The energetics trilemma set incredible challenges for Hungary in 2022, and it will not be different in 2023 either since we need energy that is as cheap and as green as possible, but the security of supply, i.e. continuous availability, is also a key issue. This triple challenge will be the focus of Portfolio’s Energy Investment Forum conference in autumn 2023, where we will thoroughly discuss many questions regarding possibilities for war-induced divestment from Russian fossil fuels and diversification, the parallel advancement of renewable energy, EU climate goal challenges, the expected great transformation of the Hungarian energy mix and the impetus of electrification.
The complex range of topics demonstrates well that our one-day summit conference is an absolutely important meeting point and a possibility of learning new information for all players in the energy sector, including the side of the government, regulators and advisors, as well as generators, network operators, energy traders and, naturally, users.
Come and find out what the future holds for the market and how domestic energy companies respond to the challenges ahead!