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Private Health Forum 2018

Date: 13th November 2018  

Location: New York Palace Budapest

8:00- 8:30 Registration

Section I. Hungary’s private healthcare sector in the Central European Region

08:25 - 08:30

Opening speech: Zoltán Bán, Chief Executive, Net Média Zrt. (Portfolio)

08:30 - 08:55

The network of European healthcare providers

Speaker: Dr Attila Végh, korábbi CEO és elnök, Capio and Penta Hospitals International

08:55 - 09:15

Public health needs, private providers and profitability

Speaker: Dr. Péter Pál Varga, Founder & Managing Director, spine surgeon, Buda Health Center

09:15 - 09:30

How much is it? – Evaluating healthcare providers in terms of their financial performance

Speaker: Bertalan Jászkuti, Founder & Managing Director, Heal Partners

09:30 - 10:30

Roundtable of proprietors and CEOs

Moderator: Csaba Lantos, energiaügyi miniszter, Energiaügyi Minisztérium

Conversation participants:

10:30 - 11:00

Coffee Break

Section II. Best practices in healthcare - What should the new Hungarian model be like?

11:00 - 11:15

Introducing value-based healthcare in the CEE region

Speaker: Ákos Újlaki, Partner, Boston Consulting Group

11:15 - 11:30

Proposals to improve competitiveness in Hungarian healthcare

Speaker: Gergely Baksay, Director, Magyar Nemzeti Bank

11:30 - 11:45

How to orchestrate the transformation of Hungarian healthcare?

Speaker: Margó Kohanecz, Director, Healthcare and Life Sciences, KPMG

11:45 - 12:40

Panel discussion: How to finance healthcare in Hungary?

Moderator: János Bartók, ügyvezető, UNION-Érted Ellátásszervező Kft.

Conversation participants:

12:40 - 13:30

Lunch Break

Section III. High-tech and innovative therapies

13:30 - 14:00

Robotics in medicine

Speaker: Dr. Loránd Erőss, idegsebész, Országos Klinikai Idegtudományi Intézet

14:00 - 14:15

About the real value of genetic tests

Speaker: Máté Varga, Senior Lecturer, Department of Genetics ELTE TTK

14:15 - 14:30

Innovative therapies for the patients

Speaker: Dr. Péter Holchacker, Director, Innovatív Gyógyszergyártók Egyesülete - AIPM

14:30 - 15:15

Panel discussion: Professional healthcare for recovery

Moderator: Dr. Péter Holchacker, Director, Innovatív Gyógyszergyártók Egyesülete - AIPM

Conversation participants:

  • Dr. Áron Lazáry, Deputy Director General, spine surgeon, Buda Health Center
  • Péter Mátyus, Professional Leader, Professor, E-Group ICT Software Informatikai Zrt., Semmelweis Egyetem, Egészségügyi Közszolgálati Kar
  • Mária Judit Molnár, Director, SOTE, Institute of Genomic Medicine and Rare Disorders
  • Dr. Péter Vereckei, Managing Director, Pfizer (Hungary), Chairman, AIPM

15:15 - 15:45

Coffee Break

Section IV/A: Digitalisation in healthcare – How it's done by the big players

15:45 - 16:00

Special monitors in the service of healthcare

Speaker: Mihály Malozsák, IT Sales Manager, LG Electronics Inc.

16:00 - 16:15

Digitalisation of healthcare services with cloud, IoT and AI

Speaker: Milan Glavaski, CIO, Affidea

16:15 - 16:30

The effect of using telemedicine tools on the operation and financing of healthcare

Speaker: Szabolcs Mezei, Director, PricewaterhouseCoopers Hungary

16:30 - 16:45

Digital health and big data opportunities in modern medicine

Speaker: Dr. Miklós Szócska, igazgató, Semmelweis Egyetem Egészségügyi Menedzserképző Központ

16:45 - 17:30

Panel discussion: The future of digital healthcare

Moderator: Dr. Miklós Szócska, igazgató, Semmelweis Egyetem Egészségügyi Menedzserképző Központ

Conversation participants:

Section IV/B: Those that are transforming Hungary's health care sector

15:45 - 16:00

Medtech innovation in practice

Speaker: Péter Tátrai, Deputy Investment Director, Hiventures Kockázati Tőkealap-kezelő Zrt.

16:00 - 16:45

Meet the best Hungarian MedTech innovators

A unique podium discussion

Moderator: Balázs Fürjes, Regional Director, EIT Health Innostars

Conversation participants:

16:45 - 17:30

Panel discussion: Financial and venture capital investors in healthcare

Moderator: Gergely Dóczi, Executive Director, Futurmed Vagyonkezelő Kft.

Conversation participants:

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Organisation, general questions

Kata Tóth
  • Kata Tóth
  • Conference Project Leader
  • Phone: +36 20 386 0751
Nikoletta Dobler
  • Nikoletta Dobler
  • Event Organiser
  • Phone: +36-20-334-8032


Zoltán Schultz
  • Zoltán Schultz
  • key account sales partner
  • Phone: +36 20 319 9024
  • Email:


Gergely Csiki
  • Gergely Csiki
  • Kapcsolattartó
  • Phone: 428-9062
  • Email:
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