jánosi Gergely
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Alexandre Jeanjean
Groupama Biztosító
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Daniel Kempchen
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Kerékgyártó Csaba
Head of Non-Life Insurance Division, Head of General Secretariat
Magyar Biztosítók Szövetsége (MABISZ)
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Keszthelyi Erik
Hungarikum Biztosítási Alkusz
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Kiss Imre
Founder, CEO
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Kovács Zsolt
Posta Biztosító
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Dr. Kozma Gábor
PBA Insura Zrt.
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Kurtisz Krisztián
UNIQA Biztosító
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László Gábor
Sales Development Department Head
MVM Otthon Plusz
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Limpár Imre
counselling psychologist
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Lóga Máté
State Secretary for Economic Strategy, Financial Resources and Macroeconomic Analysis
Government of Hungary
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Nagy Koppány
Director, Insurance and Pension Fund Supervision Directorate
Magyar Nemzeti Bank
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Raveczky Zsolt
MediHelp International
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Schaub Erika
Chief Life Insurance Officer Life, Health, Accident LoB
Generali Biztosító
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Sebestyén András
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Dalius Simaitis
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Szalai-Huszár Enikő
Director, Head of Product
Danubius IT Solutions
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Dr. Szebelédi Ferenc
Head of Department
Magyar Nemzeti Bank
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Szilágyi Gábor
MediaMarkt Hungary
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Szobonya László
Head of Retail Non-life Insurance Product Management
Groupama Biztosító
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Szombat Tamás
ALFA Vienna Insurance Group
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Tóth Kata
Conference project leader
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Ungvári Krisztián
Head of Partner product management
MBH Bank
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Vámos Levente
Chief Sales Officer of Allianz Hungaria
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Dr. Vass Gábor
Deputy CEO of Sales
Hungarikum Alkusz
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Veréb Elemér
Regional maganer

Why you should come?

The Hungarian insurance market is facing new challenges and opportunities in 2025. The strategic and regulatory plans of the government and MNB might exert a significant impact on the operation of the sector. For instance, industry players are preparing for the Ethical Insurance 2.0 life insurance regulation, the practical questions of the transition and its expected results. The conference will include a session on the March housing insurance campaign, the second major mobilisation of the sector this year. In addition, AI-based, technological, and product innovations will be in the spotlight as they can open new horizons for Hungarian insurers. Moreover, issues concerning the future of motor vehicle insurance will also be on the agenda.

2025 promises to be a critical year for sellers and brokers as digitalisation and changing customer needs bring new challenges to these areas. The panel discussions, lectures, and interactive programmes of the conference will cover these topics as well, allowing key players in the industry to discuss strategic steps together. In keeping with Portfolio’s traditions, the event will address questions that are relevant not only for insurers but insurance brokers, legal and consultant companies, IT service providers, and other suppliers as well. The networking opportunities available to participants offer a valuable chance to explore the business possibilities and risks of the future.

Download the Portfolio Events mobile app where you can find Portfolio’s professional events in one app, personalised for you. You can access the event’s detailed programme, the list of participants, and your conference ticket, among other things. We even offer a virtual business card exchange. How? The QR code on the badge is your personalised online business card - scan each other's QR codes and you can keep in touch after the conference. Profession, experience, networking. Install with QR-code from desktop >>

We would like to inform you that this conference will not be held online. There is no recording and possibility for subsequent viewing. We are looking forward to seeing you face-to-face!

Who we recommend

  • Leaders and decision-makers of insurance companies
  • Insurance brokers, stock brokers
  • Regulatory authorities and state decision-makers
  • Leaders of IT and tech companies
  • Financial sales managers and professionals
  • Biztosítási joggal, adózással, tanácsadással foglalkozó szakembereknek
  • Professionals in insurance law, taxation, consultancy
  • Representatives of higher education and research institutions, professional associations

