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Agrarium 2025

Small producers and young farmers, ATTENTION!


  • New Conditions for Submitting Agricultural Support Applications
  • 2025 Changes to the EU Common Agricultural Policy Framework
  • New Rural Development Grants: Application Submission, Evaluation, Monitoring, and Payment Criteria
  • Subsidised and Discounted Agricultural Loans, New Banking Loan Products
  • New Agricultural Requirements for Sustainable Farming
  • Profitability Prospects in Arable Crop Production
  • Purchase Prices and Market Opportunities in the Livestock Sectors
  • Outlook for the Feed Market and the Latest Trends in Animal Nutrition
  • Trends in Agricultural Input Markets – Seeds, Crop Protection Products, and Fertilisers: New Products and Technologies in 2025
  • Opportunities for the Application of Artificial Intelligence and Digitalisation Solutions in Agricultural Economics
  • Grant and Support Opportunities in the Agricultural Machinery Market, Trends in Machinery Purchases
  • Development Opportunities for Precision Farming in 2025
  • Changes in Land Utilisation and Purchase Regulations, New Requirements for Property Registration
  • Opportunities for the Hungarian Food Industry to Access Domestic and International Markets
  • Opportunities and Criteria for Sustainable Food Packaging
  • Community Agricultural Marketing Programmes for 2025
  • Strengthening Supplier Relations in Food Trade
  • New Regulations and Sanctions for Agribusiness Contracting in 2025

Our speakers among others

All speakers
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Andréka Tamás
Department head
Ministry of Agriculture
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Cseh Tibor András
Professional Secretary
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Demeter Zoltán
Head of Agribusiness Development Department
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Éder Tamás
Federation of Hungarian Food Industries
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Herczegh András
Managing Director
Agrár-Vállalkozási Hitelgarancia Alapítvány
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Juhász Anikó
Deputy State Secretary
Ministry of Agriculture
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Lantos Gergely

(To be confirmed)

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Nagy István
Agriculture Minister
Ministry of Agriculture

(To be confirmed)

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Pásztor Szabolcs
Head of the Office of the Chief Veterinary Officer
Ministry of Agriculture
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Szilágyi Péter
Head of Risk Underwriting
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Wagenhoffer Zsombor
Hungarian Animal Breeders Association

Why you should come?

The Agricultural Conference is one of the most important and influential agricultural professional events of the spring. The event aims to review all the significant changes in funding, regulation, financing, market conditions and profitability and the prospects that will play a decisive role in shaping the successful economic and business activities of agribusinesses throughout the year. The conference will present and analyse the new regulations and measures regarding the food economy that came into effect at the beginning of the year while also providing forecasts for the entire year on economic processes that will fundamentally influence the operations of market players. Thus, conference participants will have access to exclusive and detailed information on all current topics in one place, enabling them to make successful operational, market, and investment decisions. The event's over ten years of experience prove that the conference provides one of the best opportunities for participants to gain reliable insights into the professional issues that concern them. The conference will be attended by top leaders from the business, corporate, financial, public administration, and advocacy sectors, who will provide first-hand relevant information to sector participants. Thus, the event can provide valuable information, as well as opportunities for presentation and exposure, to agricultural producers of all sizes, food industry companies, businesses engaged in trade, and companies involved in the sector, such as integrators, input material distributors, machinery dealers, financial institutions, and insurers. It also offers a great opportunity for professional networking and relationship-building.

Here’s what the Agrárium 2024 conference looked like:

Download the Portfolio Events mobile app where you can find Portfolio’s professional events in one app, personalised for you. You can access the event’s detailed programme, the list of participants, and your conference ticket, among other things. We even offer a virtual business card exchange. How? The QR code on the badge is your personalised online business card - scan each other's QR codes and you can keep in touch after the conference. Profession, experience, networking. Install with QR-code from desktop >>

Who we recommend

  • licensed farmers, family farmers, entrepreneurs,
  • agricultural joint ventures,
  • food companies,
  • commercial and food retail businesses,
  • banks and insurers,
  • agricultural machinery distributors,
  • input production and distribution companies,
  • agricultural integrators,
  • agricultural professional organisations and interest groups
  • agricultural consultants,
  • and those who want to expand their network of connections and look for business networking possibilities

Our Sponsors

Super Gold Sponsor

Main professional partner

Gold Sponsor

Silver/Expert Sponsor

Official car rental partner

We would like to inform our attendees that our conference will not be held online. As a result, no recordings will be made, and it will not be possible to view the event afterward. We look forward to welcoming you in person at the venue!

