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Innovation and sales - Challenges in the insurance sector

Date: 10th October 2007  

Location: Hilton Budapest WestEnd


  • Biztosítás az EU-ban - Van-e tér még a növekedésre?
  • Fókuszban az új termékek - A jövő ígéretei
  • Minden, amit a törvénymódosításról tudni kell
  • Új utak az értékesítésben
  • Fókuszban a marketing

Our speakers among others

All speakers
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Anspach Krisztina
értékesítési igazgató - Közép és Kelet-Európa
BNP Paribas
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Dr. Banyár József
elnöki főtanácsadó
Pénzügyi Szervezetek Állami Felügyelete
speaker image
Debreczeni Ákos
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Erdős Mihály
Vice-president and Chairman-CEO
MABISZ and Generali Biztosító
speaker image
Dr. Farkas András
Founder - Editor in chief
NyugdíjGuru News
speaker image
Ferencz Zoltán
értékesítési osztályvezető
Generali Providencia Biztosító Zrt.
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Gecser Ottó
BROKERNET Investment Holding Zrt
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Gergely Beatrix
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Gordos József
Deputy Head of Department
Ministry of Finance
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Hermann Tivadar
alkuszkapcsolati vezető
Biztosítási Oktatási Intézet (BOI)
speaker image
Horváth Magyary Voljč Nóra
Managing Director / Communications Directorate
K&H Group
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Dr. Daisy Huczka
igazgató (váll-i ügyfélgazda, váll-i ügyfelek)
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Kálózdi Tamás
Groupama Biztosító Zrt.
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Dr. Kótiné Somfai Ágnes
Ügyvezető igazgató
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Kovács Zsolt
Posta Biztosító
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Kutvölgyi Pál
marketing és kommunikációs vezérigazgató
BROKERNET Holding Zrt.
speaker image
Patrick Mauro
Groupama Asset Management
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Nagy Szabolcs Erik
közép- és kelet-európai régiós vezérigazgató
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Papp Lajos
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Sági György
ügyvezető, tulajdonos-társ
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Szekulesz Judit
ügyvezető, főtanácsos
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Szikora Endre
igazgatósági tag

Why you should come?

Portfolio.hu and Penzcentrum.hu are helming their first Insurance Conference in 2007, confident that the event will fill a niche on the market. Breaking the tradition of local conferences, the event will revolve around the issues that are essential to the profitability of the sector. The aim of the conference is to hold a mirror up to the sector and - through international examples and with the help of experts - point to potential alternatives that can determine the future of the local insurance business and all of its players.

Download the Portfolio Events mobile app where you can find Portfolio’s professional events in one app, personalised for you. You can access the event’s detailed programme, the list of participants, and your conference ticket, among other things. We even offer a virtual business card exchange. How? The QR code on the badge is your personalised online business card - scan each other's QR codes and you can keep in touch after the conference. Profession, experience, networking. Install with QR-code from desktop >>

Our Sponsors


Portfolio.hu and Penzcentrum.hu are helming their first Insurance Conference in 2007, confident that the event will fill a niche on the market. Breaking the tradition of local conferences, the event will revolve around the issues that are essential to the profitability of the sector. The aim of the conference is to hold a mirror up to the sector and - through international examples and with the help of experts - point to potential alternatives that can determine the future of the local insurance business and all of its players.

Hot topics:
• Insurance in the EU - Is there still room for growth?
• New products in focus - Promises of the future
• Everything you need to know about the changes in legislation
• New channels in sales
• Marketing in focus

Great emphasis will be placed on the different sales models, as well as marketing tools that are essential to shape local customers’ view on the sector.

Who should attend?:

Our conference will offer highly useful knowledge to insurance market professionals, such as:
1. product developers;
2. sales professionals;
3. brokers, middlemen, financial advisors;
4. experts of insurance law and taxation.


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Innovation and sales - Challenges in the insurance sector Conference


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