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Clean Energy Summit 2017

Date: 16th May 2017  

Location: Hotel Sofitel Budapest

Registration: 08:30 - 08:55

Section I: Transforming energy economy, changing strategies – Clean energy trends in energy supply and consumption

08:55 - 09:00


09:00 - 09:25

The support of clean energy sources in government policy and in national energy strategy

Speaker: Dr. Csaba Nemes, Zöldgazdaság Fejlesztési Főosztály főosztályvezetője, Zöldgazdaság Fejlesztésért, Klímapolitikáért és Kiemelt Közszolgáltatásokért felelős Helyettes Államtitkári Titkárság, Nemzeti Fejlesztési Minisztérium

09:25 - 09:50

Disruptive trends in the energy industry

Speaker: Csaba Mező, Partner, Deloitte Zrt.

09:50 - 10:15

Mol is on a new path

Speaker: Sándor Fasimon, COO, MOL Hungary

10:15 - 10:40

From the power plant to the consumer – the role of clean energy in energy transition

Speaker: ifj. Attila Chikán, elnök, vezérigazgató, BCSDH, ALTEO Nyrt.

10:40 - 11:00

Challenges of integrating renewable power generation into the power system

Speaker: Kamilla Csomai, CEO, MAVIR Zrt.

11:00 - 11:40

Panel discussion: Towards a carbonless economy and energy mix

  • Can the energy transition be successful? Can the objective of the Paris Climate Convention be reached?
  • Are all renewable energy sources also clean (biomass)? 
  • How do the fossil fuel companies take part in the energy transition?
  • Apples to oranges – How to regulate and integrate?
  • Where is the electric power industry heading? 
  • Can clean and traditional energy sources coexist in the electric power system? 
  • How long can the triumph of solar energy last? 
  • Can energy storage solutions transform energy production, -supply, and -consumption? 
  • The challenges of clean energy sources and the electric power system
  • The conclusions of Germany’s energy transition

Moderator: Ágnes Törőcsik, Program Director, REKK Alapítvány

Conversation participants:

  • Henrik Domanovszky, Chairman, Hungarian Gas Transport Cluster Association (MGKKE), coordinator of PAN-LNG Project
  • Ernő Kiss, President, Hungarian PV and Solar Collector Association
  • Ákos Lukács, üzletágvezető, Fenntarthatósági és Klímaváltozási üzletág, Deloitte Magyarország
  • Dr. András Tompos PhD, igazgató, tudományos főmunkatárs, Magyar Tudományos Akadémia, Anyag és Környezetkémiai Intézet, Megújuló Energia Kutatócsoport

11:40 - 12:00

Coffee break

Section II: Clean energy and security of supply - The role of Paks 2 in the Hungarian energy sector

12:00 - 12:25

Paks 2 - in the light of European energy trends

Speaker: Prof. Dr. Attila Aszódi, a Paksi Atomerőmű kapacitásának fenntartásáért felelős államtitkár, BME Nukleáris Technikai Intézet, egyetemi tanár

12:25 - 12:50

What opportunities does the project Paks 2 offer to Hungarian companies?

Speaker: Valerij Zorja, Head of Department, Nuclear Power Construction in Europe at ASE Group

Section III: The nuclear power plant as a major project - Supplier experiences in the nuclear industry

12:50 - 13:15

GE Steam Power Systems – Global and Local Nuclear Expertise for Paks II

Speaker: Michael Keroulle, GE Chief Commercial Officer, Steam Power Systems

13:15 - 13:40

Rolls-Royce Capabilities for the Nuclear New Build Market

Speaker: Jana Kubinova, Customer Business Manager specialising in the nuclear I&C area (CEE and Russia), Rolls-Royce

13:40 - 14:40

Lunch break

Section IV: Who will foot the bill? – The financing side of energy transition

14:40 - 15:00

The subsidization of renewable energy in Hungary

Speaker: Dr. Péter Grabner, Vice-President, Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority

15:00 - 15:20

Legal aspects of supporting the deployment of renewables in Hungary in light of the EU Clean Energy Package, also having regard to the practical aspects

Speaker: Dr. Kristóf Ferenczi, partner, Andrékó Kinstellar

15:20 - 15:40

Renewable Energy Based Electricity Production – A financier’s approach

Speaker: István Németh, Director, ING Wholesale Banking Hungary, Structured Finance and Advisory

15:40 - 16:20

Panel discussion: The common role of consumers, politics and the financial market in energy transition – different aspects of return

  • Clean energy sources as a business opportunity and their return
  • How can the competitiveness of clean energy sources develop? 
  • The impact of politics, changing consumer attitudes and behaviour on the energy economy and the market
  • Is there or can there be at all a level playing field on the market of (clean) energy sources?

Moderator: Zoltán Vígh, közkapcsolati igazgató, Jedlik Ányos Klaszter

Conversation participants:


Closing remarks

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