4iG Nyrt., Ádám és Társa Kft., Agrár Kompetencia Központ Erste Bank Zrt., Agrár-Vállalkozási Hitelgarancia Alapítvány, Agrármarketing Centrum Kft., Agrárminisztérium, AGRION Top Kft., AGRO-SYSTEM Kft., Agrobusiness Club, Agroinform Média Kft., Agroker Holding Zrt., Agrolink Zrt., Agroloop Hungary Kft., Agrova Kft., Alföld2005-Start Kft., Alpha- Vet Állatgyógyászati Kft., Altherm Kft., Arec-Miskolc Kft., AXIÁL Kft., B&B Zrt., B2B Communications Kft., Bács-Kiskun Vármegyei Kormányhivatal Agrár- és Vidékfejlesztést Támogató Főosztály, Baromfi Termék Tanács, Bástya Kft., Bayer Hungária Kft., BDO Magyarország Digitális Szolgáltatások Kft., Bicsérdi Arany-Mező Zrt., Bonafarm Mezőgazdaság, Bonafarm Zrt., Bonafarm-Bábolna Takarmány Kft., Bosmark Kft., BROBEN Kft., BSV Agro Kft., CAD+Inform Kft., Cargill Takarmány Zrt., CIB Bank, Cibus Hungaricus Alapítvány, Coface Hungary Services Kft., ConsultAgro Kft., D&S Kft., Dairy Service Kft., Dán Királyság Nagykövetsége, DAV Mérnöki Kft., Debreceni Egyetem, DLA-Innovator Kft., Domaszaki Kft., Drone Agro Kft., DSM Nutritional Products Hungária Kft., East Grain Hungary Kft., Enyingi Agrár Zrt., Erste Bank Hungary Zrt., Euler Hermes Group SAS Magyarországi Fióktelepe (Allianz Trade), Euler Hermes SA Magyarországi Fióktelepe, Euroleasing Zrt., EXIM, Eximbank Zrt., Felelős Élelmiszergyártók Szövetsége, FirstFarms Hungary Kft., FruitVeB, Future Business Tender Kft., Future Consulting Kft., Gabonakutató Nonprofit Kft., Gabonatermesztők Országos Szövetsége, GALLICOOP ZRT., Genero Kft., GOSZ, Gödöllői Tangazdaság Zrt., Gömbi Agro Kft., Groupama Biztosító Zrt., GS1 Magyarország Nonprofit Zrt., Határőr Mezőgazdasági Zrt., Héka Kft., Herman Ottó Intézet, HOLD Alapkezelő Zrt., Holstein-Farm Kft., Horizont Média Kft., Hun Média Kft., Hunent Zrt., Hungarikum Biztosítási Alkusz Zrt., Hungerit Zrt., Hungrana Kft., HUNMédia Kft., IKR Agrár Kft., Innoterra Kft., Innovatív Mezőgazdasági Biotechnológiai Egyesület, Jászberényi Kossuth Zrt., JT PLUSZ Kft., Júlia Malom Kft., K&H Csoport, Karintia Kft., Kersia Hungária Kft., Kézér Farm Kft., Kimagro Kft., KITE Zrt., Kobakano Kft., Kontron Hungary Kft., KUHN Mezőgazdasági Gép Kft., Lab-Nyúl Kft., LC Packaging TPI Kft., Limagrain Hungária Kft., Luko-Jana Kft., MAGOSZ, Magyar Agrár- és Élettudományi Egyetem, Magyar Államkincstár, Magyar Fejlesztésösztönző Iroda, Magyar Juh- és Kecsketenyésztő Szövetség, Magyar Mezőgazdaság Kft., Magyar Növényvédelmi Szövetség, Magyar Pályázatkészítő Akadémia Kft., Magyar Távirati Iroda (MTI), Marton Genetics-Elitmag Kft., MATE Agrárcsoport Kft., MBH Bank, MBH Consulting Zrt., Mertcontrol Hungary Kft., Mezőképző Kft., NAGISZ Zrt., Nemzeti Agrárgazdasági Kamara, Nemzeti Élelmiszerlánc-biztonsági Hivatal, Net Média (Portfolio Csoport), NEVEX Institute, Nitrogénművek Zrt., NLC Tanácsadói Csoport Kft., Noragro Kft., Nufarm Hungária Kft., Nyírvidék Média Kft., OTP Agrár, OTP Bank Nyrt., ÖTLETHÍD Kft., Pannonia Bio Zrt., Pély-Tiszatáj Zrt, PETKUS - Közép-Európa Kft., Phylazonit Kft., Portfolio / agrárszektor.hu, Premium Kert Kft., Prohuman Zrt., R-Flo Kft., RAGT Vetőmag Kft., Rebit Software Kft., REKONTIR BPM Kft., RWA Magyarország Kft., Schneider Kft., SGS Hungária kft., Sinte Trade Kft., SOKOFE Agrármenedzser Kft., Somos Kft., Studium Group 2020 Kft., SVG Agrár Kft, Syngenta Kft., Szabadegyházi Agrár Zrt., SZEGÁNA Kft., Talentis Agro Csoport, Taskó és Társa Mezőgazdasági, Kereskedelmi és Szolgáltató Kft., Tenderauditor Kft., Tisza Cipő Group, Túri Kamra Tudásközpont Kft., Tűzállótechnika Kft., UBM Csoport, UBM Feed Zrt., Új Mezőgazdasági Magazin, ULT Magyarország Kft., VA-PO Projekt Kft., Vanessia Kft., Végh-Várkert Kft., Veszprémi Mezőgazdasági Zrt., Viresol Kft. - Kall Ingredients Kft., Vitafort Zrt., Viterra Hungary Kft., Zeenat Agricultural Resourses, Zeo-Ham Kft.


GALLERY | 63 pictures
Agrarium 2024


Organisation, general questions

Kinga Molnár
  • Kinga Molnár
  • Event Organizer
  • Phone: +36 20 491 9087


Sándor Takács
  • Sándor Takács
  • Commercial Director
  • Email:
Tünde Veégh
  • Tünde Veégh
  • Email:


László Hazafi
  • László Hazafi
  • Email:
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