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Agricultural Conference 2016

Date: 23rd February 2016  

Location: ABACUS Business & Wellness Hotel****


  • Russian embargo: drastic effects on the Hungarian food industry
  • Greening: huge changes to come
  • Technological explosion in the agricultural sector
  • Irrigation: advantaged benefits in the new Rural Development Program
  • Livestock breeding: how to apply for the new funds?
  • Gardening: the new angles of development have arrived
  • Agricultural agreements, dispute resolution, business ethics – for integrators and the Chamber
  • Soy production: a new breakout point for Hungary or limited possibilities?
  • Agriculture funding in practice
  • Complex technologies and competitive crop production
  • Where now, grain market?

Our speakers among others

All speakers
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Bán Zoltán
Net Média (Portfolio Group)
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Bene Zoltán
Karintia Kft.
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Blum Zoltán
Managing Director
Saaten-Union Hungária Kft.
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Csorbai Attila
Baromfi Termék Tanács
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. Deleted speaker
Managing Director
Agrárin Kft.
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Fári Miklós Gábor
tanszékvezető, egyetemi tanár
Debreceni Egyetem MÉK
speaker image
Farkas Róbert
eNET Internetkutató és Tanácsadó Kft./ Agrodat projekt
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Feczák Tamás
Managing Director
Hódkertész Kft.
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Feldman Zsolt
State Secretary
Ministry of Agriculture
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Fórián Zoltán
leading agricultural expert
Agricultural Competence Centre, Erste Bank Zrt.
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Gubacsi Zoltán
Zöldség Főbizottság Elnök
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Győrffy Balázs
Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture
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Gyuricza Csaba
Nemzeti Agrárkutatási és Innovációs Központ
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Hamarics Imre
General Director
Rekontir TM Kft.
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Hazafi László
agriculture journalist
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Herczegh András
Managing Director
Agrár-Vállalkozási Hitelgarancia Alapítvány
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Keleti Marcell
élelmiszeripari igazgató
Nemzeti Agrárgazdasági Kamara
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Krisán László
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Laczkó Zsuzsanna
Architect, Project Coordinator
Burken Kft.
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Dr. Losó József
Élelmiszer-feldolgozók Országos Szövetsége
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Madari Örs
Deputy Head of Department
Prime Minister's Office
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Mártonffy Béla
Országos Kertészeti osztályvezető
Nemzeti Agrárgazdasági Kamara
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Mezei Dávid
Head of Unit
MBH Bank
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Morvai Zsolt
MBH Bank
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Németh Antal
Vágóállat és Hús Szakmaközi Szervezet és Terméktanács
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Oláh Zsanett
NÖF, the National Heritage Protection and Development Non-profit Ltd.
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dr. Páczay György
Agricultural expert
European Parliament
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Reng Zoltán
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Sándorfy András
Marton Genetics-Elitmag Kft.
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Dr. Sebestyén Róbert
Magyar Fejlesztési Bank Zrt.
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Takács Zoltán
FHB Bank
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Takáts Zsolt
Raiffeisen Bank
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Urbán Zoltán

Why you should come?

2016 will be an eventful year for the Hungarian agricultural sector. The past year was rich in unexpected changes, and this year brings possibilities and challenges never seen before. What promises does the new Rural Development Program hold? How do we prosper a market full of tenders? How can we apply successfully for the new Union funds? What solution can be found for the drastic effects of the Russian embargo? What effects will the technological explosion have on the agricultural sector? Can the new branch be set in motion by the new credit programs? How will the food industry, gardening and livestock breeding sectors utilize the new state- and Union granted billions?

Download the Portfolio Events mobile app where you can find Portfolio’s professional events in one app, personalised for you. You can access the event’s detailed programme, the list of participants, and your conference ticket, among other things. We even offer a virtual business card exchange. How? The QR code on the badge is your personalised online business card - scan each other's QR codes and you can keep in touch after the conference. Profession, experience, networking. Install with QR-code from desktop >>

Who we recommend

  • landowners,
  • Hungarian agricultural companies,
  • Hungarian branches of multinational agricultural companies,
  • agricultural organizations,
  • economic operators of the food industry,
  • representatives of banks and insurance companies,
  • sellers of machinery,
  • input producing companies and
  • integrator companies.

Our Sponsors




Section Sponsor

In association with

This year starts with a multitude of unresolved questions, professional issues and challenges to be answered. The aim of our conference is to provide practical guidance and up-to-date information on the continuously changing market and regulatory environment for companies operating in the agricultural and food industry sectors. We will approach the major topics relating to the sector from a practical aspect in order to create an effective platform for public and informal discussion of the issues concerning the Hungarian agricultural sector, professional debate and the sharing of thoughts.



DATE: 23rd February, 2016

PLACE: Herceghalom, ABACUS Business & Wellness Hotel****

COST: HUF 39.000 + VAT / person

Fee includes: conference documentation, full lunch and coffee breaks.
The conference is bilingual with English-Hungarian simultaneous interpretation.


  •     10% discount is available for 2 registrations
  •     20% on 3 or more registrations

Discounts cannot be combined!

Our conference is expected not only to provide an opportunity to expand the participants’ knowledge base, but also to create an excellent forum for high-level networking and the forging of new professional relations. Our goal is more than just to organise another cut an dry event; we strive to make this conference a regular, interactive and international forum that keeps its finger on the pulse of the market.


Portfolio Conferences are organized by NET Media Inc, member of Central European Media and Publishing Group. Our events cover 7 different industries and attract more than 8000 participants annually and highly renowned for their great opportunities of networking and building business relationships, merely not just giving new professional knowledge. Our aim is not to have a one time occasion event, but creating a yearly international interactive forum about the changes of the market. Find out more on www.portfolio.hu/en or conference@portfolio.hu (e-mail).


GALLERY | 24 pictures
Agrárium 2016


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