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Portfolio Retail Day 2025

The Present and Future of Hungarian Retail

Date: 2nd April 2025  

Location: Radisson Blu Béke Hotel


  • The leading decision-makers in the retail sector will share their thoughts on the current state of the industry and its future prospects.
  • How and why does the state regulate the wholesale and retail markets?
  • The advantages and implementation of the ideal omnichannel commerce model.
  • How to adapt to customer demands and behaviour in a constantly changing environment.
  • The challenges of maintaining the supply chain and the opportunities within them.
  • The role and impact of marketing, communication, and PR in the world of retail.
  • Artificial intelligence in retail: An overview and practical examples of digital transformation.
  • Retail-Tech solutions: digitalisation, automation, and the integration of ESG aspects in the retail sector.

Our speakers among others

All speakers
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Andri Diána
Chief Sustainability Officer
Decathlon Hungary
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Balogh Levente
President, Owner
Szentkirályi Ásványvíz Kft.
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Bán Zoltán
Net Média (Portfolio Group)
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Barna Zsolt
Waberer’s Group
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Bogos Boglárka
Digital Commerce Alliance of Hungary
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Borbély Gábor
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Burger Ottó
Chief Executive Officer
CBA Kereskedelmi Kft.
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Cseresnyési Ádám
Head of Leasing
ECE Projektmanagement Budapest
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Csordás Stefánia
Head of B2C unit
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Deák András
Director of Digital Channels
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Deutsch Krisztina MRICS
Director of Leasing and Marketing
Etele Plaza
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Éder Tamás
Federation of Hungarian Food Industries
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Galambos Tamás
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Gerlaki Bence
Deputy State Secretary
Ministry of National Economy
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Heiszler Gabriella
President - CEO
SPAR Hungary Kft.
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Karczub-Lehoczky Fanni
Marketing Director
MediaMarkt Hungary
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Kazatsay Eszter
Head of Corporate Communications
PENNY Magyarország
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Kelemen Kristián
Chief Sales Officer, Co-founder
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Kovács Gábor
Commercial Director
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Kozák Ákos PhD
ügyvezető igazgató
Danubia Forum
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Dr. Kozák Tamás
Secretary General
National Trade Association
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Laczkó Balázs
Netmarketing, Sneci.hu
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Luspay Miklós
Magyar Nemzeti Bank
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Madár István
Senior Analyst
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Méri Tamás
Co-founder & CBDO
Access4You International Kft.
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Mondovics Péter
Member of Digital Commerce Alliance of Hungary
Marketing Manager, Mastercard
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Nagy-Józsa Dorka
Y2Y Ltd.
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Orosz Márton
Director of Content Development
Portfolio Csoport and Portfolio Podcast Lab
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Perényi András
Webshippy Fulfillments
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Petri Dániel
Head of Ecommerce
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Pörzse Norbert
Vágyaim.hu Online Store
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Rákos Márk
Talent Manager
PFR Group
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Simon Tamás
Sales Director
Indotek Group
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Somlói Nina
Senior Associate
PwC Magyarország
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Szalma Rita
Commercial Director
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Székács Tibor
CEO and Co-owner
Kende Retail Operation Kft.
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Szilágyi Márk György
Country Manager
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Szimeiszter Sándor
Country Director in Hungary, Austria and Greece
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Toldi Gábor
DTC Solution
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Varga Noémi
Head of Strategic Marketing
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Várkonyi Balázs
Founder of Extreme Digital
CEO of Vatera and Jófogás

Why you should come?

Times are tough for the retail sector. The changes in customer expectations are shaped by various factors, including the economic environment. Whether it is operators of traditional brick-and-mortar stores, players in online retail taking an increasingly larger share, or a combination of both, everyone is looking for solutions that will successfully engage customers. There is no denying it, answers must be found as soon as possible for the most pressing challenges, and, as a result, strategic transformations can no longer be delayed!

For this reason, we consider it of paramount importance that, alongside essential face-to-face meetings, experience sharing, and the establishment of business and friendly relationships, participants in the retail sector have the opportunity to listen to presentations and discussions that not only address the most important industry topics but also shed light on issues that indirectly but significantly impact the sector.

Among the most pressing issues are the labour shortages that have been affecting the sector for years, government measures that are reshaping the healthy functioning of the market, and disruptions in global supply chains. In addition, the range of opportunities offered by machine support and automation will be on the table, including how profit can be increased through the effective application of artificial intelligence.

Don't miss the year's most outstanding retail event! In keeping with Portfolio's traditions, this event also offers a unique platform for sharing experiences and collectively discussing the industry's biggest challenges!

