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Agricultural Conference 2024

Date: 4th - 5th December 2024  

Location: Siófok, Hotel Azúr Wellness ****

Small producers and young farmers, ATTENTION!

3rd December 2024

Conference Eve – Professional Programme for the 3rd of December



Session I: Accelerated Climate Change: What Forecasts Can We Rely On?

Moderator: Lajos Braunmüller, Editor, Portfolio

17:00 - 17:45

Roundtable Discussion: Concern for the Fields: What Weather Can We Expect in 2025?

Conversation participants:


Session II: Domestic Political Power Dynamics, Economic Outlook: From the Farmers’ Perspective

Moderator: Zoltán Bán, CEO, Net Média (Portfolio Csoport)

17:45 - 18:30

Roundtable Discussion: American Presidential Election, 2026 Parliamentary Elections: What Domestic Political and Economic Events Can Farmers Expect?

Conversation participants:


Session III: EU Membership and Hungarian Agriculture: Failure or Success?

Moderator: László Hazafi, agriculture journalist, Portfolio/Agrárszektor

18:30 - 19:15

Twenty Years in the European Union: Is the Hungarian Agricultural Economy a Winner or a Loser? – Breakthrough Opportunities for Domestic Agricultural Enterprises

Conversation participants:

  • Sándor Font, (Fidesz) elnök, Mezőgazdasági Bizottság (under confirmation)
  • Dávid Hollósi, President , Board Member, Magyar Bankszövetség agrár munkabizottság
  • György Raskó, agrárközgazdász,

Pezsgős koccintás

4th December 2024


The massage can only be attended after registration. You may only reserve your seat if you already have a ticket to the event.



Session I: EU CAP: Hopes and Questions

Moderator: László Hazafi, agriculture journalist, Portfolio/Agrárszektor

08:00 - 08:05


Speaker: Zoltán Bán, CEO, Net Média (Portfolio Csoport)

08:05 - 08:25

The Agricultural Economic Achievements of the Hungarian EU Presidency – The Objectives of Domestic Agriculture in 2025

Speaker: István Nagy, Agriculture Minister, Ministry of Agriculture

08:25 - 08:45

The Development and Efficiency of Fertiliser Use in Hungary - Comparing Fertiliser Use in Hungary to Western European Countries

Speaker: László Bige,

08:45 - 09:00

At a Turning Point: How Can the Hungarian Agricultural Economy Become More Competitive?

Speaker: Csaba Gyuricza, Director, Nemzeti Agrárkutatási és Innovációs Központ

09:00 - 09:45

Roundtable Discussion: Massive Farmer Protests, European Parliament Elections in 2024 – What Direction Might the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy Take?

Conversation participants:

09:45 - 10:30

Roundtable Discussion: Negotiations on Ukraine's EU Accession Begin – What Awaits Domestic Agriculture?

Conversation participants:


Coffee break


Session II: Mastering Agricultural Finance

Moderator: Zoltán Bán, CEO, Net Média (Portfolio Csoport)

10:50 - 11:00

Ten Crucial Ingredients for the Successful Implementation of the 2024–2027 Investment Programme

Speaker: Dávid Hollósi, President , Board Member, Magyar Bankszövetség agrár munkabizottság

11:00 - 11:40

Roundtable Discussion: After Difficult Times, Before Stabilisation – Where to Next for the Hungarian Economy?

Conversation participants:

11:40 - 11:50

If Not Us, Then Who? If Not Now, When? – What Will 2025 Bring to the Hungarian Economy?

Speaker: István Szabó, Executive Director, OTP Bank Corporate and Agricultural Directorate

11:50 - 12:30

Roundtable Discussion: How Can We Access Cheaper Agricultural Loans? – Discounted Loan Programmes, Support Schemes, and New Banking Loan Products for Agricultural Enterprises

Conversation participants:

  • Zoltán Demeter, Head of Agribusiness Development Department, K&H
  • András Herczegh, Managing Director, Agrár-Vállalkozási Hitelgarancia Alapítvány
  • Dávid Hollósi, President , Board Member, Magyar Bankszövetség agrár munkabizottság
  • István Szabó, Executive Director, OTP Bank Corporate and Agricultural Directorate


Lunch break


Session III/A: Boom in the Feed Industry

Moderator: Zsombor Wagenhoffer, Director, Hungarian Animal Breeders Association

13:20 - 13:30

Security as the Key to Progress – Opportunities and Obstacles in Animal Husbandry

Speaker: Zoltán Kulik, CEO, Vitafort Zrt.

