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Growth and Stability - Portfolio/CEMI conference

Date: 3rd May 2006  

Location: Hilton Budapest WestEnd


Our speakers among others

All speakers
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Erik Asbrink
svéd pénzügyminiszter (1996-1999)
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Barabás Gyula
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Jaksity György
Concorde Értékpapír Zrt.
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Járai Zsigmond
Former President of the Hungarian National Bank
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Ilkka Kajaste
helyettes államtitkár
Finnország Pénzügyminisztériuma
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Dr. Kóka János
Chairman of the Board, CEO
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Orbán Krisztián
ügyvezető partner
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Peter Pazitny
a szlovák egészségügyi reform kidolgozója
Szlovák Egészségügyi Minisztérium tanácsadója
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Oriens IM
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Simor András
CFO, Vice President
EBRD London
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Vadas László
Central European Management Intelligence

Why you should come?

Based on the prior experience of other EU countries in a situation that is comparable to Hungary's, a group of young economists have started an initiative with the aim of creating a financially sound plan for macroeconomic reform, regardless of the election results. This will be the key focus of a conference jointly organized by CEMI and Portfolio.hu, the keynote speakers of which will include:

Erik Asbrink, Sweden's Finance Minister from 1996 to 1999
Peter Pazitný, the architect of Slovakia's healthcare reform
Juan Costa Climent, former State Secretary of Spain's Finance Ministry

In addition to sharing experiences on an international level, discussion at the conference will concentrate on a detailed presentation of the aforementioned proposal, which aims at mobilizing Hungary's growth reserves and put the country on a trajectory towards financial stability and lower budget deficits.

The members of the advisory body that supports the initiative, who will speak at the conference, include university professor László Csaba (Central European University, Budapest Corvinus University, Debrecen University), university professor and former Economy Minister Attila Chikán , National Bank of Hungary Governor Zsigmond Járai , Concorde Seurities CEO György Jaksity , and Deloitte Chairman and CEO András Simor .

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Our Sponsors


Based on the prior experience of other EU countries in a situation that is comparable to Hungary's, a group of young economists have started an initiative with the aim of creating a financially sound plan for macroeconomic reform, regardless of the election results. This will be the key focus of a conference jointly organized by CEMI and Portfolio.hu, the keynote speakers of which will include:

Erik Asbrink, Sweden's Finance Minister from 1996 to 1999
Peter Pazitný, the architect of Slovakia's healthcare reform
Juan Costa Climent, former State Secretary of Spain's Finance Ministry

In addition to sharing experiences on an international level, discussion at the conference will concentrate on a detailed presentation of the aforementioned proposal, which aims at mobilizing Hungary's growth reserves and put the country on a trajectory towards financial stability and lower budget deficits.

The members of the advisory body that supports the initiative, who will speak at the conference, include university professor László Csaba (Central European University, Budapest Corvinus University, Debrecen University), university professor and former Economy Minister Attila Chikán , National Bank of Hungary Governor Zsigmond Járai , Concorde Seurities CEO György Jaksity , and Deloitte Chairman and CEO András Simor .


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