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Portfolio Agrarium 2025

Ádám János

vezérigazgató, Bóly Zrt.

Andréka Tamás

State Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture

Apáti Ferenc

President, Associate Professor, FruitVeB, University of Debrecen

Arató Gábor

Executive Director, Manupackaging Hungary

Bakos István

Production Director, Bonafarm

Balázs Viktor

Vice President, Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture

Bán Zoltán

CEO, Net Média (Portfolio Group)

Bárány Tamás

CEO, Aqua Lorenzo Kft.

Bene Zoltán

Manager, Karintia Kft.

Boros Zoltán

Director, Large Corporate Clients in Agri and Food Industry, MBH Bank

Bottlik László

Head of Crop Production Division, Talentis Agro Zrt.

Cseh Tibor András

Secretary General, MAGOSZ

Demeter Zoltán

Head of Agribusiness Development Department, K&H

Derdák Gábor

President, Győr-Moson-Sopron County Young Farmers' Association, Magosz

Éder Tamás

President, Federation of Hungarian Food Industries

Farkas Sándor

Deputy Minister, Ministry of Agriculture

Fórián Zoltán

leading agricultural expert, Agricultural Competence Centre, Erste Bank Zrt.

Friedrich László

university professor, institute director, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences

Görög Róbert

Managing Director, Hungarian Crop Protection Association

Hazafi László

agriculture journalist, Portfolio/Agrárszektor

Héjja Csaba

Agricultural Analyst, MBH Bank

Herczegh András

Managing Director, Agrár-Vállalkozási Hitelgarancia Alapítvány

Hollósi Dávid

President , Board Member, Magyar Bankszövetség agrár munkabizottság

Huber Balázs

Head Of Department, Hungarian State Treasury

Jakab István

President, MAGOSZ

Juhász Anikó

Deputy State Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture

Kardos Péter

CEO, SSI Schäfer Systems International Kft.

Kulik Zoltán

CEO, Vitafort Zrt.

Lukács Domonkos

Category Marketing Manager, Herbicides, Corteva Agriscience

Makai Szabolcs

CEO, Talentis Agro Zrt.

Mesterházi Péter Ákos

Team Leader, Axiál Kft.

Milics Gábor

associate professor, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences

Molnár Krisztián

Agricultural Engineer, Poliext Kft.

Nagy Viktor

Professional Secretary, Magyar Gazdakörök és Gazdaszövetkezetek Szövetsége

Papp Gergely

Deputy Director General, Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture

Pásztor Szabolcs

Head of the Office of the Chief Veterinary Officer, Ministry of Agriculture

Pecze László

Managing Director, Topigs Norsvin Central Europe

Petőházi Tamás

Chamber Department Chair, President of the Grain Producer’s Association - Hungary

Polgár Gábor

Executive Director, Hungarian Seed Association and Product Council

Ruck János

CEO, Gallicoop

Sebestény Géza

Agriculture Specialist, Hungarikum Biztosítási Alkusz Zrt.

Sík Imre

Country Manager, RAGT Vetőmag Kft.

Szabó István

Executive Director, OTP Bank Corporate and Agricultural Directorate

Szabó Endre

Director of the CAP, Magyar Államkincstár

Szabó Levente

director of projects / Business Solution Directorate, 4iG

Szerdahelyi Róbert

Head of SME Business / SME Directorate, Erste Bank

Szigeti Szabolcs

Deputy State Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture

Szilágyi Péter

Head of Risk Underwriting, Coface

Szőke Szilvia

Sales Director, LC Packaging

Várszegi Gábor

Director, Nébih

Virág István

product manager for precision farming, Agrotec Magyarország Kft.

Wagenhoffer Zsombor

Director, Hungarian Animal Breeders Association

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Organisation, general questions

Kinga Molnár
  • Kinga Molnár
  • Event Organizer
  • Phone: +36 20 491 9087


Sándor Takács
  • Sándor Takács
  • Commercial Director
  • Email:
Tünde Veégh
  • Tünde Veégh
  • Email:


László Hazafi
  • László Hazafi
  • Email:
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