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Agricultural Conference 2023

Date: 29th - 30th November 2023  

Location: Siófok, Hotel Azúr Wellness ****

Prestigious agrarian awards at the Agricultural Conference!


  • New EU Common Agricultural Policy live: fundamental changes from 2023
  • Rural development on new bases: funding, tender, and eligibility criteria in the following years
  • Does the “green lobby” render agricultural economics impossible? – Climate goals, green requirements, and regulatory directions in the EU agricultural sector
  • The effect of the Russian-Ukrainian war on Hungarian agricultural economics: expected market, price, and budget changes in the short and long run
  • A visibly changing macro-environment: new conditions and possibilities of agrarian financing and accessing loans
  • Support and development opportunities for the livestock sector from 2023, crisis mitigation measures
  • An exceptional situation in the feed market: price forecasts and efficiency enhancing measures in the feed sector
  • A price boom on arable lands and the grain crops market: expected price developments, quality requirements
  • Shocking effects on the vegetable and fruit markets: breakout and development potentials of horticulture
  • Draughts are an ever-increasing threat: irrigation development subsidies and opportunities in Hungary
  • Considerable changes in the input market: short and longer term trends in fertilising, plant protection, and seed use, new regulatory requirements
  • Can it be a breakout alternative? – perspectives of domestic organic farming
  • Substantial cost increases and a pressure for increasing prices in the food industry: market outlook and development aid from 2023
  • The indispensable conditions for increasing competitiveness: trends and opportunities in precision farming, agricultural digitalisation, robotics and drone use
  • Innovation in Hungarian agrarian economics: The most outstanding results of 2022
  • How can we protect ourselves against extreme market and profitability fluctuations? - How the crisis insurance scheme works and its main benefits
  • Is the price increase still unstoppable? – trends and regulatory changes in the domestic land market
  • Competing for consumers: challenges and perspectives of food trade in Hungary
  • An historic drought in Hungary: the effect of climate change on domestic agriculture

Our speakers among others

All speakers
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Ábrahám Péter
IT, integration and sourcing director
Bonafarm Zrt.
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Andréka Tamás
State Secretary
Ministry of Agriculture
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Angyal László
Head of Department
Hungarian State Treasury
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Apáti Ferenc
President, Associate Professor
FruitVeB, University of Debrecen
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Bakos István
Production Director
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Balázs Ildikó
Director of Corporate Relations
Auchan Hungary
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Bali Gábor
Managing Director
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Balla Zoltán
Marton Genetics-Elitmag Kft.
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Bán Zoltán
Net Média (Portfolio Group)
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Bányai Tibor
Gazda Kontroll Kft.
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Bárány László
Master Good Kft.
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Bene Zoltán
Karintia Kft.
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Bene Dániel
Magyar Fejlesztésösztönző Iroda
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Benedek Fülöp
Senior Advisor to the President
OTP Bank Nyrt.
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Bereczki Anna
COO and Cofounder
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Berkes Gábor
Cargill Magyarország Zrt.
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Biró Marcell
Business developer
Jelenleg az Euro-Matic Ltd.
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Braunmüller Lajos
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Bustyaházai László
Feed Business Unit Manager, Member of the Board of Directors
UBM Feed Kft.
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Czemiczki István
Vineyard manager
Sauska Winery Tokaj
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Czina Ferenc
Agrolink Zrt.
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Cseh Tibor András
Secretary General
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Cselényi Tibor
Senior Head of Quality Systems & Product Development
Progress Restaurant Chain Ltd.
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Cselovszki Róbert
Erste Investment Ltd.
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Csitkovics Tibor
Agrofeed Kft.
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Csizmadia Júlia
Business Manager
SGS Hungária Kft.
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Demeter Zoltán
Head of Agribusiness Development Department
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Detre Miklós
Vice President
Hungarian State Treasury
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Dobai Tibor
kereskedelmi igazgató
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Éder Tamás
Federation of Hungarian Food Industries
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Fári Miklós Gábor
tanszékvezető, egyetemi tanár
Debreceni Egyetem MÉK
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Feldman Zsolt
State Secretary
Ministry of Agriculture
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Fórián Zoltán
leading agricultural expert
Agricultural Competence Centre, Erste Bank Zrt.
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Friedrich László
university professor, institute director
Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences
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Gábriel Géza
Deputy Head of Department
Ministry of Agriculture
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Giczi Gergely
Deputy General Manager
Agricultural Marketing Centre
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Görög Róbert
Managing Director
Hungarian Crop Protection Association
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Győrffy Balázs
Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture
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Gyuricza Csaba
Nemzeti Agrárkutatási és Innovációs Központ
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Hadászi László
Director General Innovation
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Harcz Zoltán
Milk Interbranch Organization and Dairy Board
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Harsányi Zsolt
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Hazafi László
agriculture journalist
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Herczegh András
Managing Director
Agrár-Vállalkozási Hitelgarancia Alapítvány
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Holán Balázs
Innovation Project Manager
Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture
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Hollósi Dávid
President , Board Member
Magyar Bankszövetség agrár munkabizottság
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Hollósy Tibor
Deputy Chief Procurement Officer
Kometa 99
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Hőgyész Anna
Sustainability manager
Nestlé Hungária
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Illés Zoltán
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Jakab István
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Juhász Csaba
Founder and CEO
Capstone Invest Kft.
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Juhász Anikó
Deputy State Secretary
Ministry of Agriculture
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Keczer Máté
Deputy Managing Director
ABZ Drone Kft.
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Kerezsi Miklós
ABO Holding Rt.
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Koszty Viktor
Regional Representative Hungary
Agreena ApS
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Kovács Herman
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Kökény Attila

