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Investment, Wealth and Savings (IWS) 2017 conference

Date: 5th April 2017  

Location: Kempinski Hotel Corvinus Budapest


  • Which stocks and bonds to invest in 2017?
  • Which will be the best investments on the forex market?
  • What sales and product development challenges does MiFID II. bring to the Hungarian banks, brokerages and asset managers?
  • What do foreign asset managers see on the markets and what kind of new products are domestic asset managers preparing?
  • What does 2017 bring to premium and private banking in Hungary?
  • What is ÁKK planning on the retail government bond market in 2017?

Our speakers among others

All speakers
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Al-Hilal István
Fidelity International
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Árgyelán Ágnes
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Bacher János
Client Service Director
GfK Hungária
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Bálint Attila
Raiffeisen Private Banking
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Barcza György
Government Debt Management Agency
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Duronelly Péter CFA
Senior Portfolio Manager
Aegon Magyarország Befektetési Alapkezelő Zrt.
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Faluvégi Balázs
Blue Valew Nonprofit Inc.
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Halmai Attila
Founder & CEO
Fundastik Kft.
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Horváth István CFA
K&H Értékpapír
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Jánoskuti Levente
McKinsey & Company
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Juscsák György
Executive Director
JP Morgan Asset Management
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Kadocsa Péter
Chairman and CEO
VIG Alapkezelő
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Konkoly Miklós
Generali Alapkezelő
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Köves Benedek
OTP Alapkezelő
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Adam Lessing
Head of Austria and Eastern Europe
Fidelity International
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Madár István
Senior Analyst
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Nagygyörgy Zsolt
Compliance Officer
Magyar Fejlesztési Bank
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Hans-Jörg Naumer
Global Head of Capital Markets & Thematic Research
Allianz Global Investors
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Németh Dávid
Senior Analyst
K&H Bank
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Papp Zsolt
Client Portfolio Manager
JP Morgan Asset Management
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Parádi-Varga Tamás
SPB Befektetési Zrt.
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Régely Károly
Concorde Értékapír
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Rokob Imre
Business Development Director
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Schuszter Péter
Chairman-CEO, Head of Investment - Hungary
Generali Alapkezelő, Generali Csoport
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Somlai László
Head of Sales Department
Erste Private Banking
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Suppan Márton
Founder, CEO
Peak Financial Services
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Szeniczey Gergő
Managing Director
Magyar Nemzeti Bank
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Sándor Takács
Director of Sales

Why you should come?

The aim of Portfolio IWS (Investment, Wealth Management and Savings) 2017 conference is to provide information, with the help of foreign and domestic experts, for advisors, salespersons and those interested in investment opportunities about investments practices and opportunities this year in the background with such events causing market turbulences as the election of Donald Trump or the French and German elections.

The Hungarian savings market was all about government bonds and rising housing market investments last year, while domestic stock exchange increased significantly in 2016 as well. It’s not an easy task, however, to find domestic investments with more appealing yields than those of government securities; low yields pose a great challenge for domestic fund managers and private banking participants as well. With a lower risk taking, however, several investment opportunities can be found not only on the domestic market but on foreign markets as well. The question if stocks, bonds or forex investments give us higher yield options will be answered by market experts on the Portfolio IWS (Investments, Wealth Management and Savings) 2017 conference.

Moreover, banks, fund managers, brokerages and private banks will experience great changes as well, the introduction of MiFID II will fundamentally shake up sales and product development practices on the market, while protecting investors and providing them wider range of information will be underlined more than ever. With the new rules, domestic market participants might have to live with low yields until the end of 2018, so the importance of customized services and advisors who are familiar with market tendencies will increase even more.

