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The Prospective Hungarian Pension Reform in an International Perspective

Date: 17th October 2006  

Location: Hilton Budapest WestEnd


  • A magyar nyugdíjrendszer állapota
  • A nyugdíjrendszer előtt álló kihívások
  • Alternatív nyugdíjreform megközelítések és nyugdíjrendszerek a nemzteközi gyakorlatban
  • A nyugdíjreformok meghatározó járulékos kérdései
  • A tőkepiaci megtakarításokat megtestesítő nyugdíjrendszer komponensek működése Magyaroszágon és a világ más részein - kilátások a jövőre nézve

Our speakers among others

All speakers
speaker image
Barabás Gyula
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Bodor András
Világbank, a Hunex-ECON tajga
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Demetrovics Gergely
speaker image
Koen de Ryck
Ügyvezető igazgató
Pragma Consulting
speaker image
Deutsch Antal
közgazdász professzor
McGill Egyetem, magyar Kormány Nyugdíjreform Bizottságának munkatársa
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Draskovics Tibor
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Erdős Mihály
Vice-president and Chairman-CEO
MABISZ and Generali Biztosító
speaker image
Fehér Csaba
közgazdász, szakértő
Nyugdíj és Időskor Kerekasztal (NYIKA)
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Góra Marek
Varsó Egyetem, Lengyel Nyugdíjreform megalkotója
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Hamecz István
OTP Alapkezelő
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Holzmann Robert
igazgató, Humán Fejlesztési Szektor
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Oriens IM
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Ole Settergren
A nyugdíj részleg igazgatója
Svéd Nemzeti Társadalombiztosítási Igazgatóság

Why you should come?

Professionals no longer dispute that reforming Hungary’s pension scheme is a must. The current structure, which carries substantial macroeconomic risks, is deemed unsustainable in the long run. There are a number of studies that underpin this, a most recent one of them is an analysis by Standard & Poor’s, which ranked Hungary 2nd among developed countries with the largest uncovered pension debt to 2050.

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Professionals no longer dispute that reforming Hungary’s pension scheme is a must. The current structure, which carries substantial macroeconomic risks, is deemed unsustainable in the long run. There are a number of studies that underpin this, a most recent one of them is an analysis by Standard & Poor’s, which ranked Hungary 2nd among developed countries with the largest uncovered pension debt to 2050.

The “share" of the pension system in Hungary’s public sector deficit is already about 2% of GDP - even now when demographic conditions are favourable - while no country could have a deficit larger than 3% of GDP if it wants to join the euro zone. Without deep reforms this “contribution" is seen going up to 3.5% of GDP by 2040.

Portfolio.hu will organise its next conference titled “The Hungarian pension reform in international perspective", with professional support by HunEx-Econ, an organisation of Washington-based Hungarian economists, on 17 October in Budapest’s WestEnd Hilton.

The aim of the conference is to live up to the importance of the matter and offer a number of different concepts for the reform, as well as to present European pension reform examples (in Sweden, Germany and Poland). It is also our unconcealed goal to take the professional debate from Portfolio.hu’s pages to the highest level possible and thus contribute to the revamping of Hungary’s pension regime.

Three main groups of speakers:

Pension experts from the World Bank
Experts preparing / executing European pension reforms
Hungarian professionals versed in pension matters

Target audience:

Pension economists in the public sector and non-governmental organisations
Macroeconomists in the private and public sectors
Private pension funds, voluntary and mutual insurance
Demography experts
Labour market experts
Risk managers (changes in government securities’ risk ratings in light of budget implications of the aging process)
Investment fund managers
Asset managers
Private banks
Experts of capital market supervising
"Reform economists of the public sector" and all those who are keen to learn more of the public sector’s reform
Economic media


GALLERY | 27 pictures
The Prospective Hungarian Pension Reform in an International Perspective - Conference, October 17, 2006


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