Here’s what the Retail Day 2024 conference looked like:

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Who we recommend

  • wholesalers and retailers
  • consultant companies
  • shopping centre operators
  • middle and senior managers in supermarket chains
  • all players in the FMCG sector
  • leaders of e-commerce companies and web shops
  • fashion industry sellers
  • brand representatives
  • retail property operators and developers
  • communication and marketing agencies

Our Sponsors


Main professional partner

Silver Sponsor

In association with

Official car rental partner

We would like to inform our attendees that our conference will not be held online. As a result, no recordings will be made, and it will not be possible to view the event afterward. We look forward to welcoming you in person at the venue!

2GetSolution Kft   Access4You International Kft   Adrienne Feller Cosmetics Zrt   Agroker Áruház Kft   Amrest Kft   Amrop Hungary   Amrop Kohlmann & Young Kft   BestByte   BioTechUSA   Brisk Digital Hungary Kft   Budapest Airport Zrt   CBA Kereskedelmi Kft   CBRE   CEO of Vatera and Jófogás   CEWE Magyarország Kft   Cognitudo.ai   Colliers   DSV Hungária Kft   DTC Solution   Daktela   Danubia Forum   Dateio Hungary Kft   Debreceni Egyetem   Decathlon Hungary   Digital Commerce Alliance of Hungary   Dolphio Technologies Kft   ECE Projektmanagement Budapest   ECE Projektmanagement Budapest Kft   EMOS HU KFT   ERA Group   Ernst & Young Tanácsadó Kft   Erste Asset Management GmbH - Magyarországi Fióktelepe   Etele Plaza   FR Management Partnership C.V. Magyarországi Fióktelepe   Faedra Group Kft   Federation of Hungarian Food Industries   Ferrero Magyarország Kft   FintechX Technologies Zrt   Focus Consulting Kft   Forvis Mazars Kft   FoxPost   Furbify   GS1 Magyarország Nonprofir Zrt   GS1 Magyarország Nonprofit Zrt   Garay Center   Geepower Manufacturing kft   Giggle Kft   Green Rabbit Termékmediátor Kft   Gránit Alapkezelő   Gránit Alapkezelő Zrt   HAVI Logistics Kft   Herbiovit Kft   Hipp Kft   Humánia HRS Group Zrt   Hungária Med-M Kft   IFUA Horváth & Partners Kft   IO Partners Hungary Kft   Indotek Group   Inflexion Enablement Services Kft   Ingatlanszakértő kft   JYSK   Kende Retail Operation Kft   Kifli.hu   Knowledge Pyramid Kft   LAUREL Számítástechnikai Kft   LCP Development Kft   Libri-Bookline   Lidl Magyarország Kereskedelmi Bt   MASPED Logisztika   MBH Bank Nyrt   Magyar Nemzeti Bank   Marketing Manager, Mastercard   Marketing Resolution Kft   Media Markt Magyarország Kft   MediaMarkt Hungary   Ministry of National Economy   National Trade Association   Nepi Rockcastle Hungary Kft   Net Média (Portfolio Group)   Netmarketing, Sneci.hu   Omnit Solutions Kft   Oppenheim Ügyvédi Iroda   PENNY   PENNY Magyarország   PFR Group   POS Services Kft   Parti Csónakház Kft   Pentolt Kft   Portfolio   Portfolio Csoport and Portfolio Podcast Lab   Portico Investments Kft   Proworx Digital Kft   Prémium Kert Kft   PwC Magyarország   Pécsi Tudományegyetem   Quickborn Consulting   Quickborn Consulting Hungary Kft   Raiffeisen Bank Zrt   SCH-ps Kft   SPAR Hungary Kft   SPAR Magyarország Kereskedelmi Kft   SPIE AGIS Fire & Security Kft   Shell Hungary Zrt   Szentkirályi Ásványvíz Kft   Szinga-Sport Kft   Szintézis Informatikai Zrt   UniCredit Bank Hungary Zrt   Urbis Könyvkiadó Kft   VECTRA-LINE Plus Kft   Vágyaim.hu Online Store   Waberer’s Group   Webshippy Fulfillments   Westend   Wing Zrt   Wolt Magyarország Kft   Y2Y Ltd   foodora   iO Partners Hungary Kft   orsolya.hartyanyi@wolt.com   ÁFEOSZ-COOP Szövetség


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Retail Day 2024 - Powered by Pénzcentrum


Organisation, general questions

Kinga Molnár
  • Kinga Molnár
  • Event Organizer
  • Phone: +36 20 491 9087


Sándor Takács
  • Sándor Takács
  • Commercial Director
  • Email:
Ádám Macskássy
  • Ádám Macskássy
  • Email:


Nagy Bálint
  • Nagy Bálint
  • Lapigazgató, vezető szerkesztő
  • Phone: 06-1/472-2093 / 33
  • Email:
Kata Tóth
  • Kata Tóth
  • Conference Project Leader
  • Phone: +36 20 386 0751
  • Email:
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