13:30 - 13:40

Eastern Opening: Central Asian Investment in the Feed Industry

Speaker: Péter Horváth, Board member, UBM

13:50 - 14:35

Roundtable Discussion: Favourable Changes and Dynamic Growth in the Feed Market – Expected Feed Prices, Modern Technologies and Formulations

Conversation participants:

14:35 - 15:05

Roundtable Discussion: Artificial Meats and Lab-Grown Meats: A Threatening Danger in Livestock Farming – Hungarian Responses to Counter Market Expansion

Conversation participants:


Session III/B: Precision Farming, Agricultural Digitalisation: Awaiting a Boom

13:20 - 13:30

Sustainable Soil Conservation Tillage System With a Precision Approach

Speaker: Zalán Zahorán, Deputy CEO, KITE Zrt.

13:30 - 14:10

Roundtable Discussion: Lost Momentum and Uncertainty in the Agricultural Machinery Market: New Grant Opportunities, Loan and Leasing Alternatives – The Future of Precision Farming and Robotics in Hungarian Agriculture

Moderator: Viktória Vona, CEO, owner, Csernozjom Kft.

Conversation participants:

14:10 - 14:25

Integration of Robots, IoT, and Artificial Intelligence

Speaker: László Kóté, Deputy Chief Operating and Marketing Officer, Delta Systems Kft.

14:25 - 15:05

Roundtable Discussion: Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture – Profit Enhancement with the Most Advanced Digitalisation Solutions

Moderator: Péter Miklós Varga, Permanent Expert, Cibus Hungaricus Foundation

Conversation participants:


Session III/C: Energy Use, Fertilisation: The Goal is Efficiency

13:00 - 13:15

Locally Producible Green Energy – the Self-Sufficiency Opportunities of Hungarian Agriculture

Speaker: Róbert Fehér, CEO, 8G Energy

13:15 - 14:20

Roundtable Discussion: Energy Efficiency Improvement Investments in Agriculture – Renewable Energy Developments and Funding Opportunities, Energy Market Trends in 2025

Moderator: Attila Weinhardt, Senior Analyst, Portfolio

Conversation participants:

14:20 - 15:05

Roundtable Discussion: Declining Prices, Increasing Purchases in the Fertiliser Market: What Can Farmers Expect Next Year? – Market Factors Influencing Fertiliser Prices

Moderator: Lajos Braunmüller, Editor, Portfolio

Conversation participants:


Session III/D: The Food Industry in a Strategic Role

13:00 - 13:10

Digitalisation and SAP in the Agricultural Sector

Speaker: Donát Szűcs,

13:10 - 13:25

Seasoned with EU funds - Development and innovation in the food industry

Speaker: Bernadett Petri, Executive Director, Hungarian Development Promotion Office (MFOI)

13:25 - 14:20

Roundtable Discussion: Support and Development Boom in the Food Industry: Requirements for Successful Applications, New Opportunities in 2025 – The Industry's Competitiveness Strategy

Moderator: László Friedrich, university professor, institute director, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences

Conversation participants:

14:20 - 14:25

Recycled or Reusable? – Which Should We Choose in the Name of Sustainability? (video)

Speaker: Szilvia Szőke, Sales Director, LC Packaging

14:25 - 15:05

Roundtable Discussion: Criteria for Sustainable Food Packaging: Domestic Regulatory Experiences and Upcoming Changes – Modern Packaging Solutions and Innovative Products

Moderator: Attila Kiss, Director, Innovation Centre, University of Debrecen



Session III/E: Horticulture of the Future: Focusing on Developments

Moderator: Ferenc Ledó, Chairman, FruitVeB

14:00 - 14:10

The necessary directions for the development of the fruit and vegetable sector

Speaker: Ferenc Apáti, President, FruitVeB

14:10 - 15:05

Roundtable Discussion: Greenhouses, Polytunnels, Cold Storage Facilities, and Plantations: Who Can Benefit From the New Horticultural Grants? – Combating Climate Change Through Developments and Varietal Changes

Conversation participants:


Coffee break


Session IV/A: A Turning Point in Animal Husbandry

Moderator: Zoltán Fórián, leading agricultural expert, Agricultural Competence Centre, Erste Bank Zrt.

