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Tájékozódjon eseményeinkről 6 iparágban: Offline és Online konferenciák

Legaltech & DigitalCompliance by Design 2024

The meeting of business, technology, and law in the digital economy

Date: 8th May 2024  

Location: Radisson Blu Béke Hotel




Digital economy “YOU ARE HERE”

08:55 - 09:00

Welcome and opening

Speaker: Kata Tóth, Conference project leader, Portfolio

09:00 - 09:30

The challenges of the digital economy from a public authority perspective

Speaker: dr. Péter Lábody, jogi, nemzetközi és innovációs ügyekért felelős elnökhelyettes, Szellemi Tulajdon Nemzeti Hivatala

09:30 - 10:00

The challenges of the digital economy from a business compliance perspective

Speaker: dr. Magdolna Csömör, Head of Regulatory, 4IG

10:00 - 10:35

Fireside chat with György Tilesch: Corporate AI as innovation and compliance: where's the contradiction here?

Moderator: dr Andrea Megyeri, Head of Innovation and Content Transformation, Wolters Kluwer Hungary Kft.

Conversation participants:

10:35 - 10:50

netPORT for Digital Economy: Let's navigate together!

Moderator: Dr. Judit Firniksz, researcher, scientific advisor to Wolters Kluwer Hungary, PPKE Versenyjogi Kutatóközpont

Conversation participants:

  • Balázs Cseh, Associate Director, Technology Product Management - Legal&Regulatoty, Wolters Kluwer Hungary Kft.
  • dr Andrea Megyeri, Head of Innovation and Content Transformation, Wolters Kluwer Hungary Kft.


Coffee break & Networking


Forced to take action – Compliance challenges: Webdesign and marketing technologies

11:20 - 12:00

Panel discussion: New expectations in web design from June 2025

Moderator: Dr. Judit Firniksz, researcher, scientific advisor to Wolters Kluwer Hungary, PPKE Versenyjogi Kutatóközpont

Conversation participants:

  • Gábor Kállai, technológiai innovációért felelős igazgató, Shiwaforce
  • dr. Péter Tóth, Attorney-at-law, Legal Engineer, Associate at OPL gunnercooke
  • dr. Dorottya Velegi, Acting professional leader, Hungarian Federation of the Blind and Partially Sighted - PhD studen, Pázmány Péter Catholic University

12:00 - 12:40

Panel discussion: Martech & Digital Fairness – Innovative technologies in marketing

Moderator: Prof. dr. Klára Gellén, Professor, Deputy Rector for Education, University of Szeged, Institute of Business Law

Conversation participants:


Lunch break & Networking


Forced to take action – Compliance challenges: Data economy and cybersecurity

13:30 - 13:45

Paperless office: legal and technological requirements

Speaker: dr. Lilla Lovas, Head of Legal, Microsec Software Engineering & Consulting Ltd.

13:45 - 14:25

Panel discussion: Data economy – The data is there, but how can it be legally monetised?

Moderator: Dr. Judit Firniksz, researcher, scientific advisor to Wolters Kluwer Hungary, PPKE Versenyjogi Kutatóközpont

Conversation participants:

14:25 - 15:05

Panel discussion: Changes in the cybersecurity regulatory environment

Moderator: Gábor Varga, AI and innovation advisor

Conversation participants:

15:05 - 15:25

The Artemis Protocol: Taming the Wilderness of AI, Learning and High Risk Technologies

Speaker: Theodore Sebastian Boone, Of Counsel, Dentons and Member of the Faculty, Corvinus University; former President American Chamber of Commerce in Hungary, Dentons Budapest and Corvinus University of Budapest School of Business

15:25 - 15:30

netPORT Pub Invitation

Speaker: Katalin Kézdi, Executive Director, Wolters Kluwer Hungary Ltd.


netPORT Pub: An Unconventional Encounter of Business, Technology, and Law, Alongside Finger-Food Closing Dinner

Our Sponsors


Silver Sponsor

Silver/Expert Sponsor

In association with


Organisation, general questions

Dominika Doszpoth
  • Dominika Doszpoth
  • event organiser
  • Phone: +36 20 221 0231


Sándor Takács
  • Sándor Takács
  • Commercial Director
  • Email:


Kata Tóth
  • Kata Tóth
  • Conference Project Leader
  • Phone: +36 20 386 0751
  • Email:
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