In 2015, 300 exhibitors from 11 countries (including Audi, Mercedes, Opel, Suzuki, BMW, Alcoa Köfém, BPW-Hungária, evopro, Flextronics, LUK Savaria, National Instruments, Rába, Bosch, Shinwa, Takata, SMR, ThyssenKrupp, ZF) presented themselves at this complex automotive industry fair, drawing the attention of 8000 professional visitors. Each segment of the automotive industry will attend the event this year, too; multinational companies, world-renown brands, as well as small and medium enterprises.
The professional program will focus on HR challenges, as well as on the ideas regarding automotive industry of the industry development program created by the Ministry of National Economy, Irinyi Plan. The mission of the Industry 4.0 action program is to foster the digital switchover of the Hungarian economy – but what would that mean in practice and to the companies in the automotive industry, and what are the inherent challenges and possibilities?
- Mihály Varga, Minister for National Economy, Ministry for National Economy
- István Lepsényi, Minister of State for Economic Development and Regulation, Ministry for National Economy
- Zoltán Marczinkó, Deputy State Secretary for Enterprise Relations, Ministry for National Economy
- Zsolt Monszpart, Head of department, Innovation Department, National Research, Development and Innovation Office
- Kersten Bachmann, Director, EMEA Operations Airbag, Takata Safety Systems Hungary Kft.
- Dr. Róbert Keszte, Managing Director, Continental Automotive Hungary Kft.
- Michael Reinig, Managing Director, LuK Savaria Kft.
- Attila Bíró, Managing Director, Knorr-Bremse Fékrendszerek Kft.
- Pál-Levente Tibori, Executive Vice President East Europe and Germany, SMR Automotive Mirror Technology Hungary Bt.
- István Kerekes, CEO, Goodman Hungary Kft.
- Dr. Ádám Balog, Chairman-CEO, MKB Bank Zrt.
- Kilián Csaba, CEO, MAGE
- Klaus Hrazdira, COO, Quehenberger Logistics
- Györgyi Nyikos Dr., Director, MFB
- Csilla Molnár, HR Manager, Opel Szentgotthárd
- László Ács, HR Director, Mercedes Benz Manufacturing Hungary Kft.
- Mihály Nagy, HR Manager, Dana Hungary Ltd.
- Tibor Novák, HR Manager, BPW - Hungária Kft.
- Dr. Géza Haidegger, senior research engineer on factory automation and robotics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Computer Science and Automation; MTA SZTAKI
- Lajos Rózner, Sales Engineer / Key Account Manager, Bosch Rexroth
- István Rédai, Plant Manager, Titán '94 Kft.
- István Simon, CEO and Owner, SIMON Plastic products
- Benedek Kozári, Service Development and Innovation Manager, TRIGO CEE
- Dr. Tibor Péhl, Plant Manager, Arconic-Köfém Ltd.
- Zsuzsa Varga, HR Manager, Arconic Köfém Kft.
- Bálint Balogh, Quality & EHS Manager, Continental Automotive Hungary Kft.
- Árpád Kocsis, IT leader, Arconic-Köfém Kft., Rolling Mill-Cast House division
- István Szammer, Managing Director,
Apokromát Kft., Arconic Köfém Kft., AUDI Hungária, AUDI Hungária Független Szakszervezet,, Bestof Kft., Blue Green Way Kft., Bosch Rexroth Kft., Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem, CAD+Inform Kft., CAD-Terv Mérnöki Kft., Céh Zrt., Citibank Europe Plc Magyarországi Fióktelepe, Com-Forth Kft., Continental Automotive Hungary Kft., Dana Hungary, Draspó-Tempo Kft., enmech Hungary Bt., Eximbank Zrt., Fémalk Zrt., Femomatik, FHB Lízing Zrt., Goodman Hungary Kft., HAYS Hungary Kft, HM Currus Zrt., igm Robotrendszerek Kft., Iráni Iszlám Köztársaság Nagykövetsége, JETRO Budapest, Karsai Holding Zrt., Knorr-Bremse Fékrendszerek Kft., KPMG Hungária Kft., LGI Hungária Logisztikai Kft., LuK Savaria Kft., Magyar Gépjárműipari Egyesület, Magyar Nemzeti Bank, Mercedes Benz Manufacturing Hungary Kft., MIK Miskolci Ingatlangazdálkodó Zrt., Miskolc Megyei Jogú Város Önkormányzata, Mitter és Társa Kft., MKB Bank Zrt., MOL Nyrt., MTA SZTAKI, Nemzetgazdasági Minisztérium - gazdaságfejlesztésért és -szabályozásért felelős államtitkárság, Nemzeti Hírközlési és Informatikai Tanács Szakértői Tanácsadó Testület, Nemzeti Kutatási, Fejlesztési és Innovációs Hivatal, Nordson EFD, Opel Szentgotthárd Kft., Pál és Kozma Ügyvédi Iroda, Quehenberger Logistics, Raiffeisen Bank Zrt., Robert Bosch Elektronika Kft., ROBIX-Mikro Kft., Rohde & Schwarz Budapesti Iroda, SIMON Műanyag feldolgozó, SMC Hungary Kft., SMR Hungary Bt., Takata Safety Systems Hungary Kft., TEKT Képzési és Tanácsadó Kft., Tequa International Kft., Thomas Duvenbeck Immobilien Invest Kft., TRIGO CEE, Třinecké železárny, a.s. Třinec, T-Systems Magyarország, Weinberg 93 Építő Kft.,
DATE: 20th October 2016 (09.00 - 16.00)
PLACE: HUNGEXPO - Budapest (H-1101 Budapest, Albertirsai út 10)
Access, parking
COST: HUF 49.900 + VAT / person or EUR 159 + VAT / person
Fee includes: conference documentation, full lunch and coffee breaks.
The conference is bilingual with English-Hungarian simultaneous interpretation.
- 10% discount is available for 2 registrations
- 20% on 3 or more registrations
- 20% discount is available for MAGE members
- 20% discount for the Exhibitors of AutoMotive Hungary (International Trade Exhibition for Automotive Industry Suppliers)
Discounts cannot be combined!
Our conference is expected not only to provide an opportunity to expand the participants’ knowledge base, but also to create an excellent forum for high-level networking and the forging of new professional relations. Our goal is more than just to organise another cut an dry event; we strive to make this conference a regular, interactive and international forum that keeps its finger on the pulse of the market.
Portfolio Conferences are organized by NET Media Inc, member of Central European Media and Publishing Group. Our events cover 7 different industries and attract more than 8000 participants annually and highly renowned for their great opportunities of networking and building business relationships, merely not just giving new professional knowledge. Our aim is not to have a one time occasion event, but creating a yearly international interactive forum about the changes of the market. Find out more on or (e-mail).