15:25 - 15:35

Consumption Trends in the Pork Market

Speaker: Tibor Ábrahám,

15:35 - 15:45

Biotechnological Solutions to the Challenges in Animal Husbandry

Speaker: László Bustyaházai, Feed Business Unit Manager, Member of the Board of Directors, UBM Feed Kft.

15:45 - 16:25

Roundtable Discussion: A Positive Turn in Domestic Animal Husbandry – Cost Trends and Market Prospects for 2025, New Support Opportunities, and Animal Health Measures

Conversation participants:

16:25 - 16:35

Milk at Its Best: Is Quality Enough, or Is Added Value Needed Too?

Speaker: Attila Kiss, Director, Innovation Centre, University of Debrecen

16:35 - 17:15

Roundtable Discussion: Portfolio Dairy Forum – 2nd Edition: Encouraging Signs After a Series of Crises? – The Future of the Dairy Sector in Hungary

Conversation participants:


Session IV/B: Drones in Agriculture: Promising Possibilities

Moderator: Máté Keczer, Deputy Managing Director, ABZ Drone Kft.

15:25 - 15:45

This Is How Spraying Drones Are Transforming Europe’s Agriculture – Key Insights From 2024

Speaker: Károly Ludvigh, CEO, ABZ Innovation

15:45 - 17:15

Roundtable Discussion: Agricultural Alternatives for Legal Drone Use – Drone Types, Applications, Regulatory Requirements and Economic Considerations

Conversation participants:


Session IV/C: A Reform in the Seed Sector, New Challenges in Crop Protection

15:25 - 15:35

Climate Change, EU Expectations, Market Uncertainties: What Is Next For Plant Protection?

Speaker: Róbert Görög, Managing Director, Hungarian Crop Protection Association

15:35 - 16:20

Roundtable Discussion: How Can We Protect Our Crops Under Extreme Weather Conditions? – New Plant Protection Products and Biological Solutions, Combating Counterfeit and Illegal Products

Moderator: Róbert Görög, Managing Director, Hungarian Crop Protection Association

Conversation participants:

16:20 - 16:30

Changes in EU Regulations on Seeds and Propagation Materials

Speaker: Gábor Polgár, Executive director, Hungarian Seed Association and Product Council

16:30 - 17:15

Roundtable Discussion: EU Regulatory Reform in Seed Propagation and Distribution – Hungarian Seed Prices and Varietal Offerings in 2025

Moderator: Gábor Polgár, Executive director, Hungarian Seed Association and Product Council

Conversation participants:


Session IV/D: Food Market, Agricultural Marketing, Export Development

15:25 - 16:10

Roundtable Discussion: How Can We Become Successful Suppliers? – Experiences of an International Corporation and Hungarian Agricultural Market Participants

Moderator: Lajos Braunmüller, Editor, Portfolio

Conversation participants:

16:10 - 16:25

The Past, Future, and Significance of the Székely Product Trademark System in the Food Market

Speaker: István Becze, Chairman, Székely Gazdaszervezetek Egyesülete

16:25 - 17:15

Roundtable Discussion: Anticipated Turning Point and Growth Prospects in the Domestic Food Market: Marketing Tools for Successful Market Entry, Key Directions for Export Development, and Financing Options

Moderator: László Friedrich, university professor, institute director, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences

Conversation participants:


Session IV/E: Irrigation as a Means to Combat Severe Drought Damage

Moderator: Csaba Bozán, Head of Research Centre, MATE KÖTI Öntözési és Vízgazdálkodási Kutatóközpont

15:25 - 15:45

Major Legislative Changes: New Regulations in Irrigated Farming and Water Management

Speaker: Tamás Andréka, Department head, Ministry of Agriculture

15:45 - 16:05

Support for Irrigation Development Investments in the CAP Strategic Plan

Speaker: László Polai,

16:05 - 17:15

Roundtable Discussion: New Irrigation Development Grant in the Fight Against Drought: How Can We Access Funding and Bank Loans for Irrigation-Based Farming? – The Creation and Significance of Irrigation Rights

Conversation participants:


Session V: Harsh Climate Change: What Should We Cultivate on Hungarian Soils?

Moderator: Gergő Soltész, Owner, Ostorosbor Pincészet Zrt.

17:15 - 17:25

The Hungarian State Treasury’s 2024 Subsidy Payments – 2025 Payment Plans and Farmer-Friendly Developments

Speaker: Miklós Detre, Vice President, Hungarian State Treasury

17:25 - 17:35

This Year, Soybean Planting Area Reached a Historical Record – Why Now, and What Does the Future Hold?

