The focus of this year's event will be on major trends and happenings in the energy industry that sometimes complement, while at other times contradict, each other but have turned the industry upside down, and have disproved theories taken for granted for the past several decades. As usual, the key processes, their expected outcomes and any related questions will be explained and answered by professionals with substantial industry experience.
Attendees registering for the event can gain an insight into how the energy transition could reshape the Hungarian energy industry over the next couple of years. As for so-called disruptive technologies, we will talk about the issues of digital transition; about the innovative new players entering the market, from fintech companies to car makers; about the industry's ongoing decentralization process and its expected outcome; about how to meet changing customer expectations; and about how the domestic and regional regulatory environment is changing, about investment and financing opportunities in Hungary and the CEE region, and about the increasing significance of smart solutions.
Agora Energiewende, Best Energy Trade Kft., Budapesti Erőmű Zrt., Central European University, Deloitte Zrt., E.On Észak-dunántúli Áramhálózati ZRt., E.ON Hungária Zrt., E2 Hungary Zrt., Electron Holding Zrt., ELMŰ Nyrt., Energia Forrás Ügynökség Kft., EnHome, Észak-Budai Zrt., Európai Beruházási Bank, FGSZ Zrt., First Solar Kft., GDF SUEZ Energia Holding Hungary Zrt., Greenland Kft., GTJ, ING Bank N.V., Innovációs és Technológiai Minisztérium, KAF Zrt., Magyar Energetikai és Közmű-szabályozási Hivatal, Magyar Földgázkereskedő Zrt., Magyar Földgáztároló Zrt., Magyar Nemzeti Bank, MANAP Iparági Egyesület, Manitu Solar Kft., MAVIR ZRt., MET Power, MFB Zrt., Microsoft Magyarország, Miniszterelnökség, MOL Nyrt., MTA KRTK Világgazdasági Intézet, MVM OVIT Zrt., MVM Paksi Atomerőmű Zrt., MVM Partner Zrt., NFM, NKM Nemzeti Közművek Zrt., PannErgy Nyrt., ProLife Events Kft., Regionális Energiagazdasági Kutatóközpont (REKK), Roland Berger Kft., S&T Consulting Hungary Kft., Siemens Zrt., SiMentat Kft., Standardsolar Kft., Upwards Motion, Veolia Energia Magyarország Zrt., White Paper Consulting Kft...