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HR (R)Evolution 2024 - Powered by Prohuman & Pénzcentrum

A magyar Real Estate Agent találkozó

Date: 13th November 2024  

Location: UP Rendezvénytér


  • Megszólalnak az ingatlanközvetítői-szektor legfontosabb döntéshozói a szakma jelenéről és jövőjéről.
  • Ingatlanpiaci trendek, elemzői várakozások
  • Finanszírozási trendek: hitelpiac, otthonteremtési támogatások
  • Működő értékesítési- és árazási technikák.
  • A hatékony eladásösztönzés a gyakorlatban.
  • Újhullámos marketingkommunikációs gyakorlatok az ingatlanközvetítésben.
  • Brandépítés vagy direkt értékesítés? PR a Facebook, a TikTok és az Instagram spektrumán.
  • AI az ingatlanközvetítésben: Átfogó kép, gyakorlati példákkal az iparág digitális átalakulásáról.
  • Proptech trendek az ingatlanközvetítésben, avagy az szektor digitális átalakulása.
  • Home staging a gyakorlatban: egyensúlyteremtés a gazdasági racionalitás és értékteremtés között.

Our speakers among others

All speakers
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Kálmán Anna
Senior Manager
Strategy & Operation, KPMG
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Karig Luca
Head of Organizational Development Consulting
BeHive Consulting
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Korok Fatima
Freediving Athlete
Korok Sports Club
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Kovács Viktória
HR Director
EOS Faktor Zrt.
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Kovács Endre
Head of Services
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Kreiter Éva
HR manager
Dreher Sörgyárak
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Lendvai Viktor
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Madár István
Senior Analyst
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Nagy-Józsa Dorka
Y2Y Ltd.
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Dr. Óváry-Papp Nóra
Senior Lawyer
Baker McKenzie
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dr. Pintér Szabolcs
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Dr. Tóth Ágnes

Why you should come?

The HR (R)EVOLUTION 2024 – Powered by Prohuman & Pénzcentrum, co-organised by Pénzcentrum and Portfolio, is one of the most professional labour market and HR conferences in Hungary; a meeting place for HR specialists, middle and senior managers of the best-known Hungarian companies. Do not miss out on the most important event of the year dealing with the labour market and determining HR trends, where you can gain useful and practical knowledge on the latest questions in HR and meet the big players of the industry face-to-face!

The conference aims to help leaders and HR specialists from different areas to (re)design the main HR processes, be it recruitment, onboarding, staff retention, talent management, or work organisation. Naturally, we will also discuss developing the employer brand and the importance of internal and external communication. The event will also focus on how the HR revolution we are living through is increasingly converging with the ever-faster-paced evolution of HR. Thus, the conference’s theme will be strongly influenced by the digital transformation in the sector, and those attending the event will have the opportunity to gain up-to-date knowledge in this area.

You belong here! After all, the characteristics of today’s labour market require a completely different approach and much greater flexibility from companies than before. Moreover, HR (R)EVOLUTION 2024 – Powered by Prohuman & Pénzcentrum is not just a professional forum but one of the most powerful business networking venues for industry players, where all stakeholders can gain a realistic view of the major challenges facing the sector, as well as the future of the industry.

Download the Portfolio Events mobile app where you can find Portfolio’s professional events in one app, personalised for you. You can access the event’s detailed programme, the list of participants, and your conference ticket, among other things. We even offer a virtual business card exchange. How? The QR code on the badge is your personalised online business card - scan each other's QR codes and you can keep in touch after the conference. Profession, experience, networking. Install with QR-code from desktop >>

Who we recommend

  • Company leaders
  • HR leaders
  • HR specialists (training, compensation, recruitment)
  • Labour and employment law professionals
  • HR service providers
  • HR-tech professionals
  • Communication leaders

Our Sponsors

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Gold Sponsor

Coffee Lounge sponsor

Official car rental partner

Carbon Offsetting Partner

Accessibility Partner


GALLERY | 31 pictures
Retail Day 2024 - Powered by Pénzcentrum


Organisation, general questions

Kinga Molnár
  • Kinga Molnár
  • Event Organizer
  • Phone: +36 20 491 9087
  • Email:


Sándor Takács
  • Sándor Takács
  • Commercial Director
  • Email:
Ágnes Klenyán
  • Ágnes Klenyán
  • senior key account manager
  • Phone: 472-2099
  • Email:


Nagy Bálint
  • Nagy Bálint
  • Lapigazgató, vezető szerkesztő
  • Phone: 06-1/472-2093 / 33
  • Email:
Roxána Pásztor
  • Roxána Pásztor
  • analyst
  • Phone: +36-30-908-9711
  • Email:
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