Speaker: Zoltán Bene, Manager, Karintia Kft.

17:35 - 18:15

Roundtable Discussion: Climate Change Disrupts Everything: What Should Be Grown on Hungarian Arable Land? – New Criteria for Structural Change and Competitive Farm Size

Conversation participants:


Award ceremony


Standing reception, evening programmes

5th December 2024



Session I: Sustainable Tillage, Much-Anticipated New Green Grants

Moderator: László Hazafi, agriculture journalist, Portfolio/Agrárszektor

08:40 - 09:10

The Effects of Climate Change and Adaptation Possibilities in Agriculture

Speaker: János Áder,

09:10 - 09:25

ESG in the Food Industry – a New Approach From a Health, Sustainability, and Governance Perspective


09:25 - 10:05

Does Production Need To Be Reduced on Hungarian Farmland Due to the EU’s Sustainability Goals? – The Advantages of Regenerative Soil Management, a Smaller Carbon Footprint, and the Agricultural Business Opportunities of Carbon Quota Trading

Moderator: Dávid Mezei, Head of Unit, MBH Bank

Conversation participants:

10:05 - 10:35

Roundtable Discussion: The New Agri-Environmental Management and Organic Farming Grants Are Coming: Who Can Receive Support and Under What Conditions From 2025?

Moderator: Dávid Mezei, Head of Unit, MBH Bank

Conversation participants:


Coffe break


Session II/A: EU Regulations Outside of the CAP: How Can Hungarian Agriculture Benefit?

Moderator: István Bognár, Senior Business Development Manager, MBH Bank

10:55 - 11:10

Research and Development for Agricultural Sustainability

Speaker: Orsolya Somogyi Frizon, Deputy Head of Unit, European Commission

11:10 - 11:55

Roundtable Discussion: The Impact of EU Regulations Beyond the Common Agricultural Policy on Agricultural Production – Funding and Application Opportunities Outside of the CAP

Conversation participants:


Session II/B: Rapid Innovation in the Agricultural Sector

Moderator: Kata Tóth, Conference project leader, Portfolio

10:55 - 11:05

The Activities and Agricultural Innovation Efforts of the Hungarian Association for Innovation

The presentation is about the goals of the Hungarian Association for Innovation (MISZ) and the strengthening of the role of innovation in stimulating the economy. The speaker will report on the latest Hungarian Innovation Grand Prize competition, which annually recognises the most significant domestic innovations, including agricultural innovations. In addition, the speaker will discuss the National Science and Innovation Olympiad, a talent-scouting competition with a 34-year history in the STEM fields, which supports participating students with mentoring, scholarships, and international opportunities. There will be a discussion on the role of the renewed regional directorates, the benefits of membership, the services offered by the Hungarian Innovation Association (MISZ), and the planned collaboration between MISZ and the Ministry of Agriculture.

Speaker: Csaba Bőthe, Managing Director, Magyar Innovációs Szövetség

11:05 - 11:15

Smart Farm – The Automated Facility

The presentation will demonstrate how to transition cost-effectively to data-driven farming, as well as how to overcome labour shortages and manage energy costs. The information presented will support the idea that building an efficiently operating agricultural facility is no longer as difficult as it once was.

Speaker: József Kövesdi, Managing Director, Okosfarm

11:15 - 11:25

Data-driven Future in the Agricultural Sector: How is AI Shaping Decision-Making?

The agricultural sector holds vast amounts of information, but this wealth of data alone does not guarantee a competitive advantage. The real value lies in effective analysis and fast, fact-based decision-making. The presentation aims to demonstrate how artificial intelligence (AI) can become the most significant strategic tool in agricultural decision-making.

Speaker: Benedek Késmárki, Managing Director, BlueBAX Solutions Kft.

11:25 - 11:35

Successfully Without Gluten – One of the Most Innovative Market Niches in the Food Industry

The gluten-free market, shedding its childhood ailments, is slowly entering adulthood. Initially, when we thought of a product being gluten-free, it was mainly consumers suffering from certain diseases that came to mind. Currently, this category is increasingly targeting consumers who do not have any illness but have a demand for a healthy lifestyle. The latest versions of gluten-free products are, in fact, one of the most innovative parts of the food industry. In addition to innovative gluten-free pasta and extruded products, the biggest technological challenge lies in the development of gluten-free bakery goods. In order to create tasty and nutritionally modern products, it is essential to present more advanced ingredients, technologies, and the latest innovations compared to previous ones.