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Who we recommend

  • Premium banking advisors
  • Private banking advisors
  • Insurance intermediaries
  • Advisors of investment firms
  • Product managers
  • Brokerages
  • Fund managers
  • Bank branch salespersons
  • Everyone interested in the world of investments

Our Sponsors



Section Sponsor


Aberdeen Asset Management PLC, ACCESS Befektetési Alapkezelő Zrt., Aegon Magyarország Befektetési Alapkezelő Zrt., AGI Invest Hungária Kft., Államadósság Kezelő Központ Zrt., Allianz Alapkezelő Zrt., Allianz Global Investors, Allianz Investmentbank AG, Bank Gutmann, Blochamps Capital Kft., Blueopes, Budapest Alapkezelő Zrt., Budapest Bank Zrt., Budapest Finance Club, Budapesti Értéktőzsde Zrt., CIB Bank Zrt., Concorde Értékpapír, Dialóg Befektetési Alapkezelő Zrt., Diófa Alapkezelő Zrt., Dorsum Software Development and Services, Dr. Zalán Gábor Ügyvédi Iroda, Equilor Befektetési Zrt., Erste Asset Management Ltd., Erste Bank Hungary, Erste Private Banking, FHB Bank Zrt., FHB Nyrt., Fidelity International, Fókusz Takarékszövetkezet, Franklin Templeton Investments Hungary, Generali Alapkezelő Zrt., GfK Hungária Piackutató Kft., Gránit-Pólus Management Zrt., Groupama Biztosító Zrt., Hiventures Zrt., HTM Stabil Építő és Szolgáltató Kft., iCatapult Technológiai és Üzletfejlesztési Zrt., JP Morgan Asset Management,

K&H Bank Zrt., K&H Private Banking, Közép-európai Egyetem – Central European University, Magyar Államkincstár, Magyar Fejlesztési Bank Zrt., Magyar Nemzeti Bank, Magyar Posta Befektetési Zrt., McKinsey & Company, Metlife Europe Limited, MKB Bank Zrt., MNB-Biztonsági Zrt., Németh-Export Kft., OTP Alapkezelő Zrt., OTP Bank Nyrt., OTP Ingatlan Befektetési Alapkezelő Zrt., OTP Önkéntes Nyugdíjpénztár, Pannónia CIG Alapkezelő Zrt., Peak Financial Services, Raiffeisen Bank Zrt., Raiffeisen Privátbank, RSM Hungary Zrt., SPB Befektetési Zrt., Takarékbank Zrt., UniCredit Bank Hungary Zrt., Wherefor LLC, Winperium Zrt.

ACCESS Befektetési Alapkezelő Zrt   AD Capital Kft   Aegon Magyarország Befektetési Alapkezelő Zrt   Aegon Magyarország Általános Biztosító Zrt   Allianz Global Investors   Blue Valew Nonprofit Inc   Budapest Finance Club   Budapesti Értéktőzsde Zrt   Concorde Értékapír   Dorsum   Equilor Befektetési Zrt   Erste Private Banking   Fidelity International   Fundastik Kft   Fókusz Takarékszövetkezet   Generali Alapkezelő   Generali Alapkezelő, Generali Csoport   GfK Hungária   Government Debt Management Agency   Groupama Biztosító Zrt   Gránit-Pólus Management Zrt   HTM Stabil Építő és Szolgáltató Kft   JP Morgan Asset Management   K&H Bank   K&H Bank Zrt   K&H Értékpapír   Kárpát Consulting Kft   MKB Bank Zrt   MNB-Biztonsági Zrt   Magyar Fejlesztési Bank   Magyar Nemzeti Bank   Magyar Posta Zrt   Magyar Államkincstár   McKinsey & Company   OTP Alapkezelő   OTP Bank Nyrt   Pannónia CIG Alapkezelő Zrt   Peak Financial Services   Portfolio   RSM Hungary Zrt   Raiffeisen Bank Zrt   Raiffeisen Bank Zrt. - FWR Private Banking   Raiffeisen Private Banking   SPB Befektetési Zrt   VIG Alapkezelő   Wherefor LLC


GALLERY | 38 pictures
IWS 2017


Organisation, general questions

Kata Tóth
  • Kata Tóth
  • Conference Project Leader
  • Phone: +36 20 386 0751


Sándor Takács
  • Sándor Takács
  • Commercial Director
  • Email:


Ágnes Árgyelán
  • Ágnes Árgyelán
  • Analyst
  • Phone: +36-70-391-1588
  • Email:
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