Our Sponsors

Super Gold Sponsor

Silver Sponsor

Silver/Expert Sponsor

Official car rental partner

4iG Nyrt., Actionlab Kft., Agape 2000 Kft., Alfa Vienna Insurance Group Biztosító Zrt., Allianz Hungária Zrt., Azenpenzem.hu, BNP Paribas Cardif Biztosító Zrt., Bankmonitor Partner Kft., BeHive Consulting, Biztor Alkusz Kft., Biztosítási Elemző Központ, BlackBelt Technology Kft., CIB Bank Zrt., CIG EMABIT Zrt., CIG Pannónia Életbiztosító Nyrt., CP Contact Kft., Capgemini Hungary, Cofidis Magyarországi Fióktelepe, Colonnade Insurance S.A. Magyarországi Fióktelepe, DBX Kft., Danubius Informatika, Delaware Consulting Hungary Kft., EFS Euro Finanz Service Zrt., EXIM, EY, Egnogert Kft., Elsőbiztosítás Magyarország Kft., Ergománia Kft., Ernst & Young Tanácsadó Kft., Erste Bank Hungary Zrt., Europ Assistance Magyarország Befektetési és Tanácsadó Kft., FBAMSZ, FBI Kft., Foster Biztosítási Alkusz Kft., FleishmanHillard Café Kft., Független Biztosítási Alkuszok Magyarországi Szövetsége, GP Consulting Pénzügyi Tanácsadó Kft., GRAWE Életbiztosító Zrt., Garantiqa Hitelgarancia Zrt., Generali Biztosító Zrt., GRANTIS, Groupama Biztosító Zrt., Gárdos Mosonyi Tomori Ügyvédi Iroda, HUNMédia Kft., Hungarikum Biztosítás Alkusz Zrt., Hungarorisk Kft., Insure Sherpa Kft., Ingatlan.com Zrt., Innodox Technologies Zrt., Invitech ICT Services Kft., K&H Biztosító Zrt., KPMG Hungária Kft., KPMG Tanácsadó Kft., Kolosa Ervin Acélkereskedelmi Kft., Korrekt Partner Kft., Kuwait Reinsurance Company, KöBE Közép-európai Kölcsönös Biztosító Egyesület, MABISZ és Generali Biztosító Zrt., Magyar Nemzeti Bank, MBH Bank Nyrt., MBTSZ, MIC Biztosításközvetítő Kft,, MNB, Magyar Biztosítási Alkuszok Szövetsége, Magyar Biztosítási Tanácsadók Szövetsége, Magyar Cetelem Zrt., Magyar Exporthitel Biztosító Zrt., Magyar Posta Biztosító Zrt., Magyar Posta Zrt., Magyar Telekom Nyrt., Magyar Ügyvédek Kölcsönös Biztosító Egyesülete (MÜBSE), McKinsey&Company, Merkit Consulting Kft., Mlinár Biztositási Centrum Kft., MoneyMoon, N-Alexander Kft., NN Biztosító Zrt., NTT Magyarország Kft., Nemzetgazdasági Minisztérium, Net Média (Portfolio Csoport), Netrisk Magyarország Kft., Novartis Hungária Kft., OTP Bank Nyrt., OVB Vermögensberatung Kft., PBA Insura Zrt., PRÉMIUM Pénztárak, Pannon-Safe Kft., Polgár 98 Kft., Portfolio Csoport, Portfolio Podcast Lab, Proptech Digital Investment Zrt., Prémium Pénztárcsoport, Prémium Pénztárszolgáltató Kft.,PwC Magyarország, Quantis Consulting Zrt., Raiffeisen Bank Zrt., Reaktivál Kft., RowanHill Digital, SIGNAL IDUNA BIZTOSÍTÓ Zrt., SK Trend Kft., Signal Iduna Biztosító Zrt., Smart & Easy Kft., Smart Global Consulting Kft., Swiss Re, Szintézis-Net Kft., TE.I.B. Kft., TritonLife Magánkórházak Zrt., UBIMET GmbH, UNION Vienna Insurance Group Biztosító Zrt., UNIQA Biztosító Zrt., Wáberer Hungária Biztosító


Organisation, general questions

Zsanett Zsoldos
  • Zsanett Zsoldos
  • Phone: +36 20 522 7398


Sándor Takács
  • Sándor Takács
  • Commercial Director
  • Email:
Csilla Kiss
  • Csilla Kiss
  • Phone: +36 20 287 3256
  • Email:
András Kollár
  • András Kollár
  • Phone: +36306509829
  • Email:


István Palkó
  • István Palkó
  • Senior Analyst
  • Phone: 06/1 428 90 65
  • Email:
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