Speaker: Péter Szabolcs,

11:35 - 11:45

Nanobubble Technology for the Agriculture of the Future: Significant Yield Increase, Shorter Production Cycles, Extended Shelf Life

The presentation is about a real, marketable, and sustainable technological innovation. In our world, where sustainable farming practices are no longer an option but a necessity, nanobubble technology offers new opportunities for agricultural producers who use irrigation. This innovative, chemical-free solution improves soil and plant health, enhancing their stress resistance. It adaptively alters the water absorption capacity of plants, increases biomass volume, and promotes and supports higher yields – all while reducing dependence on chemicals.


Speaker: Tamás Schneider, managing owner, Greenwave Technology Kft.

11:45 - 11:55

Birdwatcher - Mesterséges intelligencia a baromfiistállóban

A hatékony nagyüzemi baromfihústermelésben az egyik legfontosabb a madarak testsúlyának naprakész ismerete. A Birdwatcher egy egyetemi berkekből indult magyar fejlesztés, amely kameraképek mesterséges intelligenciával való elemzésével ad információt a baromfiállomány testsúlygyarapodásáról.

Speaker: Márta Alexy,

Session III/A: A Hectic Cereals Market: What Does the Future Hold?

Moderator: Lajos Braunmüller, Editor, Portfolio

11:55 - 12:10

The Most Important Updates on Land Regulation – Changes in the Electronic Land Registry

Speaker: Tamás Andréka, Department head, Ministry of Agriculture

12:10 - 12:55

Roundtable Discussion: Uncertainty and Unpredictability in the Cereals Market: What Prices Can We Expect in 2025? – Quality Requirements and Premium Wheat, Contracting and Sales Strategies

Conversation participants:


Session III/B: Global Trends in Agricultural Innovation – What Should Hungarian Producers Do?

Moderator: Tibor Czigány,

11:55 - 12:05

The Routes of the Future, Paving the Way Forward – Agri-Innovation 4.0

Speaker: Tibor Czigány,

12:05 - 12:55

Roundtable Discussion: Main Directions of Agricultural Innovation in Hungary and in the World – How Can Hungarian Agricultural Enterprises Discover and Apply Innovative Results?

Conversation participants:


Lunch break


Session IV/A: Rural Development Tender Dumping: Useful Experiences and New Calls for Proposals

Moderator: Gergely Papp, Deputy Director General, Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture

14:10 - 14:55

Roundtable Discussion: This Year’s Experience of New Rural Development Tenders – Main Criteria for Evaluation, Implementation and Payment of Support – Further Opportunities for Applications in the Coming Years

Conversation participants:


Session IV/B: Sunflowers, Rapeseed: What Will It Take To Succeed in 2025?

Moderator: Viktor Balázs, Vice President, Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture

13:55 - 14:05

Precision Sunflower Farming in Crop Rotation

Speaker: János Nagy,

14:05 - 14:55

Roundtable Discussion: Will Sunflower and Rapeseed Be a Success? – Prospects for Domestic Farmers’ Profitability in 2025

Conversation participants:


Session V: Producer Protection Legislative Package: Tightening Up From January

Moderator: Gyöngyi Kürthy, Deputy Head of the Directorate, Institute for Agricultural Economics

14:55 - 15:10

Producer Protection Legal Amendments: What Steps Have Been Taken for the Benefit of Farmers?

Speaker: Tamás Andréka, Department head, Ministry of Agriculture

15:10 - 16:00

Roundtable Discussion: The New Producer Protection Package Comes Into Force From January: Non-Payment Penalties, Compulsory Risk-Sharing, Contract Grower Cooperation, Occupational Disqualification – What Can Farmers and Buyers Expect?

Conversation participants:

16:00 - 16:05

Closing Remarks

Speaker: Kata Tóth, Conference project leader, Portfolio

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Organisation, general questions

Luca Viszoki-Somogyi
  • Luca Viszoki-Somogyi
  • Event organiser
  • Phone: +36 20 414 8265
  • Email:
  • Flóra Balogh
  • Event organiser
  • Phone: +36 20 212 4566
  • Email:


Tünde Veégh
  • Tünde Veégh
  • Email:
Sándor Takács
  • Sándor Takács
  • Commercial Director
  • Email:


László Hazafi
  • László Hazafi
  • Email:
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