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Kövesdi Ádám
Öntözési Iroda Vezető
Magtár Kft.
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Kövesdi József
Managing Director
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Kranjec Ferenc
Business Development Manager
Cargill Takarmány Zrt.
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Krisán László
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Kulik Zoltán
Vitafort Zrt.
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Lakner Domonkos
Export Director
Pécsi Brewery
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Laurinyecz Anita
UniCredit Bank Hungary Zrt.
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Ledó Ferenc
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Dr. Losó József
Élelmiszer-feldolgozók Országos Szövetsége
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Makai Szabolcs
Talentis Agro Zrt.
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Mallinerits Péter
Industrial Sales
OMV Hungária Kft.
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Maróti Miklós
Managing Director
AgroVIR Kft.
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Mesterházi Péter Ákos
Team Leader
Axiál Kft.
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Mezei Dávid
Head of Unit
MBH Bank
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Mezőszentgyörgyi Dávid
Managing Director
Juh és Kecske Ágazati Szakmaközi Szervezet
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Milics Gábor
associate professor
Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences
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Mormer Miklós
Project Director
Solar Markt
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Nagy István
Agriculture Minister
Ministry of Agriculture
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Nagy Tibor
Bonafarm Csoport
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Nagy Ádám
Nádudvari Élelmiszer Kft.
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Németh Lajos
Meteorologist, Professional consultant
Karintia Kft.
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Nobilis Márton
State Secretary
Agricultural Ministry
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Papp Gergely
Deputy Director General
Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture
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Papp Zsolt György
Deputy State Secretary
Ministry of Agriculture
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Párkányi Gábor
Mertcontrol Hungary Kft.
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Pásztor Tamás
primary producer, farmer
Vetőmag és Szárító Kft. (Tímár)
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Pásztor Szabolcs
Head of the Office of the Chief Veterinary Officer
Ministry of Agriculture
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Pecze László
Managing Director
Topigs Norsvin Central Europe
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Giacomo Pedranzini
Executive Director
Kometa 99
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Percze Rajmond
Managing Director
Agroloop Hungary Kft.
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Petőházi Tamás
Chamber Department Chair
President of the Grain Producer’s Association - Hungary
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Petri Bernadett
Executive Director
Hungarian Development Promotion Office (MFOI)
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Pinczés Marianna
Virgin Oil Press Kft.
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Polgár Gábor
Executive Director
Hungarian Seed Association and Product Council
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Dr. Rádi Feríz
Innovatív Mezőgazdasági Biotechnológiai Egyesület
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Reng Zoltán
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Rozsi József
ügyvezető igazgató
Agro-Sükösd Kft.
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Ruck János
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Sira Márk
Head of Horticulture Divison
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Smied Csaba
Alföld Agricultural Cooperative
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Soltész Gergő
Ostorosbor Pincészet Zrt.
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Suba Péter
Deputy Director
Nemzeti Agrárgazdasági Kamara
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Szabó Levente
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Szabó Balázs
Deputy CEO
CIB Bank
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Szabó Ákos
Executive Director
Tranzit Group
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Szabó Endre
Director of the CAP
Magyar Államkincstár
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Szabó István
Professor, Director of the Institute
Magyar Agrár- és Élettudományi Egyetem Műszaki Intézet
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Szabó Levente
director of projects / Business Solution Directorate
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Szakos Péter
F&B account manager
Siemens Zrt.
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Szalkai Gábor
Public Relations and Sustainability Manager
Bayer Hungaria
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Szanka Nikoletta
Commercial manager
Indigo Agriculture Hungary
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Szauer Balázs
Cloud for Intelligent Airplace Zrt.
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Szentpáli Szilárd
General Director
Bonafarm Agriculture
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Szép Marcell
Founder, CEO
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Szerdahelyi Róbert
Head of SME Business / SME Directorate
Erste Bank
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Takáts Zsolt
Raiffeisen Bank
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Tihanyi Gábor
Green Energy Solution Leader
E.ON Energiamegoldások Kft.
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Tóth Kata
Conference project leader
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Tóth József
Corporate Investment Director
Hiventures Zrt.
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Tóth Sándor
Deputy Chief Economic Officer
Nagisz Zrt.
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Tóth Emil
Sárrét Kft.
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Török Gyula
Managing Director
ABZ Drone Kft.
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Vajda Péter
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Vajda Beáta
Marketing Director, Crop Science business
Bayer Hungária Kft.
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Vancsura József
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Váradi Zoltán
Managing Director
Kuhn Mezőgazdasági Gép Kft.
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Varga Ákos
Chairman of the board
UBM Group
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Varga Péter Miklós
Permanent Expert
Cibus Hungaricus Foundation
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Várszegi Gábor
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Vaszkó Gábor
Managing Director
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Vida József
Opus Global Nyrt.
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Vörös Attila
Managing Director
Felelős Élelmiszergyártók Szövetsége
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Wagenhoffer Zsombor
Hungarian Animal Breeders Association
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Weinhardt Attila
Senior Analyst
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Zahorán Zalán
Deputy CEO
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Zászlós Tibor
Mezőfalvai Zrt.

