The meeting of business, technology, and law in the digital economy
Azure Global Head, Azure Cloud Team
Lawyer, Partner, Provaris
Of Counsel, Dentons and Member of the Faculty, Corvinus University; former President American Chamber of Commerce in Hungary, Dentons Budapest and Corvinus University of Budapest School of Business
Associate Director, Technology Product Management - Legal&Regulatoty, Wolters Kluwer Hungary Kft.
Head of Regulatory, 4IG
Attorney, Kft.
Senior Counsel, CMS
researcher, scientific advisor to Wolters Kluwer Hungary, PPKE Versenyjogi Kutatóközpont
Professor, Deputy Rector for Education, University of Szeged, Institute of Business Law
ügyvezető igazgató, CRANE, CARBON.CRANE, DIMSZ - az Adatvezérelt Marketing Szövetség elnöke
technológiai innovációért felelős igazgató, Shiwaforce
Executive Director, Wolters Kluwer Hungary Ltd.
jogi, nemzetközi és innovációs ügyekért felelős elnökhelyettes, Szellemi Tulajdon Nemzeti Hivatala
Head of Legal, Microsec Software Engineering & Consulting Ltd.
Head of Innovation and Content Transformation, Wolters Kluwer Hungary Kft.
, Alverad - Magyar Kiberbiztonsági Klaszter
President, PHI INSTITUTE for Augmented Intelligence
Conference project leader, Portfolio
Attorney-at-law, Legal Engineer, Associate at OPL gunnercooke
AI and innovation advisor
Executive General Manager - HR, Corporate Services, Legal & Compliance Affairs, Magyar Suzuki Zrt.
Lawyer, Baker McKenzie
Acting professional leader, Hungarian Federation of the Blind and Partially Sighted - PhD studen, Pázmány Péter Catholic University
Legaltech project leader, Eötvös József Research Centre, National University of Public Service
Silver Sponsor
Silver/Expert Sponsor
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