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EUYOU – The EU’s Cohesion Policy at a Crossroad

The project is implemented through the joint efforts of Blue Door Consulting, Euractiv, and Portfolio.hu.

Date: 26th February 2025  

Location: Online


  • The Achievements of the Convergence Policy So Far
  • The Future of Cohesion Funds
  • The Current System of EU Funding and Its Shortcomings
  • What Are the Results of the Recovery and Resilience Facility?
  • Where Can Changes in Support Policy Be Expected?

Our speakers among others

All speakers
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Darvas Zsolt
Senior Fellow
Bruegel Institute
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Kovács Toperczer Kata
Chief Economist
European Commission, Representation in Hungary
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Szabó Dániel
EU Affairs Analyst

Why you should come?

The EU’s new seven-year budget will certainly not start under the current system in 2028. Anyone can still have a say in the professional debate and reform plans on the future of support policies that are just beginning. We recommend our event to those who want to prepare as soon as possible for the new EU funding distribution system.

The general aim of the EUYOU project, launched by the European Union, is to provide information on cohesion policy, including, among others, the Just Transition Fund, the Recovery Plan for Europe, and the Technical Support Instrument. The project also focuses on the NextGenerationEU programme, including the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF). As part of the project, we are now focusing on the future of EU cohesion policy and reform plans, highlighting the shortcomings and successes of EU support policy!

Who we recommend

  • Corporate decision-makers
  • Those interested in EU affairs
  • Those who wish to shape the EU reforms themselves
  • Those interested in international politics and economics


To participate, all you need is the following:

  • Chrome web browser and a stable internet connection
  • a computer or smart device (PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device)
  • the virtual venue of the conference will be hosted on an online conference platform
  • we will send you a link to enter in the days preceding the event
  • you can join in after a quick registration

In case of any technical problems during entry to the event or during the discussion, please write us an email to rendezveny@portfolio.hu.

* In case of absence of the technical requirements above the attendance on the online conference can be impossible or malfunctioning. Net Média Zrt. excludes the liability of the fail or malfunction of the attendance on the online conference if it is caused by the absence of the requirements above or any other circumstances which are out of the liability of Net Média Zrt. In this case the attendance fee can’t be reimbursed.


Organisation, general questions

Krisztina Kovács-Kopp
  • Krisztina Kovács-Kopp


Dániel Szabó
  • Dániel Szabó
  • EU affairs analyst
  • Phone: +36203155829
  • Email:
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