Why you should come?

The Agricultural Conference of Portfolio Group in Siófok is already considered one of the largest and most prestigious events among domestic agricultural events. The two-day event aims to provide the best possible overview with a uniquely extensive and comprehensive range of agrarian economics topics, helping the sector players access high-quality information on issues directly affecting their farming.

The conference aims to provide participants with the most up-to-date information possible, as well as longer-term forecasts to help companies plan and make the business decisions that will most affect their businesses. The event will explore the programme’s themes through professional presentations and roundtable discussions with the most competent representatives and decision-makers from public administration, banking, business and professional interest groups. The conference can be a valuable source of information for the whole food economy – agricultural producers, food economy companies, companies providing services to farmers, and firms engaged in trade – and offers an opportunity for professional networking and business negotiations. After the first day’s professional programme, entertaining and relaxing evening programmes will follow.

Download the Portfolio Events mobile app where you can find Portfolio’s professional events in one app, personalised for you. You can access the event’s detailed programme, the list of participants, and your conference ticket, among other things. We even offer a virtual business card exchange. How? The QR code on the badge is your personalised online business card - scan each other's QR codes and you can keep in touch after the conference. Profession, experience, networking. Install with QR-code from desktop >>

Who we recommend

  • landowners,
  • Hungarian agricultural companies,
  • Hungarian branches of multinational agricultural companies,
  • agricultural organizations,
  • economic operators of the food industry,
  • representatives of banks and insurance companies,
  • sellers of machinery,
  • input producing companies and integrator companies.
  • agrárgazdasági szakigazgatási szervezetek, agrár-érdekképviseletek, szakmai szervezetek

Our Sponsors

Super Gold Sponsor

Main professional partner

Gold+ Sponsor

Gold Sponsor

Silver Sponsor

Silver/Expert Sponsor

Whiskey bar of the reception is sponsored by

Rum bar sponsor

Sponsor of the Smokey Monkies

Bronze Sponsor

Cultural Partner

Charity partner of the conference

In association with

Main Media Partner

Media Partner

Sponsor of the wine selection

Sponsor of the pálinka sortiment

Carbon Offsetting Partner

Accessibility Partner


Organisation, general questions

Zsanett Zsoldos
  • Zsanett Zsoldos
  • Phone: +36 20 522 7398


Sándor Takács
  • Sándor Takács
  • Commercial Director
  • Email:
Tünde Veégh
  • Tünde Veégh
  • Email:


László Hazafi
  • László Hazafi
  • Email:
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